Chapter 688
"Is it..." Han Xiaochen looked at Han Sitong's collapsed face when he said these words, a little puzzled
Han Sitong sighed softly, "Xiaochen, that's how we live, sometimes it's too serious.

Not so much, my husband liked me at the time, the real reason was that I looked like a woman he had been chasing but failed.

Later, that woman often came to dance by my side!

But at that time, I pretended not to know, and even the black woman had many treasures!
As for that woman, she was married at the time, and her daughter was already in her teens, but she felt that her life with her husband at the time was not good, so she came back to flirt with my husband!

You said that the woman came to me just because her face resembled mine several layers, so that's self-evident, and the woman even gave me a lot of gifts hypocritically. "

When Han Sitong said these words, his mouth was full of bitterness

"Then?" Han Xiaochen didn't dare to ask further questions, but fortunately, they already have a child, so they should be considered relatively happy

"It's not like that, it's not like that?
I don't think I'm worse than that woman, isn't that woman born better?And I'm better than that woman...

At least I am younger and more beautiful than that woman, and besides, that woman is experienced and has had so many men.

My husband's love is just because he has pursued her before, so it doesn't mean that he has so much affection for him, right?

Anyway, that woman didn't take advantage of my husband, and for some reason, she was divorced by his husband.

As for my husband, he didn't give him a good face. Then that woman followed a lot of men, right?

You don't know that woman thinks that I'm born to conquer him, but it's true, anyway, when I'm lucky, that woman is very unlucky.

For example, scheming people, promiscuity and other things have been dug out and exposed. "

After Han Xiaochen heard what his friend said, his mood was really mixed
How similar is Han Sitong's experience to his own?

But the way her husband handles it is very good, and will not make the girl he really loves wronged, but with Han Sitong's current mentality, do I want to praise him for being open-minded?Or do you want to praise him for being a fool?
"Han Xiaochen, each of our girls wants to pursue that kind of pure and flawless love, and hopes that they will do the same to the one they love deeply.

But how can there be so many good things in this world that can have both?

More people like me, as long as it is a person who feels loved and can feel happy by his side, that's enough.

She even said that as long as she could see that man, even if she was willing to give everything for him, that would be happiness.

In fact, it's normal for this man to have any emotional experiences. Don't tell me you haven't had any other emotional experiences before?

Just before I met my husband, I secretly fell in love with a boy when I was in junior high school?
Of course it was just a secret love. I even wrote a letter to that boy to confess my love, but he was severely rejected.

So in a sense, I'm not that clean either, I've liked other people too, haven't I?
Let me feel my husband's body, just a little similarity to that boy's body.

For example, my husband and that boy are both like that. Their skin is fair and clean, and their facial features are also very dazzling. Of course, my husband is even better. Not only are my husband's facial features dazzling, but he also looks so elegant and approachable. "

" too..." Han Xiaochen stammered when he spoke
"Han Xiaochen, don't pretend, I don't know you yet?

I know you are very busy, so why don't you hurry back?

As for reminiscing about the past, we can reminisce at any time, your business matters.

I hope that in my future life you will often appear, not this consciousness I mean you understand?
Also, don't be too serious about emotional matters. If you are too serious about true emotional matters, you will find that you will lose your feelings.

I forgot in which book I saw that sentence, I think it is a wise saying
That is this person, don't test love, this love is the most fragile thing in the world.

But the most fragile thing is also the most beautiful, and it is what we long for.

So if this is the case, it doesn't matter if we have to be careful and maintain it, why should we make sure that this fragile thing like love is mixed with a trace of black air? "

"Han Sitong, thank you, thank you for enlightening me, I feel much better now."

Han Xiaochen is sincerely thanking his friends

"Xiaochen, I accept your thank you. Are you doing well? I will do my best for your affairs."

But what I didn't expect was that Han Xiaochen was killed by Han Sitong after leaving for a while.Called back in a hurry.

"Han Sitong? What's the matter? Are you calling me in such a hurry?"

Han Xiaochen.There was an inexplicable light in those eyes.

Could it be?

"You're lucky, I got this thing for you, a total of 8! Also, remember, this thing will never be there again, you have to cherish it, and then let them give it to you Use your best energy."

Han Xiaochen was still very excited just now, but looked at Han Sitong very puzzled
"If I had this kind of thing, I would naturally be willing to give you countless things, but the point is that I have nothing to say about this kind of thing, and the seller told me that it is impossible for him to get you this kind of thing again.

Why?I think you actually understand in your heart that one is that this kind of thing is too rare, and the other is that this kind of thing can be encountered but not sought after.

And what we can give to others, they actually don't like it at all, it's just out of morality.

Besides, the shopkeeper himself is not very capable, and he has to rely on his master to get these.

And he has already left there with his master, so it is impossible to help you get this kind of thing again. "

"Uh... well then!

However, Han Sitong and we are like this, in the future, as far as my things are concerned, I will supply you for a long time.

In this way, you can tell the shopkeeper that we gave it to him, or that we are willing to exchange it with him at an equal price.

And what he is willing to give us in exchange, he will give us whatever. We don't bargain. "

Han Xiaochen thought of some possibility and smiled slightly.

It seems that the owner of the shop should be very young. Could it be that he traveled from the modern world to the world of comprehension?
But that shop owner must be very lucky, he met a very powerful master.

Just like me who was very weak back then, unable to survive on my own, but was taken care of by those two men.

Although the word "support" is ugly, but in fact, it really fits my state at that time.

And I also thought that I was the luckiest person at the time, just like the shopkeeper?

"Xiaochen, what are you thinking about?

Alright, alright, I know, I know you must be curious about that shopkeeper right now.

And what happened to the shopkeeper?In fact, I don't know very well, but the owner is very nice and kind.

There should be a particularly powerful master, "

(End of this chapter)

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