Chapter 684
This is the crystal nucleus on the body of the Zombie Emperor of the water system. Just by looking at this crystal nucleus, one can feel the strong energy on the gold box.

"Should I put this thing next to the water-type superpower, even if I don't use the water-type superpower, I can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"That's natural. If you're asking someone to do something, naturally you have to have a gift that you can afford.

And you, you can't be too stingy when dealing with people, understand? "

Mo Yan looked at Han Xiaochen with an extremely complicated expression: "It's a pity that you don't have the ability of water, otherwise this thing will be used by you.

For this thing, Zhao Ye has been begging me for a long time, and even offered some very precious things in exchange.

I didn't even give it to him!You wouldn't just give this to Han Shaonuo, would you?

I think the future of our mankind is more important, you are so precious, if you give this to that person, maybe that person will work harder to find it for you! "

At this time, Han Xiaochen had a different idea. Han Sitong did not live in the end times, nor was he baptized by the aura of the end times.

So this cultivation is extremely slow, and it may even be like this for a lifetime.

If this crystal nucleus is given to Han Sitong, then Han Sitong is definitely practicing with half the effort.

Han Sitong's husband knows a little bit about himself, this is a big boss!Definitely the kind of person who stomps his feet and the earth trembles accordingly.

Although that man still loves Han Sitong now, women will grow old sooner or later, and what's more, isn't this man's nature to like the new and hate the old?
But if he gave this crystal nucleus to Han Sitong, Han Sitong could use it on his body for a long time to cultivate, or if he felt that he was qualified to take it directly.

Anyway, if Han Sitong becomes extremely powerful, and will always be young and beautiful.

That man must put all his attention on her, and he may even be worried that Han Sitong will think he is incompetent and look down on him!
And of course, I will definitely give this thing to Han Sitong in my own name. What Han Sitong wants to do with it is up to Han Sitong himself.

When Han Sitong actually risked a lot to help, he was much better, didn't he?

As for Han Sitong's husband is such a big shot, if he really hacked the self that he gave him, he might not even have a place to cry.

"Is there such a thing? Is there only one?" After Han Xiaochen said this, he found himself asking nonsense.

That's the Zombie King, what level is the Zombie King?
It is said that in some bases, all the highest supernatural beings fought against the Zombie King, and the Zombie King sent those people directly to the west with one paw.

"I still have an earth-type one in my hand, but, if you want to keep a rare item as a place to live, don't think about it.

Of course, if this thing can be exchanged for something that is quite important and what we need most, I will consider it carefully at that time. "

When Mo Yan said these words, it was like hanging such a top-quality crystal nucleus in front of Han Xiaochen's eyes.If you think about it carefully, isn't it like driving Lei Lei desperately to pull the wood, and then hanging a bearded carrot in front of the donkey's eyes?
"Oh! I see, don't worry, I won't reveal to you that you have such a precious thing in your hand."

"It's okay, if you reveal this kind of thing casually, it won't cause any loss to me.

Because I know that I have the ability to protect the things that are so heaven-defying in my hands.

And if someone has some treasures that are against the sky in their hands, but they don't have the ability to protect themselves, then they have to think about it. "

No matter what Han Xiaochen thought, he felt that Mo Yan's words were meant for himself.

"Okay, okay, I see, don't you mean that my ability is actually not as high as I thought.

"Okay, as long as you understand these things in your heart, it is not easy for any of us to live now, we must improve ourselves and live well!

Suddenly, I had a premonition that after we resolve this crisis, our world should encounter new and new things that surprise us unexpectedly! "

In fact, Mo Yan is like drawing such a big cake for Han Xiaochen.

"Mo Yan, why do you always appear by my side? Haven't you ever thought that no matter what you do to me now, you will fetch water from a bamboo basket?
In fact, have you ever thought about it, in fact, you are quite stupid, if you didn't let me go, I would not be able to run away, even if you married another woman, I couldn't help it? "

When Han Xiaochen dreamed back many times at midnight, he couldn't figure out what the man in front of him was thinking.

Many people said that the man in front of him was decisive and cold-blooded, and many people said that the man in front of him was actually quite affectionate.

As for myself, I have never been able to see through this man, and I really don't feel what is going on with him.

Mo Yan...

Mo Yan was about to speak but was interrupted by Han Xiaochen.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, I know what's going on!

In fact, you loved that woman too much at that time. What was the reason?Are you having a fight?

But in short, you loved that woman very much at that time. Two people who love each other can't tolerate a third party, can't they? "

When Han Xiaochen said these words, there was still a trace of bitterness in the end.

No matter how bad or worthless the man in front of him is, no matter what, this man is his first man.

It was also he who allowed himself to live such a good life for so long, and it was also he who rescued himself from the hell that he could never climb out of by his own ability!

"I didn't think about it at the time!"

Mo Yan's answers are always so unexpected.

"Eh..." Han Xiaochen suddenly regretted asking this question.

"I'm not worried about what will happen to that woman, but I have to admit that I have a deep feeling for that woman.

And the real reason why I didn't keep you by my side, but gave you such a large fortune.

I'm afraid that if I force you to stay by my side, you won't want to share me with other women.

As long as your character is too fragile, too stubborn, and too black and white, I'm worried that you will not think about it, and you will play with me and die together.

So I can only give you freedom, but I didn't expect that woman to be so ruthless that she would send a killer to kill you. "

Thinking about the situation at that time, Mo Yan also felt very annoyed, was his mind really caught by the door?
For such a capable green tea whore, he actually gave up his most beloved woman.

So, for all the things I have encountered now, there is really nothing to do except to say that I deserve it.


I didn't ask, but according to what you said, I dare to thank you, don't I?
It seems that if you don't let go of your freedom, I will really...

So if I want to resent, I should resent that damned woman who was accused, don't you know where to go? "

Han Xiaochen sneered, what happened to him?Things have been going on for so long.

why why?Suddenly talking about what happened back then, my heart felt as painful as if it had been pierced by thousands of arrows.

Why do I still feel so hopeless at that time!

"I don't know, I don't know who you should resent, should you resent me too?"

(End of this chapter)

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