Chapter 657

Han Xiaochen's elixir has been out of print for many years now, where did you get it? "

How many surprises does this girl Han Xiaochen want to give herself?
"This is what I got by chance.

I also used some of the small amount, otherwise my strength would not be so strong.

But I feel that these should be more important to you. Remember, this thing must not be missed, because this thing is out of print.

Of course, the more good things are out of print, the more you have to use them all for yourself! "

"Han Xiaochen...


Mo Qinghan knew that he shouldn't accept such a heavy gift from Han Xiaochen

"Mo Qinghan, what are you fussing about, since I took it out, I naturally want to give it to you sincerely.

And to be honest with you, I feel that this Peiyuan Pill is not very useful to me anymore. "

Han Xiaochen put the bottle of elixir heavily in Mo's hands again.

Mo Qinghan sighed softly, Han Xiaochen is trying to force himself up the mountain.

It seems that I have no choice but to startle those.The old monsters who don't come out for a long time.

Hopefully they'll give you some clues, right?

This Pei Yuan Pill, it seems that I only keep two at most.

"Han Xiaochen, don't worry, I will do my best to help you.

But the outcome depends on God's will. Don't worry, whether it's because of you or you can bring me such great benefits.

I will also do my best to help you find the bloodthirsty vine that you think can save your life. "

"Mo Qinghan, I believe you and I have feelings, I will definitely find this, and I will definitely be able to get through this difficulty."

Han Xiaochen clearly said sonorous and forceful words, but the tears fell down without disappointment.

In the last days, there appeared overwhelming monsters that were disgusting but extremely difficult to deal with.

How could she be as calm as she appeared in her heart!

Han Xiaochen was actually very scared in her heart, she was almost scared to death.

"Han Xiaochen, don't be afraid, let's tide over the difficulties together, my girlfriend is so cute and succulent, even if I try my best, I can't make her disappear?"

Mo Qinghan gently wiped away Han Xiaochen's involuntary tears.

"Mo Qinghan, why are you doing this? You clearly know that it is almost impossible for me and you to be truly together.

You are still so kind to me. "

"Han Xiaochen, why are you saying these words?

What we cultivators pay attention to is a relationship between origin and death, and it is not like a couple in the mortal world. "

Mo Qinghan smiled with complicated thoughts.

If Han Xiaochen, who was indifferent to him, didn't have such a big secret.

He, Mo Qinghan, has lived in vain for so many years.

"Han Xiaochen, aren't you very close to this woman Han Sitong?
Tell her about your troubles, the luck of this woman Han Sitong is against the sky.

And Han Sitong's husband, although I hate it.

But I have to say that Han Sitong's husband has a very wide network of contacts.

What you are looking for may not be able to grow anywhere.

I don't know if there is one, but there is one more person who is very strong in all aspects to help you find it.

This can also give you more hope in life, no!

Do you have enough crystals in your hand?If not enough, take some from here.

Han Sitong's husband is also a person who has no benefits and can't afford to be early, but this person has one advantage.

As long as he promises you something, he will do his best to do it for you.

In other words, what he can basically promise you is what he can do.

As promised, this can always be well reflected in him. "

"Okay, then I'll try this crystal, you just keep it.

I have some other things in my hand that they are very interested in. "

That is the water-type spirit stone. It must be known that Han Sitong awakened the water-type ability because of his own help.

"If that's the case, then I won't ask any more questions!"

Mo Qinghan's biggest advantage is that he never asks things that he shouldn't ask.

For example, how many families does someone have, for example, how many opportunities does someone have?
Of course, investigating secretly is a matter of investigating secretly. On the surface, he will show extremely high respect for people.


"Han Sitong, these are given to you. Let's see if you are surprised, surprised, happy?"

Han Xiaochen came directly to Han Sitong's residence, and blocked Han Sitong who was sleeping late into the bed
It will also make people feel psychologically comforted, that is, the twins born to Han Sitong are very good, and there are also special confinement sisters to take care of them

It's not like living in the same room with Han Sitong.

Han Sitong blinked, and raised his hands to shake the water blue ones.Beautiful emerald.

"Han Xiaochen, these emeralds are so beautiful, especially when I touch them, they feel very comfortable.

And these water blue crystals are also very beautiful and shiny.

It also makes me feel more comfortable.

Is this something similar to the green thing you gave me before? "

"Han Sitong, are you going to piss me off?

These are for your cultivation. Let me tell you, they are very precious.

Especially those things that you think are like emeralds are very precious. Let me tell you, these things are called Lingshi.

I got this basically by coincidence, you have to keep it well, he treats you very well.

And those crystals, not to mention, you have to cultivate all of them, and your strength will be particularly strong in the future. "Han Xiaochen suddenly had one head and two big ones.

This Han Sitong, who has been spoiled by a powerful man for a long time, is as innocent as a little girl

If you really don’t understand anything, what’s wrong with that?It doesn't seem like he cares too much.
However, Han Sitong burst into laughter: "Han Xiaochen, I know that these things are extremely precious, and even said that they are absolutely good things that cannot be bought at high prices.

I also know that you have always been good to me and cared about me, but this time you gave me such a precious good thing.

You will not be completely selfless, will you?

Come on, what do you want me to do, or what do you want my husband to do for you? "

Han Xiaochen is standing against Han Sitong, with a mischievous look in his half-smile

I suddenly felt that my face was a little hot

"Han Sitong, I'm in big trouble. I need this. If I don't have this, I will be wiped out."

Ah bah bah bah, no taboo, no taboo
Han Xiaochen didn't want to just curse himself with words like this
It is clear that the world in the last days is really captured by those monsters. If all human beings are extinct, they can hide in the space, or come to this interface to live.

But all my relatives and friends died.

What's the point of being alive?

As far as I am concerned, I am not much better than being wiped out.

Han Sitong stared wide-eyed at the picture Han Xiaochen held in front of her phone

"Han Xiaochen, tell me about the characteristics of this plant, it must not be as simple as it appears on the surface, right?

However, you should take these things back first. First, these things are too precious. Second, I think I may not be competent. "

Han Xiaochen refused to take this thing back no matter what

"Han Sitong, anyway, if I can't find that thing, I'm dead too.

Just take it as a thought I gave you! "

(End of this chapter)

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