Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 18 Achieving Perfect Sales——Success Starts From Selling Yourself

Chapter 18 Achieving Perfect Sales——Success Starts From Selling Yourself (3)
(5) Prepare the clothes to be worn the next day, and put the alarm clock in the corner farthest from the bed before going to bed.Determine the order of visits and arrange the most important customers in the morning.Energetic and efficient in the morning.

(6) Leave early and return late to avoid traffic peaks and avoid wasting too much time on the way,

(7) Carry traffic maps and train and bus timetables with you to reduce getting lost and waiting in the waiting room for long-distance business trips.

(8) Keep a useful book in your briefcase and turn a few pages in the car or while waiting for the car.

(9) Carry a record book with you, avoid writing small notes, and record necessary information at any time.

(10) You can send more thank you letters.

(11) May wish to ask yourself a few more words: "What time can I save today?"


(13) Push down unnecessary entertainment with dealers, they are not interested in you, they are interested in the wealth your brand and products bring to them.

(14) Never delay the things that can be done this time until the next time, do not make excuses for yourself, and avoid wasting time on the same thing repeatedly.

(15) Summarize at any time to see if you have achieved your desired goal.

(16) Collect the payment as soon as possible, and don't do things on the last day of financial settlement, as this will make you lose the initiative.

1% of a salesperson's income comes from every minute they spend with a customer.If you feel busy at work, you must make your work "busy" meaningful!Reasonably plan your time and proceed according to your own plan, pay attention to details, save unnecessary time, be the master of time, not the slave of time, only in this way can you achieve outstanding results and satisfy yourself and your boss !
Cultivate good sales habits

I remember a story about a Nobel laureate:

In 1978, 75 Nobel laureates gathered in Paris.

People are very respectful to Nobel Prize winners. A reporter asked one of them: "In your life, in which university and laboratory do you think the most important things were learned?

The gray-haired Nobel laureate calmly replied: "It is in kindergarten." The reporter was very surprised and asked again: "Why is it in kindergarten? What do you think you learned in kindergarten?"

The Nobel laureate replied with a smile: "In the kindergarten, I learned a lot. For example, give half of my own things to my friends; don't take things that are not your own; put things neatly; wash your hands before meals; Take a break after lunch; apologize for doing something wrong; learn to think more and observe nature carefully. I think that is all I have learned.” The answer was met with warm applause.

The scientist's unexpected answer illustrates the decisive significance of the habits formed in childhood for a person's life.

In fact, most scientists believe that the most important reason for their impressive achievements is to develop good habits.

Good habits can be cultivated consciously, and habits can be formed in a short period of time after targeted cultivation.The same is true for salesmen, you must cultivate your own good habits, and these good habits will also play a decisive role in your future career and achievements.So, what good habits do salespeople need to develop? habits
Learning makes people progress, and the habit of learning will make the salesman's level continuously improve.The salesmen are usually very busy, running around, traveling from south to north, and it is difficult to spare time to study in a serious manner.In a large company, there may be some business training, but it is more difficult to make great progress on the road of business only by relying on these trainings.So I can only find ways to cultivate the habit of learning.For example, on the way of a business trip, bring a business book, such as buying a "Sales and Marketing" magazine, and read it carefully on the way.The book is not very thick, light and practical.When you can sit down, don't focus on playing mahjong or fighting landlords with others, but read some professional books carefully.For example, "Marketing Management" by Mr. Kotler Philips, even if you may not be able to understand it at the beginning, you must develop the habit of reading some classic works.Reading classics will save you detours, stand on the shoulders of giants, stand tall and see far!

Learning can be reading, or learning from one's own past experience, summing up one's own experience and lessons, or learning from others.Chatting online is learning, communicating on the phone is learning, and finding information is also learning.But it should be noted that people have limited time, especially when we do business, the time is even more limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.My method is to read a few pages of professional books, visit two to three websites, watch two TV channels, and read two magazines every day.Over time, your study habits will form, you will not wander around aimlessly, and you will have plenty of time to do so.

2.the habit of keeping a diary

As the saying goes: "Brain memorization is not as good as notes", keeping a diary can force you to seriously summarize yourself and organize your thoughts.Reorganize the work ideas and summarize the results. Is it a gain or a loss?It can not only deepen memory, but also consolidate knowledge and prepare for future career.

Keeping a diary is usually mainly a work diary. Of course, you can mix a life diary in it, but I think it is best to record a life diary separately.

The salesman's diary generally includes meeting records, visit records, negotiation records, sales records, method records, skill records, knowledge records, conversation records, study records, leadership assignment records, customer analysis records, and so on.It is best to be able to classify, or keep a special topic diary, such as "how to negotiate with buyers" is a good topic.Those that cannot be categorized can also be recorded like a running account.

It is relatively difficult to develop a habit of keeping a diary, because you often give up halfway because of busy work, and forget to write because you can't find time.If you forget to record that day, you should immediately make up the next day.In this way, you will not miss the phenomenon and develop the habit of keeping a diary.

3.exercise habits
Everyone knows that the body is the capital of work. As a salesman, it is difficult to bear heavy business work without a good body.The instability of the salesman's time determines that it is difficult for some civil servants and white-collar workers to have fixed time to play basketball, football, swimming and other outdoor activities.But I think as long as you really want to exercise, time can still be squeezed out.The choice of sports is very important.My experience is doing gymnastics, doing gymnastics after getting up every day.Doing gymnastics does not require a lot of time, nor does it require any sports venues. As long as you want to do it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want.Doing tai chi and practicing yoga are all very good.As long as you can achieve the effect of exercising your body.

You must persist in exercising. If you persist for one to two months, you may form a habit of liking exercise. After forming the habit, you will feel uncomfortable if you don’t do it.

Punctuality is a matter of one's professional ethics. If a person can't even be punctual, I guess that person's integrity must not be very good.

Punctuality is particularly important to salesmen, because salesmen are always faced with money and goods, customers and business, and these tasks must be seriously emphasized on punctuality.If you don't develop the habit, you will have the possibility of procrastination and delay in work, which will be a major problem in losing opportunities and business.

To develop the habit of punctuality, you must start from the usual time. For example, you must not be late for meetings, and you must not be late for get off work or leave early; you must arrive on time for appointments, and you must not delay even if it is 1 minute.You know, wasting other people's time is the greatest crime.

5.habit of giving advice

Suggestion is one of the specific manifestations of a person's responsibility for work.You can make suggestions to prove your concern and thinking about this work, and it also shows that you are a person with team spirit and a person who cares about the collective.

Advice can be given in writing, orally, or over the phone.However, I think it is best to give suggestions by email or in writing, and it is best to give suggestions by phone if it is urgent.

Suggestions can be made to the boss, to colleagues, or to subordinates.Suggestions may not necessarily be good, but at least you have cared about things and are responsible for your work.

You must make it a habit to make suggestions. Don’t think that this matter has nothing to do with you and don’t say it when you see it. This is an behavior that is irresponsible to work and to yourself.Don't wait for advice, or you'll miss out on opportunities and turn good advice into useless advice.

Of course, you must pay attention to the method and method of making suggestions. Don't make suggestions in front of the leader who is unhappy or in public. This is often counterproductive, and good suggestions will turn into bad results.

6.habit of immediate action
Doing business pays attention to action, and doing it as soon as you say it, which shows the domineering spirit of the salesman!Those who are hesitant, procrastinating, and slow in doing things are not good at business work.

I admire those who have served in the army. Their mobility is particularly strong. As long as you give an order, they will definitely charge into the battle immediately, and they will not hold back.

Immediate action To form a habit, you must start with the details of answering calls and sending back messages. Some people see other people’s calls and messages and don’t return them for a long time. This is a bad habit.A good habit is to call back immediately, and you can't delay calling back if you have something to do.

There are still many habits to learn in doing business. If you can develop some important habits, it will be of great help to your future work.

It is better to teach you to develop some good habits than to give you gold and silver!
Keep a sales diary

Salesmen engaged in front-line sales are often troubled by sales performance. Why has there been no progress in terminal sales performance for many years?Why is the performance of others improving by leaps and bounds?In fact, their mistake is that sales are only based on intuition and simple experience.In fact, there are ways to improve sales ability and performance, and keeping a sales diary is a good way.Keeping a sales diary has at least two major benefits.

Benefit [-]: Segment customers.Salespeople work hard every day, and everyone hopes to make a few more orders, but when it comes to purchasing large or expensive products, customers are often very cautious in their choices!What to do, the most important thing is to seize the customers you have contacted as much as possible, that is, to create all possible conditions to facilitate the transaction.Every customer, after visiting the store, does not buy, it does not prove that he does not want to buy, if we let this part of the customers go easily, then they are likely to make other choices hesitantly or inadvertently, so the sales It is very necessary for the staff to record the relevant information of the customer and lay a good foundation for the next step of contact with the customer.

Benefit [-]: Summarize sales experience.Many people can keep a diary, but there are very few people who really insist on keeping a diary for many years. It is precisely because they have not developed the habit of keeping a diary, so most people look back on their growth and life history intermittently , can't remember what I have done for decades.Similarly, the same is true for sales. We receive many different customers every day. If we do not deliberately record the information of these customers, as time goes by, there will not be much information left in our minds. In fact, these customers are important to the salesperson. That said, is a very useful resource.If you sort out relevant customer information every day, it will naturally lead to thinking, why is that customer always hesitating, and is there any possibility of making it happen?Why does this customer buy our product today?Another customer did not buy our product, what is the main reason and so on.Once we make this kind of thinking a habit, then the ability to analyze customer psychology and facilitate transactions will be greatly enhanced!

Strictly speaking, the above content can only be said to be a diary, not a sales diary.Keeping a sales diary should include the following aspects:

1.Basic information of customers.

It refers to some basic information such as the customer's name and phone number.

2.Customer demand information.

It is through communication with customers to discover the products and models that customers want to order.

3.Client Description.

Different companies have different regulations, and the salesperson may find it cumbersome. Let’s sort it out. In fact, no matter what product is sold, the customer description is nothing more than three aspects:

(1) It is the basic situation of the client's home;

(2) In the case of the client;

(3) The urgency and understanding of the customer's demand for the product.

4.Customer follow-up.

It is mainly to record the time and situation of telephone follow-up.Follow up customers to pay attention to the following:

(1) Don't be rude to customers.This actually requires the salesperson to pass on the information that he will contact the customer when the customer leaves, so that the customer will not feel surprised when he receives the call.

(2) Pay attention to the degree of contact with customers.The contact with the customer should not be too frequent, and the degree must be grasped. Generally speaking, if it is a customer with a clear purchase intention, it is usually necessary to keep in touch with him before the time of his demand; in addition, when the company launches promotional activities, Promotional information must be informed to customers in a timely manner.

(3) Pay attention to the language of communication.Before making a follow-up call, conduct a preliminary analysis of the customer and review the reception situation at that time. For customers who are very sensitive to prices, you can use words such as lottery discounts; Techniques, such as new price policy adjustments, etc., evoke customers' psychological purchase vision.

5.order and why.It is to fill in whether the transaction is reached through follow-up. If you have ordered, you must fill in the sales order number and date; if you have not ordered, you must indicate the reason for not ordering.

Some salespersons may say that they need to communicate with customers, but they don’t have time to write down so much information. In fact, communicating with customers is to constantly inquire about customers’ needs, so as to finally facilitate the transaction.Therefore, when receiving potential and intended customers, it is very important to carry a notebook with you. It is necessary to make relevant original records when listening to customers. On the one hand, the information will not be lost. The more you record, the more accurate you are, and you can better grasp the real needs of customers. At the same time, making records also shows respect for customers.Some customers are reluctant to leave a contact number, which reflects several situations.

(1) It is possible that the salesperson and the customer did not communicate well, and the customer did not trust the salesperson enough;

(2) The time to communicate with customers is too short, and customers feel unnatural;

(3) The customer is unwilling to disclose for the sake of self-protection.

No matter what the reason is, it is a test for the salesperson, which directly reflects the communication ability of the salesperson.How does a successful salesperson deal with this problem?When the customer wants to leave, you might as well say something like this: "Mr. Yang, I had a very pleasant talk with you today. I can see that you like our products very much. This is our contact information. Please give me more advice... Send out a business card, Then, Mr. Yang, what is your contact information?... I can inform you in time if we have any activities in the future."

This is actually using the method of courtesy and reciprocity.It means that there must be giving before there will be gain; therefore, when a salesperson asks for a contact number from a customer, he may wish to consider handing over his own contact information first to gain the initiative.There is an old saying in China, if you raise your hand and don't hit a smiling face, generally speaking, it is not easy to refuse a customer.In addition, the method of obtaining the contact number does not necessarily have to be obtained when the customer leaves. When the communication with the customer is very pleasant, you can also ask in good time.

It is a good sales method to keep a sales diary and analyze and follow up in time. Its role will gradually emerge after a period of accumulation.

(End of this chapter)

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