Chapter 560
"Mo Yan, no matter what, Han Xiaochen is not officially with Yehan now.

Even Han Xiaochen might not be able to get together with Ye Han.

So you still have a chance, but shall I give you some advice?

Before the end of the world, you rich and powerful men.

Most of this should also include that you don't feel that being faithful to a woman is important, or even care at all.

But now, in the last days, some men or women no longer abide by the laws before the last days.

It is true that some women have several men around them, and they are all quite capable.

Of course, capable men have more women around them.

Now men and women will not be despised or anything for making that choice.

Everything is respected by the strong..."

Seeing that those people were almost done with their work, Li Na stood up and patted Mo Yan's shoulder lightly.

Of course, the most important thing is the wife of the leader of the imperial base.

Seriously, there is no need to always show these people.

Mo Yan's face was even darker then, as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Li Na, what do you mean by that?"

Mo Yan's voice sounded like gnashing of teeth.

"Mo Yan, what I mean is that it's normal for Han Xiaochen to choose which man to be with.

There are even many men who pursue a woman, and some women, just like raising a harem, will keep two men at the same time.

Of course, I'm not saying that Han Xiaochen will do that, or that he won't do that.

I just remind you!Don't think that the woman you want will stay put forever waiting for you to come back. "

Leaving those words behind, Li Na went back with an umbrella

However, Mo Yan sat here for a long time, and didn't go back until dark.


Ever since Li Wenna and Ye Junzhi were really together.

Feel happy every day, don't want it.

Li Wenna was originally that kind of extremely conservative woman, but in the end of the world, she is not so conservative.

And Li Wenna also thought of this, after Ye Junzhi made several requests.

Li Wenna gritted her teeth and finally got together with Ye Junzhi.

And of course, the two of them moved to the slightly larger guest room that Han Yinuo had prepared for them.

After all, Ye Junzhi is no longer the captain of that team of powerful supernatural beings, is he?
And now he is just the captain of one of the squads of this night mercenary group.

But even so, the two have been living a sweet life.

Of course, in addition to the fact that the water outside has not completely receded, there are basically no missions.

"Li Wenna, let alone, your parents and family are indeed..."

After Ye Junzhi went out to patrol around, she came back and looked at Li Wenna, who was purifying the water source, and said,
"What's wrong? Jun Zhi? Did you meet those people?"

Li Wenna's mood is much calmer now than before, and even when someone mentions her parents and family, there are no more disturbances.

"Yeah, they got the news that the two of us were together.

Then they asked me for a bride price! "

Ye Junzhi's expression now is quite helpless.

But even though his ability level has dropped to this level.

It would be no problem if Li Wenna's parents asked for the bride price.

It's just that he doesn't know who leaked the matter between himself and Li Wenna.

That family can still find themselves so accurately, which is a bit amazing.

"You didn't give it to them, did you? Don't believe their nonsense?

Let me tell you, don't give them even a crystal nucleus!

I know more about the virtues of my own parents than you.

As long as you open the mouth this time, there will definitely be a steady stream of harassing you in the future.

My parents are pretty nice to outsiders, but they specifically trick me as a girl. "

Li Wenna is a little nervous now
Ye Junzhi shook her head: "No, although I still don't lack those crystal nuclei.

But I also know what happened to you before, how could you give them the crystal nucleus so easily!

And judging by the tone of your parents' speech, it's not like marrying a daughter.

Instead, I want to buy you out directly, as if.

And you are an independent individual, how can you buy and sell! "

"That's good, that's good, Ye Junzhi, I'm not afraid to tell you.

My parents have cheated several families because of my life-long events.

That is to let me go on a blind date with someone, and then directly agree for me.

And then I didn't have the chance to get along with that boy alone, we were watched closely by them.

Then my parents arranged for us to get engaged or something.

In the end, they detained me at home and did not allow me to go out.

Then when the boy's family couldn't take it anymore and couldn't afford to wait, they proposed to break up or find someone else.

And my parents earned the dowry money.

And I was too stupid and cowardly back then, obviously very uncomfortable.

But if you don't resist them thoroughly, you will be harmed by them and others again and again. "

Li Wenna felt very sad when she thought of the past, but she was also burning with raging anger in her chest.

If he hadn't caught up with the end of the world, he wouldn't have recognized the true face of his parents.

It was utterly hideous and chilling!

Of course, if it wasn't for the end of the world, if I didn't have supernatural powers, I would already be an old girl with a very old face.

It's just that they can transfer money, which is the money-making tool that their parents kept at home and gave them.

Thinking about this kind of thing now is really sad!
"Honey, you shouldn't have told me this kind of thing."

Ye Junzhi's eyes are a bit complicated, his woman is so pure.

Such a complete belief in myself really makes me feel a little bit.

"I know, I should actually hide this kind of scandal.

But am I worried that you will be fooled by my parents?

In the eyes of my parents, as long as I live, I owe them forever.

So, it's useless to give them this one-time amount.

And they are in their prime now, I don't care about them, at least not now.

You won't understand how desperate I was because I was hurt.

Because the payment is not as much as before, they actually want to take me apart and sell it to that research institute.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to escape, I might have been researched and sliced ​​by now.

As far as my kind of thing is concerned, I am afraid that those who write novels dare not write.

But this is such a heart-wrenching reality. "

Li Wenna smiled wryly, if Ye Junzhi thought her family was a bottomless abyss,
If you abandon yourself for this reason, you have no complaints.

Although I attach great importance to chastity, I am not that pedantic.

After being with a man, that man would commit suicide if he didn't want him.

As for the relationship between men and women, if they agree, they will come, and if they don't, they will separate. It's okay.

"Don't worry, Wen Na, your parents can't do anything to me, and they can't threaten me.

You man and I have always been thick-skinned, and I have never been allergic to the moral kidnapping of your countrymen.

And as long as you can stand your ground, but to be honest, I have a lot of ways to deal with others.

But it happens to be your family, and I will be tied up when I do things. "

Ye Junzhi smiled helplessly, Li Wenna was only a few years younger than herself.

But in fact, it is really simple, and this is also due to the family, who locked Li Wenna at home for a long time.

These experiences of Li Wenna really make people feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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