Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 14 The type of person who is most likely to be rejected by customers

Chapter 14 The ten types of people who are most likely to be rejected by customers (1)
Doing sales is a job that tests willpower. There are often situations where salespeople are rejected by customers or even kicked out. However, in the face of customer rejection, as a salesperson, you must remember that the point of sales is not to sell products, but to sell yourself. Do sales by yourself, you are your own golden signboard.Your words, deeds, and actions not only represent yourself, but also represent the image of your products and companies.So, no matter what product you sell, sell yourself first.Customers don't like eloquent rhetoric, deceptive sales by exaggerated salesmen, and self-righteous arrogance. The following are the ten types of salesmen who are most likely to be rejected by customers.

Eloquent type

You can definitely recognize this type of salesman immediately, and you can hear the loud chatter of these people wherever you are.They are very annoying to customers. It is most appropriate to call this type of person the eloquent type. This type of person is easily rejected by customers.

These eloquent salesmen keep talking because they think they can persuade customers to close the deal. Not only do they talk endlessly, but sometimes they even get carried away to the point where they don't care whether the customer can tolerate it or not.

The well-known American psychologist Dr. Joyce Bards believes that this type of eloquent salesman is affected by ego inflation syndrome.The characteristic of this kind of person is that he lives in the world of his own thinking mode and thinks that he is the best.This kind of person who lives in his own world rarely interacts and communicates with others, because he thinks he knows everything and is a know-it-all.His inflated ego often causes trouble for himself, and he often argues with others because of this, or is jealous of other people's achievements, or looks down on others.He will immediately reject some things without weighing the pros and cons of them. He draws conclusions based on his own thoughts and opinions, and he doesn't care about other people's feelings.

This type of chatter usually makes no friends, and loses some old ones.Although he comes and goes with a smile or laughs constantly, leaving others with the impression that he seems to be an optimist, but in his own heart, he is lonely and sad, and he even hates this world .

If you find that you are also contaminated with such behavior, you might as well give yourself a space to change. With such shortcomings, it is not suitable to stay in any industry, especially in the promotion industry.If so, why keep it?There are many such people in the society. Although they work hard every day, they don't always get the same return for their hard work.Their efforts are usually in vain, because they don't know when to shut up, and their endless chatter makes them fall into many difficulties.

◎Overcoming secrets
In the professional marketing industry, every salesman must understand and keep in mind one thing: that is, we do not rely on eloquence to close the business!The reason why we can successfully close the transaction is that we are well versed in the skills of communication and the art of inquiry.

We should slow down the speed and volume of speaking, adopt a lower posture, and continue the conversation with customers in a question-and-answer manner. We should learn when to shut up and keep silent when necessary, because "Silence is gold".


Professional speakers all over the world are convinced that words have great power because they form a picture in the mind of their listeners.

Words and sentences play an important role in the business of speech, and they play an even more important role in the life of a salesman sometimes.Read the following passage first, and then answer one question.

"You have a lemon in one hand and a knife in the other. Now place the lemon on the table and slice it vigorously. Hold one of the slices right above your face , then tilt your head back, and open your mouth. When you squeeze the lemon slices with your hands, let the lemon juice flow out drop by drop into your mouth, and then let it flow down your tongue, you will taste the sourness of lemons, and it is sour because of the juice of the lemons."

Now, do you feel more saliva coming out of your mouth?In fact, there's a lot of saliva right under your tongue.Why did your mouth water a lot without tasting the lemon?Tell you, this is the power of language. Isn't the idiom allusion "looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst" also mean this?

In the business of selling, salesmen don't seem to understand the power of words and words, so many people keep making the same mistakes, and their gains are naturally limited.The words they use are not only of little value, but are even harmful to the whole sales process.In the process of talking with customers, if you can't tell what to say and what not to say, and say something inappropriate at an inappropriate time, it is easy to be rejected by the customer.

Here are some words that should be avoided but are often used by salesmen. I hope you will pay attention to these words next time.

death liability contract
bad sign of responsibility

sell failed attempt

Debt worry decision

price loss deal
strict fee pain

Due to the difficulty of paying for the purchase

As a door-to-door salesperson, we all know that when facing customers, we should try our best to avoid saying the following words: "I am here to sell this product today." In your sales training course, I believe that you must Someone told you to change the word selling to the word promotion!

Another example is the word "fee".Maybe a salesman once said to you: "The cost of this product is three hundred yuan." Do you immediately think of the hundred-dollar bill in your pocket that is about to grow wings and fly away?You might as well modify the sentence just now and say: "Mr. So-and-so, this product only costs [-] yuan." Do you feel the difference between these two sentences?

Words do play an important role in our lives.In court, lawyers know best how to use words to convince the jury and the judge to accept their opinions.The next time you sit in on a courtroom trial, listen carefully to the lawyers who say it. Salesmen, like lawyers, need to be very good at using language to show what they want or need, and using language to induce someone to give a positive response. or negative answers.

Therefore, you should be careful about the language you use to help you sell your product, service or idea.

◎Overcoming secrets
These words can help you be more handy in the sales process. When you know how to use these words well, you will find that these words can create magic:

fun sure comfort

important love self esteem
you find interest

Security results are worth it
benefits facts happy
Understand value trust

keep your money safe
save new needs

Using these simple words, the benefits you get will be immeasurable.These words are specially designed for you, and they can bring you out of difficult situations.In fact, you need these words because they can create a more favorable situation for you in your sales efforts.

You can use a pencil to underline each word that you think will help you in the sales process.Or you can make a vocabulary list of your own.You must practice using these words over and over again to make them a powerful helper in your work.

Bad manners

Personal hygiene and demeanor are important as you pack yourself and hit the sales road.But it is often overlooked by individuals.Maybe you know how to dress well and put on a smile, but you also have to pay special attention to personal hygiene.Just imagine how funny it would be for a salesman in a T-shirt but a tie to visit a customer!The salesman not only represents you, but also represents your product and the image of your company. Therefore, if the salesman dresses inappropriately, the customer will definitely not accept your product and will definitely be rejected by the customer. .

In reality, the salesman market can overlook the important role that sales play.When he ignores this important link, he is like a soldier who forgets to load his submachine gun when he goes to the battlefield, or like a worker who goes to work without the necessary production tools. madness.

Personal hygiene can include many aspects.For example: picking your nose or earwax with your hands while talking about business.An obvious question: if you dig earwax with your hands, where do you put it?That's right, the habit of you either putting it on the chair you're sitting on, or crumpling it up and throwing it on the floor is disgusting, an action that's totally wrong with the whole sales pitch.

Your customer will silently think in his heart: "This person is not a salesman, he is simply a blind flow!" The worst situation is that your customer will get up immediately and order you to evict.He doesn't want to shake your hand goodbye or thank you for visiting because he doesn't want to get his hands dirty!
Picking your nose or picking out earwax are supposed to be private things that most people do when they are alone, like taking a shower.I'm sure you don't do these things in front of your clients.Likewise, nose-picking or earwax removal are private things that you can only do at home, so you should never do them in front of a client.

In terms of personal hygiene, another thing you should pay attention to is underarm odor.For people with underarm odor, there is nothing wrong with their body itself.They also have the right to be professional salesmen like anyone else.But unfortunately for a salesman with underarm odor, his underarm odor can be an unpleasant feeling for his clients.When a salesman ignores this, his (her) underarm odor may affect his (her) performance.

In fact, those salesmen who have underarm odor can't smell that smell themselves.Therefore, he (she) can't even think of the reason for the customer's displeasure, and many possible transaction opportunities are unknowingly missed because of the underarm odor on his (her) body.

In addition, bad breath is also the enemy of salesmen.Later garlic smells will keep your customers from you like the plague.

As for drinking, until you contemplate business, make sure you don't drink at all, no matter how much it may appeal to you.Because you have to understand that as a salesman, there is nothing more attractive than getting an order.If you drink, even just a sip, the alcohol in your body can interfere with the finer thinking of your brain or the clarity of your speech.Maybe you will say: "It doesn't matter, I drink a lot, and a little drink is a piece of cake for me!" But have you thought about it? ——Will your customers have confidence in the face of a salesman who tastes like you?He will take your talkativeness as nonsense and your promises as drunkenness!
◎Overcoming secrets
Remember, picking your nose or picking your earwax in front of other people is definitely bad manners.If you need it, you might as well go to the bathroom, where you can do any personal things.

If you are one of the salesmen with underarm odor, please go to the drugstore or supermarket to buy deodorant to use.There are many kinds of deodorants on the market. Don’t keep a bottle in your briefcase at any time. When you arrive at the client’s place, remember to use your own deodorant first to refresh yourself.Then go visit your client.

default position

One of the most common mistakes in the sales business is that salesmen try to make themselves look professional by saying what is wrong is right, and making others look like fools.Such an approach can easily arouse customers' resentment and be rejected by customers.Preset stance is a loser's trick. It is like an invisible wall that blocks your path to success.

Salesmen often go around complaining about things like: Or complaining that the company's products are flawed, or that the service department is not working well... The company may make corrections based on these criticisms, but in reality, what the salesman is doing is doing more harm than good thing.In the process, he created a negative image of himself, his product, and his company as unprofessional.Additionally, his behavior was unfair to the rest of the company.

A salesman with professional knowledge should try his best to maintain the image of his company, boss, superiors and other people involved in the business. When a salesman is only trying to protect himself, he will hurt others.

For example: When a customer complains about the quality of the air conditioner you sold to him, instead of trying to find out the reason, explain it and apologize to the customer, you criticize the designer or quality inspector of the air conditioner in front of the customer. Personnel: "I don't know what else they will do besides eating!" Maybe you relieve your anger by doing this.But don't forget, you are still slapping yourself because you are also a member of the company.

Presupposition is a loser game, and it's wise to do so.It is the responsibility and obligation of our sales staff to provide customers with the best service.

◎Overcoming secrets
Remember not to forget the three words "sorry".Those three words will do wonders for you.You can say these three words in any difficult situation because they mean so much to the person who hears them.

"Sorry, I believe that the company will give you a satisfactory answer to this defective product. I will report this matter to the company and then get back to you. Sir, once again I would like to express my sincere thanks to you on behalf of the company Our deepest apologies."

These words mean a lot to a customer.

self righteous

The problem of this kind of salesman is that he is self-righteous, and he regards the customer's faults as being difficult for him, demolishing himself, and even getting angry.Of course, customers don't like such impatient salesmen, and they are easily rejected by customers.Think about the two sentences in "Jing Shi Tong Yan": "Those who say I am good should not regret it, and those who say I am evil should not be evil." Who doesn't like to listen to flattery?But understand that it is better to listen to your critics.As a salesman, it is very important to be good at listening to the opinions of company leaders, supervisors, and the media, and to actively absorb these opinions.If you are self-willed and self-righteous, you will suffer in the end.

Before any business is to be closed, there is usually a stage of disagreement.Some salesmen might imagine a situation like the following.As a salesperson, you must correct your identity, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, be modest and prudent, and never be blindly arrogant.Before the business was concluded, the salesman actually said such a sentence: See, I told you, you still want to buy my product after all!
There was a salesman who was a friend of the general manager of a certain company. Due to his busy schedule, the general manager asked the salesman to discuss business with the purchasing manager of their company.The general manager promised to buy their products, but it is best to ask a salesman to follow the company's procedures and visit the company's purchasing manager first.

So the salesman walked into the purchasing department manager's office confidently.As with all Purchasing Managers, asked a lot of questions about the product and questioned a few things.During one questioning, the salesman was very annoyed.So, when he became a man, he changed his face, and asked the manager of the purchasing department unceremoniously: "Please listen carefully, I have already met your general manager, and he has already confirmed the purchase of the product, why don't you Agree? Why not just place an order?"

The manager of the purchasing department said angrily: "Mr. Salesman, you don't need to tell me what I should do. Why am I also the manager of this department! Our company is made by everyone. Therefore, I must do my job well." If you can understand this, please follow the rules and do business as usual!" The salesman had a hard day, and before he left, he promised the purchasing manager that he would send a printed order to him the next day. he.

A week later, the purchasing manager called the salesman and asked him to deliver the order to the company.The salesman went as promised, but as soon as he arrived at the purchasing manager's office and saw the manager, he gave the manager another blow: "Look, I told you, you still don't want to listen." Mine!" The salesman revealed arrogance and contempt in every word.

It was obvious that the salesman was smug and smug about the deal.However, just a few days after the product was delivered to the company, he received a letter from his friend who was the general manager.The general manager in his mind expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with the salesman's attitude in handling this business, and he refused to do business with that salesman in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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