Chapter 613
"Mo Yan, this place is too evil, this is obviously the center of the imperial capital, but look at the current scene, it's not right.

We have entered the phantom formation! "

Mo Yan can make formations, but can't Ye Han?
Ye Han set up a giant array for them outside

Although it won't let them find Han Xiaochen at all, it will definitely make them suffer
"It's cold, it's so cold!" One of the members couldn't take it anymore, he was already seriously injured.

In addition, he is still young, only thirteen or fourteen years old. Although he has awakened the lightning power, his psychological quality is obviously not as good as these other experienced old members.

Just this little boy was in a ball like that snake, and his whole body was hard.

Zhao Ye sighed, walked over quickly, warmed up the healing energy in his body, and greeted the boy.

"Xiao Ming, Big Brother has always known that you are the best and the best.

It'll be fine this time! "

"Hmm..." This little boy named Xiao Ming's teeth were shaking from the cold.

Zhao Ye shook his head helplessly, and found a big quilt from the space to cover the boy.

After thinking about it, I threw out many cold and warm items in the space for everyone.

And these people didn't make a fuss, they got all these on themselves one by one in an orderly manner, wrapping them tightly.

Mo Yan frowned, yes, even though his tent was insulated, it was too cold inside because the temperature outside was too low.

But how could the temperature outside be so low?

Like the temperature in this tent today, the cold outside has intensified.

If my estimate is correct, it must be at least minus 80 degrees outside.

What does it feel like to be at minus 80 degrees? That is the rhythm that you have to rush to the depths of this person. If you are there, you can be frozen to death in an instant.

"Mo Yan, what do you think we should do?" Zhao Ye frowned.

"In this case, if we want to drive out, no matter whether we go back or what, then the car will be frozen in an instant.

Even if we have protection, it won't work, and if we want to go out at such a low temperature, we will definitely be frozen to death in an instant. "

"There is no good solution for the time being, but fortunately, we have enough supplies in our hands, and we can all live for a while.

And this tent is made of special materials, not afraid of water and fire.

Everyone, just stay here with peace of mind. "

Mo Yan sighed and brought some hot food.

It's still the kind that even the pot is brought out, so that everyone can enjoy it slowly.

"Mo Yan, thank you!
Wang Quan, please distribute it to everyone slowly so that everyone can eat more warm food.

Anyway, this can be willing, and the body can be consumed.

But that's it...

Forget it, it's only a matter of time, this way is more difficult than it is. "

Zhao Ye used this crystal nucleus to restore his cultivation while healing the members of the regiment.

After all, he, the leader of the mercenary group, has a responsibility and an obligation to let everyone within his ability.

The body recovered better, and the treatment outside was better.

"It's the leader." Wang Quan hurriedly nodded and retreated, and then distributed food to the reunion members one by one.

It's just that after a while, I couldn't appease the feeling of reunion at this time.

"Help, help!" The strange girl's cry for help appeared outside the tent.

"Leader, what's going on outside? Can you save him?"

A female with ice-type supernatural powers is the opening of the Holy Mother.

Zhao Ye looked back at her, his eyes were dim and unclear: "Bai Bing, how do you want me to save you?"

And it seemed that Titi's crying sound came from outside again.

"Big brothers and sisters in the tent, please save my life, I am also a supernatural power user or a healer.

I can heal your wounds, let me in? "

"Ha ha………"

Zhao Ye smiled meaningfully
"Help, help, I'm going to freeze to death, it's so cold outside!
Good-hearted people, kind people, please save me, after the medicine saves me, I am willing to give everything in me. "

The pitiful voice outside seemed to make the boys in the tent feel unbearable.

Bai Bing actually started to cry so softly, and cautiously came to Zhao Ye's side.

Tremblingly pulling Zhao Ye's sleeve
"The girl outside the leader is so pitiful, can you save her?
Girls with healing abilities are very beautiful, so you are the only one with healing abilities here, and you are tired of giving everyone IQ. "

Mo Yan looked deeply at Bai Bing
"Bai Bing, do you have a brain, do you know the temperature outside, it's minus 100 degrees.

Even if you are a supernatural person, as long as you dare to go out, you will be frozen into ice immediately.

How do you think the one outside could come calling for help?

Do you know that if we hadn't acted fast, everyone would have been frozen into popsicles and left here forever.

Didn't I tell you all about it just now?Is this an illusion?But the chill is definitely real. "

"Woooooo... Mr. Mo, who knows if what you said is true or not.

As far as we are cold here, it looks like minus 40 degrees, how can it be minus 100 degrees outside?

Are you alarmist? "

Mo Yan didn't speak, but Zhao Ye took a deep look at Bai Bing.

"Bai Bing, since you are so kind, why don't you go outside and bring that person in?
It's up to you to open the door, after all, you are a Bing Xin supernatural being, and your ability to resist the cold must be much stronger than ordinary supernatural powers from other departments. "

"Eh..." Bai Bing was stunned.

But Zhao Ye has never been the kind of person who cares about fragrances and jades.

Zhao Ye kicked Bai Bing to the door of the tent.

The son's tent automatically opened a small gap, and Bai Bing was pushed out.

And the white cake made a small scream, which was then drowned out by the howling wolves outside.

Some male team members couldn't bear it, and even some female supernatural beings looked at Zhao Ye with resentment
Zhao Ye shrugged his shoulders, his cold and sharp eyes swept towards all the team members in the tent

: "We are all at the moment of life and death, and even said that this tent is our last means of keeping secrets.

Do you think it's normal to see that outside?Even if someone is really pitiful, don’t you want everyone to sacrifice their lives to gamble on the 1/10000 possibility outside.

Is that the one calling for help outside, actually a human being who is not a threat to all of you? "

And as soon as the words fell, the members of the regiment also felt relieved.

"Yeah, yeah, just now I felt that something was wrong with Bai Bing. Could it be that Bai Bing is a high-level zombie who came undercover for us humans?"

Zhao Ye hooked the corners of her lips, that Bai Bing was either an undercover agent, or a green tea bitch who thought she was trying to buy people's hearts.

She even said that she wanted to be the leader and follow her before, but after she refused, she wanted to take her position as the leader.

This is really a very ambitious, very cunning, and quite good at putting on a show. It's a pity that I met myself.


Han Xiaochen frowned, she was a little confused, why did the team of Mo Yan and Zhao Ye, who seemed to be coming to pick her up soon, have no movement?

(End of this chapter)

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