Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 558 Immediately break through the foundation building period

Chapter 558 Immediately break through the foundation building period
Han Xiaochen saw the excavator quickly digging the soil.

Han Xiaochen never thought that Mo Yan, who has always been aloof and pampered, would actually do the work of this skilled worker.

However, Mo Yan was very efficient in his work, and a very wide and deep pit was soon formed here.

And the water in this base is also desperately flowing here.

Han Xiaochen never thought about the excavators he collected.

This ability can be so strong, but the pair is piled up there, what is the use of so much soil?
Many of them even rushed into the deep pit, but fortunately, the deep pit is deep enough, and the soil has been digging here.

How could Han Xiaochen know that the excavator had been tampered with by Mo Yan.

It is even said that Mo Yan got another earth-digging device in this deep pit.

However, while the digging device is digging the soil, it directly stores the soil in a storage device inside the device.

These soils are also very valuable, and can also be exchanged for many useful super high-tech products.

Of course, Han Xiaochen didn't know about these things.

But even so, there is not much soil piled up outside.

Han Xiaochen could even think of what the soil could be used for.

It is also good to strengthen the city wall, even after the rain stops, fix it around the deep pit, get some cement, and make some wide flats.

It would be best to add the tall iron fence around the pit.

To save those children from falling into this deep pit when they run around.

Mo Yan's high-profile action naturally attracted many supernatural beings who came to watch in raincoats.

But those people were quiet and did not disturb Mo Yan's work here.

It's also strange, as this excavator seems to be able to dig infinitely.

This deep pit is getting deeper and deeper, and it seems that the stagnant water of the entire base is left in this deep pit.

Of course, there are some places that are particularly low-wow, and they may not have stayed, but they are very few.

And then this strange thing happened again.

For some reason, the sun suddenly rose in the sky, and the rain stopped immediately.

Han Xiaochen's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand and threw a lot of cement here.

He also directly dialed his calling device.

"Li Na, I think you should know where we are.

In this way, if you arrange some people, just use my cement to do some small projects, right?
I remember that there are still some steel pipes in my space! "

Li Na slept over there and just came here.

Just about to go on patrol, I received a call from Han Xiaochen.

"Okay, I'll find someone to arrange it right away?
But if I'm not around for this kind of thing, you can just ask Xiao Ye.

Have you prepared some cement and steel pipes?
Then I'll come over right away, I have some here, but you are good enough, even this excavator has been collected.

But this time it won’t be necessary.”

After saying this, Li Na hung up the phone.

Li Na's space will naturally have things like cement.

That's because Li Na knows that it's time to use these extremely recently.

However, most of the people Li Na hired this time were ordinary people who had worked as masons.

As for the remuneration given, it was not high enough, but it was guaranteed that they would be able to eat enough for the day.

Just like that, these people just yelled casually and went crazy.

There were even hundreds of people who came here!

And of course, for this kind of work that is beneficial to everyone, they will naturally not hide their secrets.

Han Xiaochen looked at these people working in full swing, and his thoughts were really complicated.

Especially nowadays, Mo Yan, the excavator, is still digging down this place.
"Li Na's work doesn't look like it was stolen."

"Is that natural? Just this time a flood like this happened.

How much effort did the base spend to keep them alive?

But in fact, that's the case, many ordinary people died, and now they don't hide their secrets as long as the base asks them to do any work.

Because they now have a deep understanding that the base occasionally gives them some work, just to pity them and let them have enough food.

And to put it bluntly, if this kind of fire element is for the power mutant and speed mutant.

That speed is many times faster than theirs! "

Li Na is very satisfied with these people's willingness to work hard.

Even get some vats directly from the space, and then fill the vats with water.

Some big buckets were released, and a lot of white flour steamed buns were put in the big buckets.

There are also a lot of items like chopped pickles and bacon.

And none of these workers came to snatch them.

They are all waiting for the supervisor to distribute them one by one during their rest.

While talking, Mo Yan also finished his work.

But honestly, he put Han Xiaochen's excavator into his storage ring.

Han Xiaochen...

Forget it, it's because I blackmailed you so much money before the end of the world.

This girl won't bother with you anymore.

Li Na blinked: "Mo Yan, thank you so much this time.

As long as you use excavators and abilities to dig the soil, only you can think of it, and only you can do it!
I will thank you for our imperial capital base. "Li Na's words are really sincere.

After all, it is said that the rental base here can get the most benefits.

That's me and my husband, and my husband also occupies the position of the base leader of this base.

There are also some benefits for the common people in the base to make their lives better.

"Why are you being polite? I also live here, okay?
And your husband also promised to give me [-]% of the shares in the imperial base! "

Mo Yan smiled lightly, even though he used a lot of things that outsiders could not see with naked eyes.

But now he is also exhausted mentally, and he is exhausted.

"Then I have to thank you, without your dedication to save me and Xiao Ye, I would have died of sorrow."

Mo Shen is now cultivating to a new level soon, and he is practicing in seclusion.

I'm afraid I won't be able to come to the end of the world for the time being, and no one can even say when Mo Shenbu can break through this!
But when Li Na thought of herself, her husband will soon be at the foundation building stage, and in her heart, she was still very beautiful.

It's really rare for those who entered the Tao with martial arts to enter the foundation building stage!
Of course, that's all, but it's the result of Li Na eating a lot of space spirit plants with aura.

In addition, there are so many energy-rich crystal nuclei and various high-energy mutant animals and plants in the last days.

"Li Na, you and Deputy Chief Xiao don't need to be so modest.

As far as you two are concerned, don't I know?
Although you don't come out of the mountain often, but which shot can save everyone from danger.

Not to mention that this Xiao Ye's ability is even more superb.

Sometimes I wonder how the three of you are so united, without any misunderstanding at any time. "

Mo Yan stared at Li Na with great interest.

"Ha ha……

this!Mo Yan, do you know what it means to change people's hearts?
In fact, this is a very simple matter, but the smarter you are, the harder it is to do it.

And it is precisely because of this that the three of us are together, and we can cooperate for a long time without any filth. "

(End of this chapter)

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