Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 562 Han Xiaochen who was targeted by the devil

Chapter 562 Han Xiaochen who was targeted by the devil

"Impossible, impossible? Didn't you absorb a lot of luck, or even essence, from the two I captured before?"

Fake Ye Junzhi felt that she had been tricked.

In the past, I was just a little ugly and had no supernatural powers. In fact, I was still able to live.

In fact, my family background is not bad, otherwise I would not be able to.

It is impossible to have such a precious object, and then be able to activate the phantom
But this fake Ye Junzhi didn't know, why did he choose the magic shadow?

In fact, the ghost chose him because he felt that he was easy to control.

"Now you're going to be Ye Junzhi properly, right?

Now that Ye Junzhi's real luck has come up again, it means that it is almost impossible for him to die.

You are lucky too!

If Ye Junzhi will die, you will die immediately. "

Having said that, Moying doesn't know why, and feels that these supernatural beings in the imperial capital are a bit evil.

This kind of unexpected thing always happens
Fake Ye Junzhi just sat down on the ground in frustration.

What else do you not understand?
This shows what?Does this mean that he fell into the pit hard?

This shows that sooner or later, I will be like those people who were killed by me.

Those who die miserably, don't dislike yourself, don't be like this.

"Master, is there really no way? If there is a way, I am willing to do anything for you.

I actually like Ye Junzhi's body very much, as long as you can keep me alive.

Let me live so beautifully forever, I am willing to do anything for you. "

"What can you do for me? Heh! But your soul is quite delicious.

This seat can give you another chance, then you can sell your soul to this seat. "

The phantom finally revealed its true face, and even showed its sharpest teeth.

"No, no, I don't sacrifice the soul. If the soul is gone, then everything will be gone, and I will never exist forever.

I can't be reincarnated, even if I don't have my own memory when reincarnated, it means I exist. "

Although the fake Ye Junzhi is extremely stupid and vicious.

But by this time he was no longer stupid.

It should also be said that as long as this person is not at the end of a dead end.

That is, Wan would not sacrifice his soul.

Ha ha……

Fake Ye Junzhi smiled so miserably, but laughed wildly for a long time without any tears.

Yes, this gift from heaven has already marked the price for you according to geography.

Fake Ye Junzhi now also realizes that because of her own greed, she has fallen into a situation beyond redemption.

But even if this is the case, what can he do if he finally understands, he has absolutely no way out.

"Ha ha……

Do you think this seat likes a dirty, stupid, and extremely poisonous soul like yours?
A soul as safe as you is here in this seat is the most low-level and most useless.

Ha ha……"

Moyingxin said that he would have been seriously injured if he hadn't been seriously injured.

Will you play this little trick?

Yehan, his deadly enemy, has long since become the zombie king, and even his realm has surpassed that of the ghost king.

But now, he can only linger on and recover like this.

How can this be done?
"In this way, if you bring that woman named Han Xiaochen here for me.

Perhaps this seat will consider giving you another chance.

This seat will not give you a chance to be a new person, this seat will give you enviable abilities, and then give you an extraordinary appearance.

What do you think of even arranging a rich and handsome Ruyi Langjun for you? "

Moying suddenly remembered the news he had learned recently.

That guy Yehan actually became interested in a little human baby girl.

Then he wanted to capture the little girl and find a way to swallow her soul.

Just thinking about what kind of expression Yehan would have made him feel at ease.

Yes, yes, wasn't the fake Ye Junzhi a woman before?

A family is good, she looks ugly, she has no superpowers and is bullied every day, she is a very bullied woman.

But this one has won Bai Fumei's face and Qiyun Zaijia's body.

Just started killing innocent people, not just one.

It's true that if you don't die, you won't die!

"Han Xiaochen?

That woman Han Xiaochen doesn't like to come out at all?

And the breath of that woman Han Xiaochen, as long as I get a little closer, I will feel dizzy. "

Fake Ye Junzhi frowned, this is a job that I can't finish, okay?
"This seat is not bargaining with you, this is an order for you.

It is also your only chance to survive. Whether you can grasp it or not depends on yourself? "

A black shadow drifted past, and the phantom disappeared immediately.


Han Xiaochen, who was practicing, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

What exactly is going on?

Obviously the weather is still hot.

Obviously, the temperature here is the most suitable temperature for the body. How much is 23 degrees?
Han Xiaochen immediately felt that something was wrong, but she knew that once she felt this way, disaster was imminent.

But how can I save myself?
Didn't it mean that it was impossible for that thing to win his own appearance and luck plus his abilities?

"Yehan? Yehan, are you there?"

Han Xiaochen thought that he would no longer practice here, so he directly contacted Yehan.

After all, Yehan has existed for thousands of years.

It's better than a small shrimp like myself that has only existed for more than 20 years and has a richer attitude.

It took half an hour for Yehan to recover for Han Xiaochen.

He has just been in an important stage of cultivation, so he has naturally blocked all senses.

"Han Xiaochen, what's wrong with you little girl?
It's rare for you to take the initiative to contact me! "The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched.

"Yehan, I don't know what's wrong, but suddenly I feel chilly?"

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense.

"Then are you sick? Have a high fever?

Is it normal for you humans to eat these whole grains and get sick?

Even if you are an ability user, and the ability level is relatively high.

But you are also a human body of flesh and blood? "

Yehan smiled softly. Although he was a zombie, his facial expressions were more abundant than those of humans.

Really if she doesn't show her true identity by herself.

Almost no one will discover his identity.

Especially now that he has put away the evil spirit on his body, as well as the thick Yin energy.

They can be retracted freely, if this is really what he wants to cheat, he can only be cheated to death by him with tears in his eyes.

"Yehan, no, I'm not injured or sick.

I know my own body very well. In the past, when I felt chills, there was absolutely a dangerous situation that I couldn't control. "

Han Xiaochen stamped his feet anxiously.

what happened?what happened?Yehan's tone of voice is not as cold as before.

This seems to be like the group of disciples who are teasing themselves!

"Ye Han, listen to me, as for me, I used to rely on this feeling to avoid life and death several times.

Of course, the time when I felt the strongest, even though I was still alive, was locked in his space by that dead zombie of Taco

He even absorbed his spiritual power and vitality for a long time.

Seriously, if it wasn't for friends like me at the base desperately trying to save me.

Maybe, I'm killed by that taco right now, and maybe I'm out of my wits. "

(End of this chapter)

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