Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 16 Achieving Perfect Sales——Success Starts From Selling Yourself

Chapter 16 Achieving Perfect Sales——Success Starts From Selling Yourself (1)
Selling yourself is a skill that all successful salespeople must possess.Selling yourself to others is the first step in your successful sales. "Customers are not people who buy goods, but people who buy and sell goods."And to be able to successfully sell yourself to others, you must first sell yourself [-]% to yourself.

As long as you are willing to set specific and feasible sales goals for yourself from now on, make full sales preparations, develop good sales habits, arrange your time reasonably, keep trying, keep taking actions, and keep paying, you can achieve success in the shortest possible time. Take the most actions within the time, and success is sure to be just around the corner.

relentlessly sell yourself

In the sales process, some salesmen will bow their heads and salute as soon as they see customers, and can't wait to introduce the products to customers. Such an approach will arouse customers' defense.The first contact with customers is the salesperson. If the salesperson tells the customer that the quality, service and value of your product are first-rate, but the salesperson is third-rate, will the customer think your product is first-rate?Of course not.

The point of sales is not to sell products, but to sell yourself, to sell yourself, and you are your own brand name. "The customer is not the person who buys the product, but the person who buys and sells the product." No matter what product you sell, you must first sell yourself.Customers don't like eloquent rhetoric, let alone exaggerated deceitful sales by sellers, but appreciate real, natural, and candid advice.Sales masters know how to sell their own charm and good personality first, and never forget to "sell yourself first".

The first Girard was not satisfactory, until 1963, when Joe Girard was 35 years old, he was still a complete loser-changing several jobs and still getting nothing.He suffered from quite severe stuttering, which indirectly led to his failure and also affected his self-confidence.At the time, his construction business was failing, he was saddled with huge debts, and he was almost cornered.In order to change his embarrassing situation, he had to go to a large car dealership in Detroit and ask for a sales job.

Manager Harley was reluctant at first, and he had no confidence in the 35-year-old Girard.The first thing he asked was: "Have you ever sold cars?"

"No." Gilad answered truthfully.

"What makes you think you're up to the job?"

"Although I haven't sold cars, I've sold other things: newspapers, shoe polish, houses, food, and actually, I think people are really buying me, and I've been selling myself, Mr. Harley."

"You have never sold cars, so you have no experience in this field, and what we need is an experienced salesman. Besides, it is the off-season for car sales. If I hire you, you can't sell cars, but If you want to receive a salary, the company will not agree."

"Mr. Harley, if you don't hire me, you're going to make the biggest mistake of your life. I don't want to heat the room, all I need is a desk and a phone, and in two months I'll break your record for best salesman , so agreed."

In this way, Girard ushered in a huge turning point in his life.

Starting with a dusty desk and a phone book, Gillard outperformed all salespeople in the company two months later and paid off tens of thousands of dollars in foreign debt.He finally came out of the shadow of failure and eventually became the greatest salesman in the world.

Joe Gillard believes that the point of selling is not to sell products, but to sell yourself: "In fact, whoever buys from you is buying from you."

He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's greatest salesman.At the beginning, in order to verify his performance, Guinness staff had to call those customers who bought cars from him. Those staff joked: It is best not to let us find out that your car was sold to a taxi company.

They call people and ask them who sold them the car.Amazingly, all of them blurted out "Joe," as if Joe was a friend they'd known for years.

It is precisely because of his unremitting efforts to sell himself that Joe Gillard sold 6 cars a day, far exceeding the average record of 5 cars sold by a car salesman, and was finally listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Daquan", was honored as "the greatest salesman in the world", thus becoming a world-renowned name.Joe Girard's path to success was smooth and wide because he sold the best product in the world—the one and only Joe Girard.

There is such a practical case in the telecom industry:
When a female salesperson got the demand information, she found that she got the information relatively late, and the user had contacted many manufacturers before her.In order to impress the slightly rigid customer, the salesman conducted a full analysis of the customer's information and found that the customer had a very deep relationship with his paralyzed wife.But because in daily life, I need to shoulder the dual responsibilities of family and career at the same time, so I feel exhausted physically and mentally.After learning about this situation, the salesman gave the customer a microwave oven in the name of the company, satisfying the customer's distress that he often couldn't go home to cook, which moved the customer very much and laid a good foundation for the cooperation between the two parties. Base.

Before customers accept you, if you talk about products and sales with them, their instinctive reaction is to shirk, refuse, and let you leave early.As Herald, President of Boyce Company, said: "You can only start the second step if you leave a good impression on people." The reason why customers buy from you or deal with you is because they like you and trust you. respect you.Selling yourself before selling products to customers is to make customers like you, trust you, and accept you.

The root of sales is to sell yourself. Only when customers trust you, you will be successful.Honesty, sense of responsibility, and a good attitude are the essential qualities of an excellent salesperson.A customer should not make a deal with someone he does not trust. Sales skills, advertising, publicity, and after-sales service are all ways to win the trust of customers, but all the foundations come from the honesty and positive attitude of the salesperson.All sales masters first "sell" themselves, and then sell products.Before you can successfully sell products to customers, you must first sell yourself to others; and to successfully sell yourself to others, you must first sell yourself [-]% to yourself.

As long as you are willing to set specific and feasible sales goals for yourself from now on, make full sales preparations, develop good sales habits, arrange your time reasonably, keep trying, keep taking actions, and keep paying, you can achieve success in the shortest possible time. Take the most actions within the time, and success is sure to be just around the corner.

Set a sales target

As a salesperson, it is not only necessary to choose the right target, but more importantly, the target must be accompanied by action.

Sales work is judged by performance.Every day, salespeople face a lot of setbacks, rejections and no deals.Every day, we have to ask ourselves what is our purpose?In what ways will we get closer to it today?In terms of behavior, is there anything more we can debug?
Research has found that the top 20% of salespeople in every industry have set clear, clear goals for their lives and for their jobs, and they work hard toward them.Conversely, those 80% of salespeople who are struggling to get by, their common traits are busy people who have no work goals and no direction, so in order to train yourself to be an excellent salesperson, you must Confirm your goals every morning, analyze all work activities of the day, and plan everything you should do and every step you should take from morning to night to maintain your high-level performance.

Successful salespeople have clear goals and plans. They are always adjusting their goals, formulating corresponding plans, and strictly following the plan.Ippei Hara, the sales king of the Japanese insurance industry, set his own goal and plan to visit 20 customers every day. If he did not reach that day, he would not eat and insist on going out at night.It is his tenacity that made him a well-deserved top sales king and brought him great wealth.

Yu Wenbo, the host of the "Insurance Heroes" column of China Educational Television, was originally an ordinary salesman of an insurance company.For working very hard.He grew up step by step from a teacher to an insurance officer, from an insurance officer to a program host.Growing up, he once wanted to give up.But his wife said to him: Engaging in insurance work is your lifelong commitment, and I don't believe that your commitment will be terminated just like that.

In order to be true to his promise, Yu Wenbo had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue working.He re-established the goal and created the best performance in Hubei Province that year.At the beginning, Teacher Yu Wenbo visited 20 customers on the first day, seven or eight customers on the second day, three or four customers on the third day, and dared not visit again on the fourth day.Because the strangeness brought him great fear.In the end, out of loyalty to the goal, he referred to the method of Zhuang Zhongpeng, a Thai insurance master, and put 20 coins every morning, and flipped a coin every time he visited a customer. At night, he had to flip all the 20 coins before going home.

Sometimes, until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, there are still five or six coins that have not been turned over, what should I do?Many people may think: it's late, let's do it tomorrow.But Yu Wenbo is not like this, as long as there is still one customer missing, he will not go home.He went to KFC, KTV, and wherever there were people, he continued to struggle.In this way, sometimes it is not until 03:30 in the morning that he can go home and have a peaceful sleep.After a month, he got 6000 business cards. After sorting out and selecting effectively, his performance was slowly created.

Salespeople work to achieve goals.The principle of sales is: make a sales plan, and then sell according to the plan.Every time a salesperson visits a customer, he must understand what is the purpose of his visit to the customer?How to do it to achieve the goal?
When you set clear goals and you plant them deep in your subconscious mind, you will have a positive attitude towards your sales work and work hard to achieve them.Clear goals are always the driving force for self-motivation. When you face sales failure or setbacks, nothing can motivate you to move forward bravely than your own ideals.

John, a car salesman, has worked selflessly in sales for three years, and his grades are not bad, but recently he has a strong sense of uneasiness.

"Am I going to live like this? Will a career as a salesman secure my future?"

The actual performance of a salesperson is directly proportional to the strength of his will.If you always think that you are "no", then "no" will become a reality.

"What? I don't believe that in the next two months, sales will not reach 2 yuan! This goal is not a lot." If you can make such a determination, it will definitely become a reality.

It's the end of the year, but Mr. John's sales these days are still zero. On the way home this day, he swore to the sky on the field road: "Persevere, persist, must persist to the end! Otherwise, my goal It’s going to fail.” It was because of this self-motivation and unwavering belief in the goal that Mr. John sold 5 cars in one go when the deadline was reached.In this regard, someone asked him: "What is your trick to improve sales performance?"

"Write the sales target eye-catchingly in a notebook or a note with a red pencil, and stick it on the toilet, pillow, and dining table, so that I can feel its pressure all the time."

Clear goals are the most important key to a salesperson's self-motivation, and also the key to enable him to fully develop his potential, so you must set, guide, and motivate yourself to work hard every day!
When setting goals, salespeople should pay attention to:
(1) The goal cannot be set too high, otherwise it will not be achieved, and it will become daydreaming and wishful thinking, which will inevitably affect fighting spirit and depression;
(2) To formulate goals, you must first set feasible goals, and then divide them into several steps and stages, make a specific action plan, and climb up the stairs, naturally step by step;
(3) After the plan is drawn up, work will be carried out according to the plan.In the process of carrying out work, we must constantly review and accept the results to see whether our actions are consistent with the plan;
(4) The salesperson checks his work status according to the action plan, and checks whether the daily sales direction is wrong;
(5) Usually the monthly, weekly, and daily plans are fixed, but the action plan will change due to the company's business guidelines or policies in various periods;

(6) When work comes one after another, it is best to deal with it in time;
(7) We must persevere and not give up halfway, even if we cannot complete it, we must not give up easily.

In short, setting goals before sales is one of the ways to succeed as a salesman, because with goals there will be motivation, and with motivation, you will have a desire for success.

Successful salespeople are always absolutely goal-oriented, they have very clear goals, they plan their actions in great detail, and they make their goals into detailed plans.Therefore, how to formulate clear goals and detailed plans, and how to let your subconscious help you achieve this goal is a very important factor in becoming a successful salesperson.In the process of sales, salespersons must learn to set small and specific goals and strive to achieve them. In the process of realization, they must constantly revise and set new goals.Don't set goals that are too ambitious or far from your abilities.

get ready to sell

The ancients said: "Everything is forewarned, and nothing is foregone." The preparatory work before sales is the premise and basis for our successful sales.Frank Berger, the top salesman in the American insurance industry, spends half a day on average every week on planning and one hour every day on preparation.Never go out to do insurance business without planning and completing preparations. Don't think it's a waste of time.It is precisely because of a sound plan and preparation that he can maintain long-term success.

As a salesman, when visiting a customer, he usually prepares mentally the night before, designing the way of visiting and the effect of the expected visit. However, sometimes he often puts the most unnoticed and most important drop things.I didn't notice it before I went out. I didn't notice it until I had a good deal with the customer. When I signed the contract, I found out that there was no contract, or the pen was out of ink.For a business manager with a rigorous style, it is very possible to choose to cancel the business with you in response to this situation, because he may regard your behavior as the low quality of your business management, The salesperson does not bring the contract or quality certificate when he goes to discuss business... This is not just a joke, it is also a very serious liability accident for sales work.

It can be seen that before the sale, it is unimaginable without sufficient work plan and preparation.As a salesperson, who is your customer, where does he live, what job does he have, what are his hobbies, how do you get in touch with him... all these issues must be understood clearly in advance.You also need to understand the industry, understand your competitors, and understand your short-term and long-term goals.Only with planning and preparation can we win the final victory.

Jack works as a salesman in a large company, and every sale he makes is very successful.Not only because he has a wealth of product knowledge, the key is that he has made full preparations before each visit and knows the needs of customers very well.Before visiting a client, Jack always has some basic information on the client.Jack often makes an appointment with the client to visit first by making a phone call.

Today is Thursday, just after 4 pm, and Jack walks into the office refreshed.He is 35 years old, 6 feet tall, with no trace of wrinkles in the dark blue suit, and he is full of vitality.

Jack started his work day at 7:5 am.Except for the time of eating, Jack never stopped. 30:4 Jack has an appointment.In order to take advantage of the time between 00:5 and 30:[-], Jack called and made an appointment with the customer to make arrangements for the next week's sales visit.

After making the phone call, Jack took out dozens of cards, which recorded the customer's name, occupation, address, phone number and source of information.The customers on the card all live in the commercial district in the northeast of the city.

Jack's criteria for selecting clients include their annual income, occupation, age, lifestyle and hobbies.

There are three sources of Jack's customers: one is the information of new customers provided by existing customers;

Before visiting a client, Jack must first find out the client's name.For example, wanting to call on a company's executive vice president but not knowing his name, Jack would call the company and ask the switchboard or public relations person for the name of the vice president.After knowing the name, Jack proceeded to the next sales activity.

Jack's visits to clients are planned.He selects all the customers he wants to visit in a day in a certain area, which can reduce the time of traveling back and forth.According to Jack's experience, using 45 minutes of telephone contact before the visit can select enough customers in a certain area for a one-day visit.

It is precisely because Jack is fully prepared that every marketing is very successful.

(End of this chapter)

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