Chapter 669
Han Xinuo lay in his arms without speaking, but his heart was very sour.

I don't know what to say about my family.

Maybe it's because of having a younger brother, so for them, their own existence is a loser.

It's like the existence of that kind of servant.

I really haven't experienced any warmth at home. If there is any emotion, it is both mental and physical of the long-term handler.domestic violence.

Sometimes I wonder why I am their daughter?
I know that they don't want me, they are just the first child. They are looking forward to a son, but what they give birth to is themselves.

I should even thank them that they didn't strangle themselves or give themselves away after they were born.

I don't think they want to give me away, I should thank them.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered so much grievance.

But, I don't know what's going on with me, do I have that kind of masochistic tendency?
Now that the situation is so critical, I still don't want them to really die, or be seriously injured or something.

But I don't want to face them, and my heart hurts when I see them.

Then.I have suffered so many grievances and tribulations in the past, as well as the huge psychological harm they caused to myself, which will immediately appear in front of my eyes.

As for myself, there will even be that kind of hysterical, even a bit world-weary mood in my heart.

That situation was really, really bad.

"My husband, thank you..."

"What nonsense...

Don't I understand you silly woman?
The words in this mouth are very hard, attacking people like a knife, but the heart is softer than anyone else.

You know, they are your parents and younger brother after all, you will never bear the heart that they will really die in this catastrophe, or they will not be able to survive now.

What I can help you is to make their lives better within my ability.

As for protecting them from danger, it is fine in the base, but if those monsters outside really break through the base.

As for me, let’s be honest, if I can completely keep my own life, and even take care of you incidentally, then I have to use all the strength in my body.

And just like that I don't know..."

Zhao Ye paused and said a fact that he didn't want to admit, but it was understandable.

Even he himself can't guarantee that he can get out completely.

There are so many ants that they kill the elephant!
And not to mention that no matter how powerful he is, he is the only one, not to mention that the monsters outside are extremely difficult to deal with.


Han Xiaochen went back to rest for a while, but went there again.

"Han Xiaochen, I've been looking for what you want, but it's hard to find that kind of thing.

I can't say that I can give you any hope. You should take this thing with you. This is something from Taoism that we have worked so hard to find for you. "

After Han Sitong learned that she came here.

I contacted Han Xiaochen directly

At this time, the two were sitting in a private room of a very elegant coffee shop.

Han Xiaochen looked at the protective talisman that Han Sitong pushed to him in disbelief
"Han Sitong? What is this? Amulet?"

Han Xiaochen was really surprised that this thing really belonged to the realm of comprehension, and it was the kind that no one had ever used.

Han Sitong is too supernatural, he can really contact the world of comprehension

Mo Qinghan may not even be able to get this kind of thing!

The corners of Han Sitong's lips curled up slightly
"Han Xiaochen, what about you, you have a lot of secrets, and I don't want to inquire about them, and I don't want to ask, I know that as a friend, there are many things that require a sense of boundaries.

As for me, I'm lucky, right?
In our interface, many people have got some small opportunities.

I bought this from a Taobao store, as if the seller of that Taobao store was really from the world of comprehension.

I was skeptical at first, but I've tried all the ones he sells, and the effect is really good.

Believe it or not, you can treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and take this thing with you. "

"Han Sitong, you must have paid a huge price for this thing, right?
I have a feeling this thing will definitely work for me...

But the price of this thing? ? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Sitong in disbelief, and he had heard about the Taobao shop that Han Sitong mentioned.

Even when I was in this interface, if I knew that there was a new product in that Taobao store, I would have snatched it.

But in the beginning, I didn't grab it a few times, and I don't know why, although sometimes there are a lot of goods there, and the price is ridiculously high.

But I haven't snatched it once, but Han Xiaochen doesn't mind too much.

After all, her luck is good enough, and people can't be too greedy.

"Han Xiaochen, I might be lucky, but I even had a few chats with that shopkeeper.

Forget it, I won't hide it from you anymore, the shop owner did say that he helped you find this thing.

However, she said that she was very young there, and her cultivation base was also very low, so it was difficult to find something like yours.

Moreover, she has already inquired, and said what you want, it is a specialty of the ghost world.

But she said that he would try his best to find a way for me, and she has already gone to ask his master to ask many people. "

"So this is ah!"

Han Xiaochen nodded
"Han Sitong, then you must have paid that person a very high price, right?

I feel that that person should not be short of money, but he thinks that if we want something, we should pay the price.

How about this, I still have a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry in my hand. I won’t say where these things came from, I can only say that these things were definitely not obtained by me through crimes.

These are all for you, sister, go and replenish the price difference for your family.

By the way, if that person is from the cultivation world, he should be very interested in the crystals I gave you, right? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Sitong clearly, Han Sitong, a silly woman, must have given that person the crystal nucleus she gave him!

Han Sitong took a deep breath, looked at Han Xiaochen quietly,
"Han Xiaochen, I have to say that you are really smart, I really gave that person all your things.

But that person is really nice, let me show you something!
I think you must recognize this thing. Sometimes I feel that this thing that person gave me can instantly kill the value of all my husband's properties. "

Han Sitong didn't know why, but he trusted Han Xiaochen so much, and even took out the mid-grade water-type spirit stone that he was wearing next to his body.

Han Xiaochen suddenly shrunk his eyes

"Han Sitong, hurry up and take this thing back, do you know that this kind of thing may cause war.

My God, that person was able to sell you such a thing? "

Han Sitong pouted, and put the middle-grade spirit stone back
Speaking of this medium-grade snack, it feels very comfortable to put it next to your body.
"Han Xiaochen, I believe you, otherwise, do you think anyone can read this kind of stuff?

And you, be careful, I will notify you immediately if I get any news.

What about my husband, and you know that boyfriend who is crazy about helping you find what you want.

Maybe find it soon! "

(End of this chapter)

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