Chapter 574
"Han Sitong, I can feel that your husband must be very kind to you.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have such thoughts, but I can only be a villain here.

Han Sitong, you have to remember that knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart, it is difficult to paint the skin of a tiger, especially this man who changes his mind when he says he changes his mind.

Turning faces is faster than flipping books, and that man is the easiest to love the new and dislike the old.

I'm not saying that your husband will be anything, just telling you to be more careful in everything. "

Han Xiaochen sighed faintly, he and Han Sitong back then.The same simplicity, the same kindness.

Same thing, 100% wholeheartedly.Treat the men around you as everything to yourself.

He even said that if there is any danger, he is willing to exchange his life for that man's life.

But what happened afterwards?

Ha ha…

This is a man!

Doesn't this person say it? Out of 10 men, 9 are scumbags, and one is too scumbag.

Really, there is nothing good about this man.

"Hey! Han Xiaochen, maybe there is some truth in what you said, and I also understand that you mean it well.

There are indeed many women who think that they are special, that their husbands will not betray them and will always treat them well.

Of course, most women have been tortured by the real married life to collapse.

Actually, I know all of these? "

When Han Sitong said these things again, his small eyes looked at Han Xiaochen meaningfully.

"Han Xiaochen, I suddenly feel that Mo Qinghan is so pitiful?

Finally, he met a girl who he could fall in love with, and who also had feelings for him.

But who would have thought that this girl is afraid of marriage, and has a deep fear of men in her heart.

But it seems that Mo Qinghan is actually an unmarriageist, so it's appropriate for the two of you to be together. "

Han Sitong, this is a reminder of Han Xiaochen.

And it seems that there are a lot of points in this question, but Han Sitong still has no regrets, so he said all these things.

Han Xiaochen, there is only so much I can help you with, and what choice you will make in the future really depends on yourself.

"Thank you Han Sitong, but Mo Qinghan is a celibate.

But you also have to think about it. Do you think I, Han Xiaochen, are the kind of people who are willing to walk into the fence?
I think you can't be too nice to this man. It's absolutely reasonable to say that this man can't be fed too much, and a man can't be too nice to him. "

Han Xiaochen faintly raised the corners of his lips, this man is a lowly bastard.

Basically, the more nice this woman is to them, the less they care, and even feel bored.

But if there is someone who dismisses them, they will feel a little better in their hearts.

He chased people like a pug, and he really answered that sentence.

This is the girl who is so desirable to men that they will toss and turn forever?
Just Mo Yan to that Jia.Isn't that the kind of psychology?
What you can't get is the best, and you will never forget it.

But that kind of method to deal with men doesn't mean that you can learn it if you can learn it.

That kind of possibility is like a supernatural ability, you have to see if you have the life that can be stimulated, and if you have that artificial talent!

Han Sitong used an extreme method.Looking at Han Xiaochen with clear eyes

"Han Xiaochen, there are indeed many bad men in this world, and there was even a report a while ago that it was about a murder case involving women.

70% of the hands are moved by the husband, this life is indeed very dark

For women, the risk of marriage is really too great.

But there is one thing you have to admit, in fact, most women are very happy.

And there are actually very few men who are really insane and want to hurt their wives so badly.

Of course, if you are the kind of phoenix man with a purpose, you have to talk about it differently.

Although Mo Qinghan doesn't really match up with my husband, does he?
But looking at this person's character is not bad, the main reason is that his ability is strong enough.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mo Qinghan is in the family where my husband's bastards gather.

It is also rare to be regarded as the worst womanizer.

In a sense, Mo Qinghan is rare and clean in such a successful men's circle.

If you just play around, it’s okay, you shouldn’t worry about getting any disease.”

Han Sitong was able to say these dirty words that should not be put on the table in an extremely serious tone.

This is no one else.

Han Xiaochen was delighted with this puff.


Really just like this, almost sprayed the drink in his mouth on Han Sitong's face

Han Sitong actually dodged quickly.

"Han Xiaochen, what do you think you are doing?

Forget it, I can't provoke it, can't I hide it?I'm leaving here. "

Uh, yes, Han Sitong also got the good things he deserved.

Then naturally it's time to pat your ass and leave.

"Han Sitong, there is no such thing as you, and I didn't do it on purpose, and I wasn't recruited by you.

Don't go, stay with me for a while.

I feel that I have no one to accompany me, and I am going to be depressed. "

Han Xiaochen's aggrieved appearance is really funny.

"Okay then, since that's the case, I'll just stay with you for a while."

Han Sitong pursed his lips, and ordered some snacks for himself, eating whatever he wanted.

Seeing this, Han Xiaochen actually took some hawthorn-sized fruits from his bag out of his own space and gave them to Han Sitong to eat.

It is formed by the mutated plants of this water system, which looks like a hawthorn.

But this one has the taste of hawthorn, but it is sweeter, mainly because it has no pits.

Even ordinary people can eat it, and of course the price is not expensive.

With such a low-level crystal nucleus, can you basically exchange for 10 or so?
"Han Sitong, do you want to eat this? Let me tell you, this is a special product of my family. Most people have definitely never tasted it?"

For some reason, Han Xiaochen feels that although he is not as old as Han Sitong,

He even said that he was neither married nor had a baby, but instead felt that his mental age was much older than Han Sitong.

"Really? Then I'll try it!" Han Sitong picked it up with his hands and threw it into his mouth without thinking.

I was immediately overwhelmed by the hawthorn fruit in front of my eyes
Just this little fruit is simply too delicious for my wife.

After eating the whole body of vegetables, it's like making a spa for your intestines.

"Han Xiaochen, I really love you to death, but unfortunately, you don't like girls, otherwise, I have to marry you.

How about I try plastic surgery, do you want to think about it? "

Han Sitong.This person who doesn't care about his image even beats Han Xiaochen.

The group that took out contained more than a dozen fruits and swallowed them all.

Han Xiaochen...

"Han Sitong, there is no one like you, why don't you keep two for me?

I am a tolerant person, and I will not go outside to talk nonsense.

You want to meet those people with evil intentions, try it?

Your behavior of gobbling up just now will definitely be spread outside.

Then guess whether you are being bullied by your husband, or whether you can’t even eat enough at home.

Then guess, why do you have that kind of treatment?

It must be that the mother's family is not strong, but what about you?
They don't pay much attention to rules, and even don't know a little bit of etiquette. "

Haha, Han Xiaochen's heart is very high, he finally found a reason, he can give Han Sitong a good education.

(End of this chapter)

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