Chapter 686
"That's right, no matter men or women in this world, in fact, when choosing a partner, it is impossible to be selfish.

At the very least, the so-called love at first sight at the beginning, in fact, is to picture the other person's face and figure, at least also to picture the person's temperament, or to say that the conversation is extraordinary, isn't it? "

Mo Yan didn't deny it, and just nodded generously.

This made Han Xiaochen not know what to say, and went to hate this man.

Yes, many people say that I fall in love with someone who doesn’t draw pictures of anyone, but in fact there is always a picture.

Or I think that person is kind enough, or I think that person is pretty enough, or I think that person can make money, or I have other abilities.

A person who is useless and has no advantages at all, you say you are in love with him, isn't this looking for abuse?There are almost no such people in the world.

It’s just that you can draw on the other party, but, it’s not good to be too utilitarian, and even for the so-called utilitarianism, you can wrong yourself and let the person you hate so much against your will be together.

That kind of thing is really harming others and yourself. In fact, the two sides can't be regarded as a win-win situation, but they can be regarded as a double-loss situation.

Of course, there will be many men or women among them. In fact, they are just taking advantage of others, and secretly, they are mixing with their so-called true love.

So that kind of person really deserves to die, he deserves to be killed!
"Mo Yan, sometimes I think this person should not pay too much attention to the process, as long as the two of them are happy together, isn't it?
Anyway, I can feel that this leader is absolutely sincere to Li Na!
No matter what is the reason for the two of them, the husband and wife are so loving, as long as the result is good.

I even have a vague feeling that the leader can't do anything bad to Li Na, even if Li Na loses everything in one day. "

"Han Xiaochen, I don't care what you have, even if you have nothing, I am still willing to love you like before!

In fact, the two of us are also very happy when we are together, aren't we?It's just an episode that shouldn't have appeared in the middle.

Of course this is my fault, I made a wrong choice.

But if this person made a mistake, as long as he is not sentenced to death, he will be released after serving his sentence. Don't I have a chance? "

Mo Yan stared at Han Xiaochen with burning eyes

Han Xiaochen's eyes instantly dodged: "Mo Yan, I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't know how I am?
And now, I don’t even know if I will be alive tomorrow, isn’t it abnormal to talk about these things now! "

"Hey" Mo Yan sighed deeply. It seems that this revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

It's just that Han Xiaochen feels a little relieved now.

That's right, as long as I am here, who would dare to provoke Han Xiaochen!
But the zombie king in the imperial capital is indeed a bit of a headache, but a zombie and a human can't be together no matter what.

So speaking of that, he can't be regarded as his rival in love, it's just that this person just made a mistake once, so it's true that he can never make up for it?

"Han Xiaochen, you are really interesting, it's nothing, and you brought so many good things.

How about it?Do you use that thing? "

Han Sitong still cared about her very much.

"Hi! I can't die for the time being, but the number is too small.

And this thing, it will take a process to make him grow up completely.

But anyway, I have a lifeline now, don't I?There is hope. "

Han Xiaochen sighed deeply
I took it out of a very precious box in my pocket
"Han Sitong, this thing is for you, you can keep it for yourself, it is very good for your health.

Maybe in your future, your water ability can be upgraded.

So remember, this thing is extremely precious, so don't think about giving it to your husband or what to do. "

Han Xiaochen sometimes thinks that this Han Sitong is good everywhere, but it just happens to be the same

That is, Han Sitong is too devoted to his husband.
But won't a woman be hurt if she is too single-minded to a man?It is not said that a woman's greatest love for a man cannot exceed 7 points

But you have to let him feel your 12 points of love, otherwise this woman will be very miserable

But sometimes I feel that Han Sitong is full of love for his husband, but when I look at this woman, I don't know how to express it. Apart from acting like a baby with men, I don't go too far, and I like to please men.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I'm not stupid." Han Sitong smiled.However, he pushed out the top-quality crystal nucleus produced by the Zombie King.

"But such a precious thing, in fact, you should keep it for yourself.

I'm not in a hurry, my place is very peaceful, and there are many bodyguards around me, so there will be no problems. "

"Han Sitong, you idiot, didn't I lend it to you because I couldn't use it?
I don't have water abilities, but let me tell you, what I give you is absolutely sincere, you have to keep it well, you know?
As far as this and that are purified, as long as you wear this thing next to your body, it will be good for your body.

I don't even think that you are the mother of two children now, but your husband looks so young, so handsome, so imposing and rich.

If you don’t make yourself well, be careful that your husband finds you a three, four, or five!

But to be honest, you are good enough to be able to hook up with that person. Do you know that there are many people who want to hook up with that person but they can't.

By the way, have you never thought about buying a beauty pill from that person? "

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen thought of everything, but Han Xiaochen also thought of himself. He really does not belong to this plane, so this plane is willing to accept me, but I will never give myself any good luck .


Can beauty pills make you immortal forever?Forever as young as I am?

Or can it still make me look so beautiful?
That stuff is indeed very attractive, why don't I ask about it later?

I think that even if there is such a thing, it may not be affordable, right?
Right now we are talking about how expensive those top plastic surgery are, and those top hyaluronic acid and so on.

But look at those big stars, they made themselves look like ghosts afterwards.

My husband strictly forbids me to have plastic surgery, but if things from the cultivation world are good for the body, then that's great. "

Sure enough, there is no girl who does not love beauty, Han Sitong immediately thought about it when he heard him say that.

"Han Xiaochen, but I think this kind of thing is very difficult, I think I'd better not have that kind of dream, this person's birth, old age, sickness and death are actually normal in life.

In this world, there are many things that are unfair, but for the four words of birth, old age, sickness and death, God is relatively fair to anyone. "

Han Sitong actually understands everything, and also knows everything
"Han Sitong, you, you really have that kind of thinking, let me tell you, don't you have supernatural powers now? You have eaten so many good things, and you already look much younger than your peers , and you see that your small face and small figure are better than those who have never had a baby.

If you can cultivate your abilities well, in the future, you will be much, much younger than your peers.

Even live longer than those people. "

(End of this chapter)

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