Chapter 667
"I hate my husband, I am not!
People don't have this kind of thinking, don't you? "

Han Zhennuo pouted, his face turned red from the pain, and the heat could even burn Zhao Ye's chest.

"Hehe!" Zhao Ye smiled softly.

There is a hint of banter in this laughter

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, my wife, you don't have such an idea, it's all because I'm a pervert, okay!
When I saw this beautiful wife, I couldn't walk and thought...

I just want to ask you over and over again, but it's still not enough! "

"I hate it, you are not allowed to talk about it, you are not allowed to talk about it anymore!

Husband, Husband, but Mao, you have such good physical strength!

People don't say you guys...


"What are we men?

Wife, have you read those colorful novels again?

Didn't it mean that the end of the world has already been cleared up a lot?How can you still see it?

What do you think about your little brain all day long?

But I don't seem to be as good at writing in that aspect as the novels you read, right? "

Zhao Ye was in a very happy mood to tease his wife.

"No, no, I think you are the most powerful, and besides, I have been very good with you!"

Han Xinuo said shyly but honestly

"Baby, I knew you went out to work at a young age, and you often watched those unhealthy things, and no one cared.

Should I be glad that there are few men in the place where you work, and it is still a very closed environment.

Otherwise, you will learn to be bad, you know?
Fortunately, you met me not long after the end of the world, otherwise, you are so simple and don't understand anything, and you are so curious about everything.

This will be deceived, or tricked, and there will be no scum left. "

Mo Yan lovingly ran his hand along his wife's back.

His wife's cervical spine is not very good, Zhao Ye often gives his wife a good massage in his free time.

Han Yinuo didn't even think that in the end of the world, he would have such a good husband.

My cervical spondylosis was almost cured by my husband.

Even my husband has never forgotten that his cervical spine is not good enough. As long as he has time, he will make himself more comfortable and better here.

"How are you, baby?
Go to sleep and have a good rest!Tomorrow, there will be trouble again! "

"Husband, I feel so comfortable, but I'm not very sleepy yet, and I want to chat with you."

Han Xinuo pouted, and she was only in her husband's arms.

You can act coquettishly like a child.

It is said that he has never acted coquettishly with any elders since he became sensible.

Of course, that's because she didn't have such an opportunity, and her parents wouldn't give her that opportunity either.

And if she dared to act like a baby, in addition to being ridiculed, she would get beaten, scolded and insulted at a deeper level.

So when she was young, although she longed to be cared for, she really never got it.

This is also because of this, she has a husband who treats her very well, so she relies on him so much.

And this man was her own favorite, admiration, and liking. The first time she saw this man, she was attracted by the unique temperament of this man and was haunted by her dreams.

Sometimes Han Xinuo is very grateful to Mo Shen.Will be like that woman, otherwise, she really doesn't have the courage.

He left Mo Shen directly to confess his love to Zhao Ye.

So there were many times when Han Xinuo felt a little guilty towards Mo Shen, and felt that she was also a scumbag who abandoned her original boyfriend, fell in love with other men, and threw herself into the arms of other men.

"Okay, let's chat!" Zhao Ye has always had an excellent temper towards his wife.

"Husband, don't stop pinching me again. Once you pinch me, I feel so comfortable."

"Okay, I'll hold it for you!" Zhao Ye squeezed her with one hand and patted her with the other.

He also enjoys the sense of accomplishment of being fully dependent on his wife.

"Husband, do you like me? Do you love me?"

"Of course I like you, of course I love you, do you still need to ask such things?"

Zhao Ye smiled lightly.

"My wife, do you know? When I first saw you, I liked you very much, and I really wanted to snatch you away from Mo Shen.

Even at that time, I was still planning in my heart how to snatch you away from that man.

And then, don't let yours dislike me, and don't hurt you..."

Of course, at that time, Zhao Ye was mainly interested in Han Yinuo's huge space.

Of course, for him, Han Xinnuo is hard to say that he hates him, but he definitely can't say how much he likes him.

After all, with his status and status, what kind of woman he wants, and there are not many women who are alluring, all of them are kicked after being played by him.

Although Han Xinnuo's appearance is not bad at all, coupled with the blessing of skills and abilities, he looks very beautiful and pleasant.

But after all, because of insufficient knowledge, bad background, and no social experience.

In Zhao Ye's eyes, this is just a simple little local girl.

Of course, this is what you say, Zhao Ye.Not even in his sleep, without his wife noticing.

"is it?
That's right, when the two of us went out to do missions for the first time, you were very nice to me then! "

Han Yinuo said in a somewhat dreamy way
Han Zhennuo looked dazed now, really sleepy.

Zhao Ye...

You could have my military supplies in your space at that time.

I have to protect you well, and I have to make you happy within the scope of my ability, otherwise, how can I ask you to do tasks for me?
At that time, your space was so big, I needed it very much.

"Husband, I also liked you very much at the time. When I saw you for the first time, I felt that you were strong.

There is a kind of charm that is hard to tell what it is but very charming.

Or the kind that seems more complicated, even a little bit dangerous, but seems to have that kind of fatal attraction like who said it? "

How did Han Xinuo know at that time?Zhao Ye's temperament was formed for him because of his background, his experience, and his reckless life.

And as the heir of an arms dealer, how could Zhao Ye not have a dangerous aura in him?

Even at that time, in order not to scare the timid woman beside him, Zhao Ye tried his best to take back the dangerous aura on his body.

"Really? It turns out that the first time you saw me, you stinky girl, you had bad intentions towards me!
But that being the case, why did you follow me without telling me?

It also saves you from being wronged by Mo Shen, right?

I understand Mo Shen's temper. You've never felt at ease with him, have you? "

Zhao Ye smiled lightly.

"Then how can it be?
How could I do that kind of thing, you are his buddy, okay?

I just didn't expect that Mo Shen would be able to be with other women in front of my face if he made it public.

I was also forced by them to take out all the things in the space.

In fact, I should thank them and let them give me courage, otherwise I might never speak for the rest of my life, right? "

"You idiot, don't say that nothing happened between you and Mo Shen at that time, even if you are really together.

You are not his wife, so naturally you still have a choice. "

(End of this chapter)

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