Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 591: Suddenly Like a Dream 2

Chapter 591

It took a while for the little girl to recover, dressed herself in a panic, and crawled home.

And many people around looked at her with strange eyes.

Some even greeted the little girl with genuine or fake intentions.

"Little love, what's the matter with you?"

"Auntie accidentally fell down a big somersault just now, I'm going home!"

The little girl didn't want anyone to know what scandal had happened to her.

But in fact, how could such a thing be hidden?

With her appearance, the discerning people in the village knew that something had happened.

The little girl stumbled back home, and her parents knew what was going on with their daughter at a glance.

He hurriedly fetched water and gave her a vigorous bath several times.

Then, and then the family opened up again, and hurriedly found the little girl's husband's family.

But this time it was extremely difficult for the little girl to find her husband's family.

Not to mention those men with good conditions who stepped through his door.

Even those from ordinary families refused to agree.

And the little girl didn't dare to go out again. As soon as this kind of thing happened, rumors spread around her.

The little girl desperately tried to contact the man, but for some reason, the man seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again.

Not long after, maybe a week or two.

The little girl vomited continuously, and the family sent her to the hospital to check that she was pregnant.

Only then did Han Xiaochen feel something was wrong, his head was numb, the little girl didn't look like her.

Did he torture his own mother who even fed him poison since he was a child?
It turned out that something like that really happened to my own mother, but I just didn't want to come into her stomach?

Also, is he really the kind of hooligan?
But it's not bad, that man is not a good thing.

Taking advantage of the woman for nothing, but not showing up at all when the woman had an accident, just evaporated from the world.

And Han Xiaochen saw that his own mother didn't want anyone before she married her current adoptive father.

My adoptive father is not good-looking, and there is only one particularly dilapidated house in the family.

Moreover, my adoptive father.I lost my father when I was very young.

And my grandma was obviously right.I have a bad attitude towards my own mother.

But after I was born, it shouldn't be after this little baby was born.

Her own mother almost strangled her to death, and then she was snatched away by this mother-in-law.

Han Xiaochen burst into tears when he saw this, he himself was born with original sin.

Is it just because of that reason?
But no matter how I play, the other half I keep in my learning or not, the father's genes are really not a good thing.

Suddenly Han Xiaochen felt a burst of red light enveloped himself, and his body was hot and cold for a while.

Suddenly, Han Xiaochen opened his eyes.

She found herself sleeping in an extremely luxurious room.

She was a little stunned at this moment, is she in reality or in an illusion?
"Heh, Han Xiaochen, you are really worthless, if I hadn't called you back, I'm afraid you will fall into this nightmare and never come out.

Do you know that you mortals can't stay in that kind of nightmare forever, even if you can come out after a long time, you will become stupid.

And even if you are a supernatural being, if you can't use your space and replenish energy to your body, how long do you think you can live? "

Ye Han's voice sounded like a smile but not a smile despite the coldness.

Han Xiaochen sat down abruptly and wiped away the cold tears from his eyes.

"Yehan, I don't think I'm Mengyan anymore, I feel like my soul has flown back, before I was born.

Do you know how miserable my birth was?

woo woo woo...

Is it my kind of person?Should it be strangled to death at birth, or should it be aborted before birth?

So if this is the case, why did you let me come to this world to suffer? "

Han Xiaochen finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

In fact, Han Xiaochen never forgot his own life experience, and really never forgot such a humiliation.

Everyone is pointing fingers at themselves.

And my mother hated me even more, thinking of my mother's growth, she shed tears silently.

Then when he saw himself, he would beat himself to death. Sometimes, he even wanted to take medicine to commit suicide.

But seeing his younger brother crying like that, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Han Xiaochen, how can you be blamed for this matter? No one can choose their origin.

If you feel that you are wrong, just say that you cast the wrong birth.

And reincarnation is out of your control, how can you control it? "

night cold smile

Han Xiaochen cried even louder when he smiled like that.


Ye Han, you are still laughing, why are you laughing?What's so funny about that?

Are you kidding me?
woo woo woo..."

Yehan quickly stopped laughing: "Han Xiaochen, well, don't cry, no matter whether you were born with original sin or not, didn't you give it back to that woman long ago?
That woman tortured you for more than ten years, and almost killed you.

And you, for the sake of this so-called morality, did not pursue the crimes she committed against her.

But even then that woman sold you for a lot of money, and you remember that you don't owe that woman anything, and you never owe her anything.

Not that I like to say that the victim is guilty or something.

Even that woman herself is not clean!
And as a woman, don't you know how to protect yourself?

Everyone in the villagers knew that it was dangerous to walk on the kind of small road where there were few people in the world at that point.

But the woman still knew that she would go from there. "

Yehan said contemptuously that he could see Han Xiaochen's dream clearly.

But it was because he could see clearly that he was so contemptuous.

This fly does not bite seamless eggs, although the woman was insulted by others was miserable.

But in fact, those villagers may not be pointing at him because of that one thing.

You, an unmarried little girl, are still in a rather closed era and place.

It's not a fun thing to openly start a room with a rich and powerful man.

If it was in my own dynasty, the kind of thing this woman did should be soaked in a pig cage alive.

"But but, if there is no such thing, my mother should live a good life. Even if she can't marry that man, she can marry someone with good conditions."

Han Xiaochen was still crying uncontrollably.

"Fate and fate, although the word fate is very ethereal, invisible and intangible
But it will affect many people, and the woman who gave birth to you will have such a fate.

In fact, this is not the case, because he is usually too indiscreet, and this damages the fainting that originally belonged to him, so he will end up like this.

This was forced by others, pointing fingers, talking crazy, and no good man was willing to marry her.

But in fact, she is so shameless that she has maintained that improper relationship with a man who doesn't know the details for a long time.

If the villagers know about this, they will still point and point, and there will still be gossip, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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