Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 542 Partnership

Chapter 542 Partnership
"Oh! Really? Mo Qinghan, I hope what you say comes from the heart.

Xiaochen, I'm sorry, my babies should wake up, I'm going to see them.

Come and play with me when you have time, the door of my house is always open for you. "

Han Sitong hooked the corners of his lips mockingly, and left gracefully.

Mo Qinghan touched his nose a little uncomfortably, it seems that his sister-in-law doesn't have a good impression of him.

"Mo Qinghan, you deserve it!
Your sister-in-law provoked you, and you speak in such a weird way.

As for your elder brother, I can see it too. He doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with your family, right?

Instead, I looked at these people in your family and wanted to cling to your brother. "

Although Han Xiaochen thinks that Mo Qinghan is a bit interesting.

But she didn't think about it, and flattered Mo Qinghan, so what she said was so straightforward and impolite.

"Han Xiaochen, do you have to hit my self-esteem so bluntly?
Just my brother!
So the origin is not good, it is the kind of concubine.

But they are indeed capable, so they took about [-] million from the family back then, right?
Then it can be regarded as being expelled from the family.

But who would have thought that people would use such a [-] million yuan to create trillions of assets!
Not to mention that although my elder brother said that he didn't have a famous teacher to guide him, he was quite powerful in terms of force. "

Mo Qinghan sighed, there was one thing he couldn't say, so let me clarify it.

That was his father's illegitimate son, who was lucky enough to marry a good wife.

Just that Han Sitong created so much wealth for his elder brother?

It's really casual to pick up a juicy-looking little girl to warm the bed.

Originally thought that this little girl was a lowly girl who was not even as good as Cinderella.

But who ever thought that she turned out to be the little queen in trouble.

She should be regarded as a queen, after all, she can earn a lot of wealth for herself by virtue of her own ability.

But just before he grew up, he was taken in by his half-brother!
"Not to mention that your brother is really inspirational, although I hate him for being such a scheming profiteer.

Why do you have to put on such a funny and refined look in front of me. "

Han Xiaochen twitched his lips and said that this CEO Mo Da is really a famous person.

But of course Mo Qinghan is also very powerful.

But these two people are not united enough, so that these two people can be united.

I'm afraid this Mo family can become a behemoth on this interface.

But it seems that what is the final development direction of their family?No one can tell.

Anyway, now it's like a warlord who separates all parties in society

Each has its own way of governing, each has its own armed forces, and then, they all want to bite each other hard or even swallow it.

This is really...

Sometimes I really can't see through the thinking of these men!
After participating in the banquet for a while, Han Xiaochen felt very boring.

And Mo Qinghan seemed to be able to walk away very late today.

Han Xiaochen also said hello and left first.

It's just that, in the end of the world, the person who can take away people's faces, identities, and even their supernatural powers in an instant.

It really gave Han Xiaochen a headache.

But honestly that's the kind of thing.

Han Xiaochen didn't know how to protect himself, nor did he know what to do.

So Han Xiaochen walked to the mall involuntarily while walking.

Ok?For women, how can this relieve their worries, then the only way is to go shopping.

Han Xiaochen is naturally no exception.

It is said that this woman's wardrobe will always lack a piece of clothing.

And even Han Xiaochen, who possesses such a heaven-defying fetish as space, is no exception.

Not to mention living in a tense tomb every day.

Han Xiaochen cherishes the peaceful and quiet life here even more.

Han Xiaochen is very fast no matter what he buys.

As long as you like it, the clothes are suitable or pleasing to the eye.

Then pay directly, of course like food.

No matter how expensive the price is, as long as you are interested, all of them will be scanned.

That's it, Han Xiaochen suddenly had an idea of ​​wanting to do business.

And this is not enough to just open a small flower shop.

If I open such a super big shopping mall.

There is milk for everything in this mall, and then a big supermarket will be opened in the mall.

This seems like a very good idea, but I have to find a partner.

But Han Xiaochen didn't know why, she just felt that she couldn't reveal all her hole cards to Mo Qinghan

Han Xiaochen never dared to underestimate anyone in this world.

Sometimes you pretend to be smart and treat the other person as a fool, but in fact, it is because of your smart behavior.

Instead, I made myself a real fool.
"Han Xiaochen, what are you doing?

I just put the baby to sleep, and they told me you left? "

Han Sitong didn't see Han Xiaochen when he came out.

He immediately dialed the phone in Han Xiaochen's hand.

"Han Sitong, have you ever thought about starting your own business?
I was shopping in a mall right now, and suddenly I had an idea to open such a large mall. "

Han Xiaochen did not hide his thoughts at all.

"Do you want to open a shopping mall? This kind of business should still be possible, right?
But Han Xiaochen actually owns a business, so it shouldn't be considered as my own property.

As for me, I have a hotel under my name, and that shop that sells gambling stones and all kinds of jewelry.

But nowadays, this business is not very easy to do, so it is barely maintained. "

Han Sitong pursed his lips, and now he doesn't know what happened in the past two years, this business is really difficult to do.

Sometimes I think if I don't have a golden finger.

I'm afraid that if you do business, you will be compensated and there will be nothing left, right?
"So you still have a jewelry store?
I have a lot of jewelry here!
Hurry up and let me give you this song to sell it.

But I can't explain the origin of this thing to you, it has to be kept secret. "

Han Xiaochen drew the corners of his lips, talking to Han Sitong was much easier than talking to her husband.

"It's okay, it's okay, I also believe that you can't do anything criminal.

When you bring it, I will give you a good price.

But if you want to open a shopping mall, you can actually open it. I heard that a shopping mall will be auctioned in a few days! "

"Is Han Sitong interested? Let's open a shopping mall together!

After the two of us have started a partnership, I still have channels.

It can help sell a large number of daily necessities. "

"Is that so? Yes!
But it doesn’t cost much to open a shopping mall!

Come to my house when you are free, let's have a good chat and see how it works.

Perhaps opening a shopping mall is the best way to make money now! "

Han Sitong smiled indifferently, he got as many hidden treasures as Grandma Fu.

Really don't have much concept of money.

What's more, I have a clairvoyant eye, and I am serious about money.

I don't feel much anymore,

"Then why don't you discuss this matter with your husband!

After all, it is not a small matter to open a shopping mall to do business! "

Han Xiaochen never thought that Han Sitong would agree so readily.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't need it, you don't need to tell my husband about this little thing."

(End of this chapter)

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