Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 578 Mind Reading

Chapter 578 Mind Reading

Xiao Ye quickly changed his words, "Han Xiaochen, in fact, you are right.

If this cultivation base is too high all of a sudden, if you don't lay a solid foundation, your realm will be unstable.

But I see that you are in good condition today, and you seem to be...

It seems that good luck has arrived again? "

"You don't mean this, do you?" Han Xiaochen curled his lips and smiled softly.

"This thing was given by a friend of mine before the end of the world.

I kept it in the space all the time, but today it was tossed out for some reason.

I didn't think this was so precious before, but suddenly after I put it on, it felt so comfortable when I came out of the space. "

"How about I say you are lucky?

This friend casually gave you a gadget, which actually has a life-saving effect on you.

You have this thing to protect this thing, don't be snatched away.

As far as those things you are afraid of, it is impossible to attack you, and they cannot count you.

Tsk tsk, Han Xiaochen, you have such a good amulet, why didn't you take it out before? "

Xiao Ye clicked his tongue twice, the words "auto transport" are really wonderful!
"I want to know that this thing has this kind of effect, of course it has been taken out a long time ago, but I didn't know it before, did I?

It was mistyped today, and I brought it out as an accessory, which showed his ability instead.

I even feel that if my ability level is not high enough now, I would definitely not be able to feel the effect of this thing if I took it out before. "

Han Xiaochen felt that if he went there again, he should thank Han Sitong
If Han Sitong performed well enough, it would be no big deal to give her a top-quality wood-type pure crystal nucleus.

For ordinary people of this kind of wood system, this body has a very good nourishing effect, let alone this top-quality one.

The kind that can stimulate people's spiritual roots.

Of course, this water system, in fact, I can also get a top-quality one for Han Sitong.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Han Sitong seems to have some inexplicable magnetic field for this water system and wood system.

Anyway, now I can't figure it out.

Xiao Ye nodded with a difficult look on his face, and then collected all that Han Xiaochen made.

He said to Han Xiaochen very earnestly.

"Han Xiaochen, if you are lucky enough to meet a friend who gave you such a thing.

Slow down the karma that others gave you, right?Just the one they gave you may save many lives!

If there is a special ability, give her more resources. If there is no special ability, can you help her develop a special ability or something?
It's hard for you to repay this kindness to you! "

"Well, Xiao Ye, you have said so, it seems that the price is really precious!

Then do as you said, but my friend's husband is very powerful.

Even in the last days, her little life is going very well.

I just don't know if my friend is willing to endure the pain to activate the power. "

Now when Han Xiaochen thinks about Han Sitong's tough and unreasonable husband, he feels a toothache.

"Why don't you agree? It's really impossible to let her awaken the most peaceful and awakening abilities of water and wood.

You can tell your friend that after this woman has supernatural powers, this person will not grow old easily and can increase his lifespan.

In a certain sense, his youthful appearance can last at least 20 years longer than that of ordinary women.

This month, women with good family conditions pay more attention to appearance. "

Xiao Ye seemed to see through something, but he didn't pierce the window paper.

"Yeah, Xiao Ye, I understand what you mean, but ah, you are too understanding, right?
Why am I worrying about anything, can you explain it to me?

Sometimes I feel like you, you are no longer like a human being, but like a vixen who can see through people's hearts!
Tell me honestly, have you awakened some kind of mind-reading ability! "

Han Xiaochen nodded his head with staring eyes.

But I don't know that in a sense, it is the unconscious truth.

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes moved, and he smiled so charmingly.

"Han Xiaochen, you are really smart, am I just a vixen who has practiced for tens of thousands of years?

how?Are you afraid of it?

You must know that this vixen likes to eat children. "

Xiao Ye said this in a timely manner, and even licked his lips with his tongue seductively.

"Cut, you're welcome, Xiao Ye, I heard that the water outside has receded a lot, or if it's okay, let's go out and hunt for wild food!"

Han Xiaochen groaned in his heart, since when did Xiao Ye know how to joke like this.

"Also, don't put gold on your face all the time, and cultivate a vixen for thousands of years.

Do you know what other vixens look like?That is so beautiful.

It is said that the spells on his body can also call the wind and rain, not too powerful.

So your ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny!
Everyone wants to be a vixen, but not everyone has that ability?

Even me, did I have the ability to be bullied so badly? "

Xiao Ye...

Hehe... This is the first time I heard that someone wants to become a fairy.

Do they know how difficult it is for this goblin to cultivate a human form, not only must he cultivate for at least a thousand years, but he also has to go through nine thunder calamities before he can cultivate a human form.

And if this human being wants to cultivate, he is originally standing at the peak of a stage that you have worked so hard to reach, okay?

"Xiao Ye, I'm hungry again, would you like to eat some, anyway, I made a lot of delicious food in the space."

Han Xiaochen hadn't chatted with Xiao Ye for a few words and was hungry.

Of course the main reason is.As for the nutrient solution, although it can be regarded as an invention by myself.

But to be honest, this is not the point of being starved to death, Han Xiaochen.I won't eat that stuff.

"It's fine to eat with you, but you can get me a few, and I will put it in the space, and eat it slowly after the work is over."

Ah!Xiao Ye.Is this guy very honest and blunt?

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen glared at Xiao Ye fiercely.

I have never seen such a rude and shameless person.

This is still aggrieved and took out several cooked sausages made from the meat of this mutant beast.

Also brought out several dishes.

"Han Xiaochen, thank you very much, but, I can't give you this for nothing, can I?

Looking forward to your next time to make a more delicious meal. "Xiao Ye. He waved his hand after collecting the food.

Immediately, there was a small vibration on the ground of the small villa.

Han Xiaochen.Looking at the behemoth in front of him, what the hell.

As for the wood-type mutated sheep in front of me, even though it's dead, it almost hits the roof of my house if it's lying on its stomach, okay?
Just this thing must weigh several thousand catties, right?

"Hurry up and put it away, it still smells bloody, don't cause unnecessary trouble."

After Xiao Ye calmly put down these words, he immediately teleported out.

"Fuck, do you want to hit people like this?" Han Xiaochen.With a wail, he quickly returned his hand and brought the same thing here into the space.

Originally planned to go out, but after thinking about it, she also got into the space
This wood-type mutant sheep is level 20, so it needs to be processed into delicious food.

This is of great benefit to cultivation, and the taste can make people miss it for 1 years!
(End of this chapter)

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