Chapter 556
There are marriages and divorces, especially some women can't stand that there are many women around a man.

And of course, if a woman asks for a divorce, especially if she can't bear it, there are other women around this man.

But that man either got rid of all the women around him, and then confessed to the woman.

And if the woman's heart softens, she will continue to live this life if she doesn't leave, but if a woman makes up her mind, a man will not force it.

That's why I hated Mo Shen very much at that time, always chasing and beating my wife.

Obviously my wife has already expressed that she has left him and does not accept his way of life.

Even fell in love with me and got together with me. "

At this moment, Zhao Ye felt that the timing was just right, so he naturally knew that he had to explain his matter with his wife.

Han Xiaochen was a little complicated when he heard this, so it was.

No wonder those men didn't think there was anything wrong with their cheating, but thought it was normal.

It turned out that this was as simple as eating and drinking for them.

Han Xiaochen suddenly had such a sentence in his heart.

The truly rich and powerful men before the end of the world will not be bound by these so-called moral constraints at all
And the so-called morality or rules are just customized for the poor and weak.

Otherwise, people of the yellow race are still in some areas, and a man can marry many wives.

It's still the legal one, but the country where he and Han Yinuo live requires monogamy.

Regardless of men and women, they all think so in their hearts, and naturally they can't stand the way these so-called men from aristocratic families behave like that.

Of course, even if it is accepted on the surface, it is just for the money of those men.

Otherwise, which woman could truly and willingly share her husband with many other women!
This thing feels disgusting and can't eat for a long time, okay?
"Ye Junzhi, what are your plans for the future!

Yu Momo also has her true love now, I think you should also consider your personal issues.

Wouldn't it be nice to find a girl who really loves you, and you also like, to be with you?
I have always felt that the more dangerous this human being is, the more we should walk together hand in hand.

Are you right? "Li Na suddenly changed the topic, but directly pointed the finger at
"Ma'am, what you said makes sense.

But not everyone is as lucky as you to marry the love in your mind.

Even your husband is the leader of our base, Mo Shen, and he also loves you, and even said that he doesn't want other women because of you. "

Ye Junzhi was a little helpless, these women, no matter how high or low their status is, no matter what their abilities are.

But I can't change this boring problem of loving gossip and worrying about other people's life-long affairs.

"Ye Junzhi, this relationship needs to be cultivated!
By the way, do you think our little girl Li Wenna is not bad?
This person is pure, kind and enthusiastic.Those with special abilities are even more difficult to come by, and it is very powerful to have a special ability of the water system.

But our Li Wenna also has a purification ability, which is really beneficial to us humans.

And our base has her, so we have this unique advantage.

But Li Wenna is too caring and soft, and she doesn't like to socialize with people, and she doesn't know how to talk.

I'm worried that he will be cheated by some man one day, so we all have to feel sorry for him to death.

Do you have any good introductions?

If you don’t have one, how about I introduce one?
In fact, after your condition is cured here, your appearance is not too ugly, and your abilities are not too bad.

If the two of you are together, we can rest assured. "

Li Na was waiting for Ye Junzhi to talk here!

"Look, Li Wenna, Ye Junzhi is actually pretty good, isn't he?
Why don't you two try it?

Hey, don't blush! "

When Xiao Ye became interested, he also booed.

"Xiao Ye, what are you talking about?
Oh, by the way, Ye Junzhi, don't stop talking when we talk!
If you don't speak up, I will take it as your acquiescence, and by acquiescence, you want to have sex with Li Wenna. "

Han Xiaochen also booed.

Ye Junzhi...

What about Temo himself, it seems like they want to put him in a suit.

But this woman Li Wenna is not annoying.

It's still pleasing, but the person is too simple and his temper is too face-to-face.

But, it's okay, I will teach her well, I just don't know...

"Li Wenna, look at how our Ye Junzhi is doing now? Can you express your opinion?

Anyway, I think that although Ye Junzhi has been unlucky recently, he is not as handsome as before, nor is he as good as before.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing to even lose his own ability team.

But in fact, Ye Junzhi didn't lose all the hardware, whether it was the brain or the body.

With Ye Junzhi as a brat, is it too late for him to upgrade his supernatural power level in the future?
In our last days, strength is the most important thing. Although Ye Junzhi said that he can't do it now, but we are covering him.

But in fact, it is much stronger than those ordinary supernatural beings outside the base without us.

What's more, this man is powerful, which requires brains and means.

It's not that you need those things that can be seen and touched. "

Although Han Qinuo knew what was going on, he also started to boo.

You can't let this group of stinky men feel that if you are good at any skill, you have to give them a hug.

For a woman who is too easy to get, this man will not cherish it.

In fact, Li Wenna's face is flushed red, she obviously likes Ye Junzhi a lot
But just now, Ye Junzhi regained his pretty appearance, and his performance was a little higher.

It looks so handsome and extraordinary, with super ability.

Is it really possible for such a man of dragon and phoenix to fall in love with him?
"Li Wenna, look, why don't we both try?
I know I'm very unlucky right now, and I can't give you anything.

But now, I will work hard in Zhao Ye, the mercenary group.

At least it is no problem to raise you, and although my ability level is not high enough, I have a lot of experience!

So my ability will rise soon. "

Ye Junzhi is so smart, she naturally knows that a man needs to express his opinion on such things first.

"Hmm..." Li Wenna's face was flushed, and she thanked her in a small voice.

Is it bad for me to be like this?Obviously he liked Ye Jun in advance.

And these friends on the table like it just for themselves.

Is it a bit of a white lotus like this, but now I really feel very shy, okay?
And there is such an outstanding and dazzling Ye Junzhi, would she really like herself?

I have to say that Li Wenna thought a little too much.

Ye Junzhi was just looking at the pressure these women put on him.

He felt that he didn't hate seeing Li Wenna, and he still had a little time to spare.

I just thought about giving it a try with my friends everywhere. It really doesn't make sense to like her, but it can only be said that she doesn't hate Li Wenna.

And the extra points of the water and purification abilities on Li Wenna also made Ye Junzhi a little satisfied.

Otherwise, even if Ye Junzhi is broken now.

I wouldn't want a female ability user with a low level of ability and no ability to be together.

(End of this chapter)

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