Chapter 640
Zhou Ruoruo's facial expression immediately turned ferocious.

"Brother Zixuan, what are you waiting for? If you burn her, won't you still be able to get the power core?
Since Chai Ningsi doesn't care about us all, why do we always protect her so much. "

"If you're right, it's for my sake."

Let's just say, the thunderball in this man's hand whizzed past Chai Ningsi.

"Who is doing there?"

Well, his thunder ball was intercepted by someone, not only did it not blow up Chai Ningsi
Instead, he, the green tea whore beside him, and those white-eyed wolf team members were disgraced.

"Tie up these people and throw them into the base."

Mo Shen and their car arrived in an instant.

And this group of people found that they couldn't move at all, and then came over to this group of senior supernatural beings in military uniforms and tied them up tightly.

"Who are you?

Do you think we are afraid of you by wearing a military uniform?Are you from the base mercenary group?

If you killed the mercenary group, can you casually hurt those of us who are also bases? "

This Zixuan is still roaring
"How can the leader of the base allow you guys to mess around here?"

A burly man with a strong appearance came over and said viciously.

But he also walked to Chai Ningsi's side, and helped her up very gently.

"Woman, you're fine, you're safe.

Our leader invites you to take a car with her. Don't worry, the wave of people who harmed you will be punished as they should. "

With tears in her eyes, Chai Ningsi obediently followed the burly man into the off-road vehicle.

Why did I look so pleasing to the eyes of this fierce and burly man.

It turns out that you can't look at a person's appearance, or how he behaves on the outside.

"Thank you!" Besides thank you, Chai Ningsi didn't know what to say.

"Don't move around, I'll treat you, and your team members are really ruthless."

As soon as Chai Ningsi got into the car, the door was instantly slammed shut, and then she sped away.

And the Han Junnuo who was talking directly treated Chai Ningsi.

"Thank you for your answers, thank you leaders."

How could Chai Ningsi not know that apart from the leader of the base in this car, the rest of these people are definitely important.

And since I've been at the base for so long, I was the one who suffered the injuries before, and waited hard to heal.

Even though he had collected a lot of supplies before, it was all for those white-eyed wolves.

But never once was he willing to buy medicine, let alone find this healing person to heal himself.

How stupid, how could I be so stupid before?

"Don't move around, the injury on your body looks serious, but fortunately, it didn't hurt the lungs.

Let me treat you here. After you arrive at the base, you can take a good rest and get better soon. "

Han Xinuo said very gently
"Woman, you have a name, right? What's your name? Let me introduce you."

Zhao Ye's voice was also very gentle, it turned out to be another spatial ability user.

But there is no spatial fluctuation on this woman, so it seems that it should be...

No wonder this woman was abandoned or even killed by those teammates.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chai Ningsi, and I am 24 years old.

I am a space ability user, but I am a useless space ability user, except for my space, there is a 1000 square meter place where materials can be stored.

I haven't developed any extensions to space abilities. "

"It doesn't matter, you have enough space already, and 1000 square meters is still very big."

Li Na smiled gently at Chai Ningsi
"Then, Chai Ningsi, if you wish, you can join the mercenary group at this base.

The mercenary group at this base will provide you with an independent residence, and of course will ensure your safety when you go out on missions. "

"Yes! I am willing, I am willing, you don't think I am useless, I am naturally willing and will desperately collect supplies for you.

And I don't want much, I don't want crystal nuclei, and I don't want anything, as long as I can eat and drink enough.

Oh no, I'm half full, as long as I'm not too thirsty. "

Chai Ningsi felt that the surprise came too fast, so she didn't mind.

At the most desperate moment, he was rescued by the leader of the base, and what's more!
They are still willing to treat themselves, and they are willing to let themselves, a good-for-nothing, enter the base's mercenary group.

So does it mean that my future life will be stable?

I know that the mercenary group at the base is very good. At the beginning of the end of the world, I had the opportunity to join.

But it's because of those bitches.He also said that in order to protect them and provide them with supplies, he gave up such a good opportunity.

And now...

Forget it, it's good now, I have fully recognized the true colors of those people.

"Chai Ningsi, as long as you are willing, we will make good arrangements for you when the time comes.

However, Han Xinuo, Zhao Ye, you two will not be unhappy when we snatched this space power user to the mercenary group at the base, right? "

Li Na turned her head to look at Han Zhennuo who was treating Chai Ningsi.

"How can we disagree! My dear leader's wife, I feel that it is the best arrangement for Chai Ningsi to stay in the base."

Han Xinnuo raised the corners of his lips and smiled, Zhao Ye also shrugged, expressing that he didn't care
This joke is that he and Mo Shen are robbing people, isn't this courting death?
Besides, she is just a stupid woman with a space carrier.

I'm not so blind
"Chai Ningsi, I feel something is wrong with you, did you get sick a while ago?

There seems to be an energy surging through you. "

Han Xinuo frowned but continued to treat Chai Ningsi.

"Yeah, yeah, I've had a cold for a week and I'm always running hot.

But you also know that a waste like me who has no abilities other than pets, where can I buy those cold medicines?
So I have been struggling, but I didn't expect

I didn't expect to be tricked out by those people, and I felt that I was even more useless when I was sick, and they were going to dig me up and kill me. "

Chai Ningsi was also very depressed.

Han Zhennuo smiled lightly, he had better see through it and not tell it.

"Chai Ningsi, then I congratulate you, it feels like you are about to awaken the fire ability.

It's just that you usually eat too badly and your physical fitness is too poor, otherwise you should have awakened a few days ago! "

"Really, really, that means I will soon become a fire-type supernatural power user with such a strong attack power?"

Chai Ningsi burst into tears instantly. Now that she has become a real supernatural being, she will never be looked down upon by others, and will never live such a fearful life again.

"Yes, yes, but I feel that your situation is not good!
If I find you such a top-quality fire element crystal nucleus and bring it to you, your awakening will definitely be smoother. "

Han Zhennuo said after finishing the work slowly.

"This matter is easy to handle, and there is only this base with the most pure fire crystal nucleus.

When the time comes, bring one, Han Zhennuo will not bother the second master in everything, and you will help him wake up. "

Xiao Ye spoke at this time.

"Success, no problem!" Han Zhennuo nodded indifferently.

"Thank you for your great kindness! But I will definitely repay you for your great kindness to me."

(End of this chapter)

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