Chapter 651
"It feels like we human beings, the living space is getting smaller and smaller, and I don't know what those things are!

Even better than zombies!There are even more zombies, which means that the army of zombies is already enough to kill!

And add those mutated animals and plants, and now add this! "

When Han Xinuo said this, others also felt a little toothache.

Yu Momo's complexion was even worse at this time: "I thought so too?

But I don't know if my fire element can be useful?
At any rate, this thing of mine can burn, right?

It's just that the power of this supernatural person is too small. After all, this is positive, and this supernatural person is still in the minority!

And those things are just like the ants, they are endless, as many as you want!
For some reason, it is desperately attacking our human base. "

"What's the matter, isn't this normal?

This human base is very popular, and it has fresh flesh and blood! "Ye Junzhi smiled mockingly.

He already felt that the creature that took everything from him had completely disappeared.

It should have been completely wiped out by the demons outside.

But so what, even then she would not be able to return to this heyday, and even her appearance was still quite different from before.

Mo Shen's face darkened, "Is there anything to say about frustration now, at this moment, we human beings must unite more and more.

I still have some very advanced weapons in my hand, and I will share them with everyone in a while.

Do your best if you can, right?
This ability is always exhausted, but these weapons can bring a glimmer of life to people at critical moments.

But even now, although it is said that the space ring Mo Yan has not only been researched, but can also be sold externally.

But this value is too high, if everyone in this battle has a space ring, even if the space is small.

But if weapons and bullets are placed in this space, it will also give the combatants a chance to catch their breath. "

Li Wenna shook her head in disapproval: "Brother Mo Shen, your proposal is very good.

But I don't think it's very realistic, just like space rings, although I don't know how he made it.

But I also know that things like space rings must be made of a lot of extremely precious materials and have to be made at a huge price.

It's almost impossible to have one of them, right? "

Wenna Li Of course.She has no idea how the interspatial ring is made.

But as he said, even if you don’t understand, even if you read novels or TV dramas before, you are in the world of cultivating immortals.The storage bag can't be done yet, all the cultivators have one.

Not to mention that this is just an ordinary world, not in the cultivation world, and how could everyone have one of these storage devices?

He doesn't think that some people will use this to sell high prices, but it is basically difficult to get these.

After all, if anyone has a space before the end of the world, it will almost always be discovered by people against the sky, and it will definitely be a lifeless existence.

What does it mean to avoid the crime?This shows that things like space borrowing are really too precious.

Of course, after being discovered by others, it will definitely turn an honest and kind person into a desperado, desperately robbing you, and even killing you.

Mo Shen cast a displeased glance at Li Wenna
It's just the kind of vulgar girl who is a little bit adventurous. If he doesn't have supernatural powers, he is not even worthy of being a servant in his own family.

How dare you refute your own words now?
And this is just a proposal, I didn't say that I really let everyone have a space ring!

Ye Junzhi glanced at Mo Shen, the desire to protect was self-evident!

Ah!Mo Shen is still so arrogant.

No matter what, his own woman cannot be despised by him.

Li Na sighed, hey!Just these men.

There's nothing good about them meeting each other.

Bao Jingming couldn't help being amused seeing the turbulent appearance of these people.

As a head of the official mercenary group, he shouldn't be here, but.

Mo Shen gave him an order, asking him to stay by Mo Shen's wife every step of the way.

He can only agree, of course, the main reason is that after that injury, although he has barely recovered now, after all, his strength is much worse than before.

Mo Shen let him recharge his energy first, he knew it in his heart.

"Yeah, it's almost impossible to have this storage device for each person.
However, if we try our best to equip these supernatural beings with enough guns and ammunition, it should still be possible. "

Han Xiaochen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he came early and gave out what he was supposed to share, otherwise these few people would have been present.

I'm afraid that all this bullshit will have to be torn up. Of course, if it's private, he can give the benefits he gets to anyone he wants, and it has nothing to do with him, that's all.

But let's talk about this guy Mo Shen, although his strength is not bad, and his mind is relatively strong, but to be honest, this level concept is too strong.

Besides, Mo Shen, I seem to be born to look down on those with bad backgrounds.

And those people also include yourself?This concept of his is carried in his bones.

Think about Han Yinuo.It was really a good decision to leave him at the beginning, otherwise.

Han Yunuo.Even if the ability level is raised too high, he will never be able to hold his head up in front of this guy.

But how to put it, it depends on who, but anyway, Yu Momo.Even before the end of the world, they are considered ordinary people.

But compared to myself and Han Yinuo and Li Wenna, they are considered to be of much noble birth, and their education is high enough.

Of course Yu Mo Mo.However, the offensive fire ability can indeed be powerful in terms of power.

As for Li Wenna, although her powers are still precious, it is really the moment of life and death.

It really doesn't work, and it can be regarded as the wave that needs to be protected.

"Just now my husband sent me a text message, he is trying to find a way!

I really want to send a group of people to fight those demons outside.

But now I still can't figure out who to send, the most important thing is that there are too many things.

And just now they tried to attack that kind of thing with a weapon that is relatively weak in nuclear weapons and can still specialize in a certain point.

It seems to be able to play a little role, but that is the majority, as long as they are not smashed into slag, they will regenerate.

It can also be felt that those monsters seem to have regeneration functions.

And this ability is terrible, as long as it is not completely wiped out, then they can split their bodies again.

What's more, they have tentacles and tongues all over their bodies, once they entangle people.

Then the human body will rapidly necrosis.

Of course, the most important thing is that even if they are blasted into scum, and there are too many others, they will still step on the corpses of their companions

Climbing up, they desperately attacked the formation of our base as if they didn't know how tired they were, and they also climbed up desperately, trying to enter our base over and over again.

In fact, this kind of thing also appeared when the zombies besieged the city, but after all, after we completely kill the zombies, then there is no problem. "

When Li Na said these words, her heart was extremely complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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