Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 26 Learn to Speak——Let the Customers Unable to Reject Your Speak Skills

Chapter 26: Learn to Speak—Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Speak Skills (1)
"The success of a transaction is often the product of eloquence." This is the super salesman in the United States - Frank?Summary of Betger's nearly 30 years of sales career experience.Therefore, it can be said that for salespeople, bland products become colorful due to their speech skills, resistance becomes acceptance, and uninterestedness becomes fascinating.Effective words will make the salesman more comfortable in sales, just like the subtext of an actor, how comfortable it is to listen to, customers will be attracted by the clever words of the salesman, and the professor who naturally enters the conversation, the customer's thinking will be controlled by you, Signing a contract with you is naturally a matter of course.

A good start is half the battle

A good start is half the success. Before the salesman talks to the prospective customer, he needs a proper opening statement. The quality of the opening statement can almost determine the success or failure of this visit. In other words, a good opening is half the success of the salesman. Sales master Commonly used the following creative opening remarks.

(1) money

Almost everyone is interested in money, and ways to save money and make money can easily arouse the interest of customers.Such as:

"Manager Zhang, I'm here to tell you how your company can save half of your electricity bill"

"Director Wang, our machine is faster than your current machine, consumes less power, and is more accurate, which can reduce your production cost."
"Director Chen, are you willing to save 5 yuan in towel production every year?"
(2) Sincere praise
Everyone likes to hear good things, and clients are no exception.Therefore, compliments become a good way to approach customers.To praise prospective customers, you must find out the characteristics that others may overlook, and let the prospective customers know that your words are sincere. If the praise is not sincere, it will become flattery, and the effect will not be good.Complimenting is more difficult than flattering. It needs to be considered first, not only must it be sincere, but also must choose the established goal and sincerity.Here are a few examples of opening lines that compliment customers.

"Mr. Wang, your house is so beautiful." This sentence sounds like flattery.

"Mr. Wang, the hall of your house is really uniquely designed." This sentence is a compliment.

"Manager Lin, I heard Mr. Zhang from Huamei Garment Factory say that doing business with you is the most enjoyable thing. He praised you as a warm-hearted and forthright person."
"Congratulations, Mr. Li, I just saw your news in the newspaper. Congratulations on being elected as one of the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs."
(3) Tap into curiosity
Modern psychology shows that curiosity is one of the basic motivations of human behavior.Professor Liu Anyan from Jackson State University in the United States said that "exploration and curiosity seem to be the nature of ordinary people. For mysterious and mysterious things, they are often the objects of attention that everyone is familiar with." Those customers are not familiar with, do not understand, do not know or are different Things tend to attract people's attention, and salesmen can use everyone's curiosity to attract customers' attention.

A salesman said to the customer: "Lao Li, do you know what the laziest thing in the world is?" The customer was puzzled, but also very curious.The salesman continued, "It's money that you stash away and don't use. They could have bought our air conditioners to keep you cool in the summer."
A carpet salesman said to the customer: "It only costs 12 cents a day to make your bedroom carpeted." The customer was surprised by this, and the salesman went on to say: "Your bedroom is 24.8 square meters, and our carpet The price is 297.6 yuan per square meter, so it costs 5 yuan. The carpet in our factory can be used for 365 years, [-] days a year, so the average daily cost is only [-] cents."
The salesman creates a mysterious atmosphere, arouses the curiosity of the other party, and then, when answering questions, introduces the product to the customer skillfully.

(4) Mention of an influential third person
Tell the customer that it is a third party (the customer's relatives and friends) who wants you to come to him.This is a roundabout tactic, because everyone has the mentality of "not looking at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face", so most people are very polite to the salesmen introduced by relatives and friends.Such as:

"Mr. He, your good friend Mr. Zhang Anping asked me to come to you. He thinks that you may be interested in our printing machinery, because these products bring a lot of benefits and convenience to his company."
It is very effective to promote your own method under the banner of others, but you must pay attention to it. It must be true, and it is absolutely impossible to fabricate it yourself. Otherwise, once the customer checks it, it will be exposed.

In order to win the trust of customers, it will be more effective if you can show the referrer's business card or letter of introduction.

(5) Take a famous company or person as an example

People's buying behavior is often influenced by other people. If salesmen can grasp the psychology of customers and make good use of it, they will definitely get good results.

"Director Li, after Mr. Zhang of ×× company adopted our suggestion, the company's business situation improved greatly."
Taking a famous company or person as an example can strengthen your reputation, especially if the example you give happens to be a company that customers admire or have the same nature, the effect will be even more significant.

(6) Ask questions

The salesman asks questions directly to the customer and uses the questions asked to attract the customer's attention and interest.Such as:

"Director Zhang, what do you think are the main factors affecting the quality of your factory's products?"
Product quality is naturally one of the most concerned issues of the factory manager. The salesman's question will undoubtedly lead the other party to gradually enter the interview.

When using this technique, it should be noted that the questions asked by the salesman should be the most concerned issues of the other party. The questions must be clear and specific, and the words should not be unclear or ambiguous. Otherwise, it will be difficult to attract the attention of customers.

(7) Provide information to customers
Salesmen provide customers with some helpful information, such as market conditions, new technologies, new product knowledge, etc., which will attract customers' attention.This requires salesmen to be able to stand on the customer's standpoint, think for customers, read newspapers and periodicals as much as possible, grasp market trends, enrich their knowledge, and train themselves to become experts in their own industry.Customers may deal with salesmen, but they have great respect for experts.If you say to a customer:
"I saw a new technological invention in a certain publication, and I think it is very useful for your factory."
Salesmen provide customers with information, care about the interests of customers, and gain the respect and favor of customers.

(8) Performance display

The salesman uses all kinds of dramatic actions to show the characteristics of the product, which is the most able to attract the attention of customers.

A salesman of fire protection supplies was not in a hurry to speak when he saw the customer. Instead, he took out a fireproof clothing from his bag, put it into a large paper bag, and immediately lit the paper bag with fire. After the paper bag was burned, the inside The clothes are still intact.This dramatic performance aroused great interest from customers.A salesperson who sells high-end ties just says: "This is a high-end Admiralty tie", which has no effect. Make a great impression.

(9) Using products

Salesmen use the products they are promoting to attract the attention and interest of customers.The biggest feature of this method is to let the product introduce itself.Use the leg power of the product to attract customers.
When the factory director of a township enterprise in Henan Province put the leather shoes with novel design and exquisite workmanship produced by the factory on the manager's desk of Zhengzhou Hualian Commercial Building, the manager couldn't help but his eyes lit up and asked: "Where does it make it? How much is a pair?" The salesmen of the factory went to Shanghai Watch Factory No. [-] to sell. They prepared a product box, which contained a variety of exquisitely crafted new products. After entering the door, they opened the box without saying too much, and immediately attracted customers.

(10) Ask customers for advice
The salesman uses the method of asking the customer questions to get the customer's attention.
Some people are good teachers, always like to guide, educate others, or show themselves. The salesman deliberately finds some questions that he does not understand, or asks the customer for advice while pretending not to understand.General customers will not reject salesmen who are open-minded and ask for advice.Such as:

"Mr. Wang, you are an expert in computers. This is a new type of computer developed by our company. Please guide me. Is there any problem in the design?"
After receiving such compliments, the other party will take over the computer data and flip through it. Once attracted by the advanced technical performance of the computer, the sales will be completed.

(11) Emphasize being different

Salesmen should strive to create new sales methods and sales styles, and use novel methods to attract customers' attention.

A life insurance salesman in Japan printed the number "76600" on his business card. The customer felt strange and asked: "What does this number mean?" The salesman asked back: "How many meals do you eat in your life?" Almost no customer Can answer it, the salesman went on to say: "76600 tons? Assuming that the retirement age is 55 years old, according to the average life expectancy of the Japanese, you don't have 19 years of food left, that is, 20805 tons...", the salesman used A novelty business card attracts the attention of customers.
(12) Take advantage of giveaways

Everyone has the psychology of being greedy for petty gains, and gifts are to use this human psychology to sell. Few people will refuse free things. Using gifts as a stepping stone is both fresh and practical.
Dr. Goldman, the most authoritative sales expert in the contemporary world, emphasized that in face-to-face sales, it is very important to say the first sentence well. Customers listen to the first sentence more seriously than the subsequent words. After listening to the first In short, many customers consciously or unconsciously decide whether to send the salesman away as soon as possible or to continue the conversation. Therefore, the salesman must grab the customer's attention as soon as possible to ensure the smooth progress of the sales visit.
Never quarrel with customers

The salesperson should never appear to be smarter than the customer, and even if the customer is wrong, do not quarrel with him.Because arguing is not the purpose of sales, the more the salesperson takes advantage of the argument, the greater the loss from sales.

One of the main reasons for sales failure is: competing with customers.As the main body with different interests, salespersons and customers will inevitably have various contradictions in the negotiation process, especially in the process of objection handling.When answering customer questions or objections, sometimes you will find that you have unknowingly argued with the customer, and the atmosphere is quite intense.At this time, you must keep in mind: no matter whether the customer's opinion is right or wrong, profound or naive, you should not show contempt, let alone show impatience and look around.No matter how the customer refutes you or confronts you tit for tat, you must be calm, avoid arguing with him, and not give him a sense of failure and resistance that is psychologically frustrated.The winner in an argument is always the loser in business.Arguing is not a good way to convince a client.When arguing with customers, the loser is always the salesperson.

O'Hara is now a star salesman for a car company in New York.How did he succeed?Here's what he says: "If I walked into a customer's office right now and they said, 'What? Wilder trucks? No! I don't want you to send me. I want a Jose truck.' I would say : 'Dude, He Sai's stuff is really good. You can't go wrong with buying their trucks. He Sai's trucks are from a good company, and the salesmen are really good.'

That way he would have nothing to say, no room for argument.If he says He Sai's car is the best, I say yes, he just shut up.He can't say that He Sai's car is the best all afternoon after I agree with him.Then we won't talk about He Sai anymore, and I will start to introduce the advantages of Wilder.

And if I had heard his words back then, I would have been so angry.I will start to find fault with He Sai; the more I criticize other cars, the more they say it is good; the more I argue, the more they like my competitor's product.

"Looking back now, I really don't know how to do sales work in the past. I spent a lot of time arguing, but I didn't get effective results."

A sales jargon is: "The more you take advantage of an argument, the more you lose from sales." Sales is not about arguing with customers or winning customers.If a customer can't say no to you, he can "win" you by not buying your stuff.You can't say to the customer in a blunt tone: "You are wrong", "You don't even understand this".These statements obviously elevate themselves, belittle customers, and will dampen the self-esteem of customers.

For those customers who are too sensitive, try to avoid directly or indirectly making comments that may offend them, even if the reserved tone such as "a little" and "maybe" will make them upset, so when talking Choose your words carefully and just state the facts.In particular, let them know that you're just making an opinion on the matter itself, not attacking them personally.In response to their excessive reaction, you don't want to rush to justify it, it may make the picture worse, just reiterate the matter itself.When making comments, also point out their strengths and areas of excellence to build their self-confidence.

As an excellent salesperson, you should make an unfamiliar customer establish an affinity at first sight within 3-5 minutes.As long as the two parties to the transaction are in a very harmonious environment, neither party can easily deny the other party so as to prevent the other party from saying "no".Sales is not eloquent, so that customers have no room to speak.Without interaction, how can it be possible to grasp the needs of customers?

For some customers who "oppose for the sake of objection" or "just want to show that your opinion is superior to others", if you deal with it seriously, it will not only take time, but also may cause side effects. Customers raise some objections, not really want to get To resolve or discuss, you just agree with him with a smile on your face.You want the client to satisfy the expressed desire, and then quickly divert the conversation away.

People have a common problem, no matter whether they are justified or not, when their opinions are directly refuted by others, they are always unhappy and even irritated. Psychologists point out that using criticism cannot change others, but only arouses resentment; Criticism-induced anger often causes relationships to deteriorate, while the thing being criticized remains unimproved.This is especially the case when a customer is confronted head-on by a salesperson whom he has never met before.Don't completely negate the client's objection. No matter whether you win the discussion or not, it will also hurt the client's self-esteem. It is impossible to negotiate successfully in this way.Repeatedly refute the customer positively, which will make the customer angry. Even if you are right and not malicious, it will still arouse the customer's disgust. Therefore, it is best for the salesperson not to directly raise objections directly, but to save "face" for the customer. .

Never argue with a client.Because in that case, customers will have resistance.Customers are not our enemies, but our future partners. The purpose of sales is to achieve a win-win situation, not to argue the other party's arguments!Human nature has a side that wants to be affirmed by others, and hopes to express their opinions to achieve the purpose of demonstrating self-worth, and our customers are the same.People subconsciously have psychology that needs to be respected, understood and expressed, so don't often take customers' opinions as malicious criticism, and don't engage in fierce arguments with customers.Even if "debate" is needed, it should be an friendly communication, so that the other party can accept your professional guidance in a happy mood.

Communicate in a language your customers understand
In the sales process, the salesperson communicates with the customer in the language of the buyer, so as to seize the initiative and firmly attract the customer.

Plain language is the easiest to be accepted by the public.No matter how beautiful your words are and how important the content is, the basic principle of communication is that the other party can understand what you say.Therefore, in the sales process, salespersons should use more popular sentences so that their customers can understand them.If the customer can't understand your dialect, you should try to use Mandarin; when the customer doesn't understand the terms or nouns you speak, you should switch to the language they are familiar with and understand, etc.

A purchaser was ordered to purchase a large number of office supplies for an office building, but encountered a situation that he had never thought of in the actual work.The first thing that opened his eyes was a salesman in a marketing letter distribution box.The buyer introduced to him the approximate number of letters they may receive every day, and made some requirements for the mailbox. After hearing this, the salesman showed a great wisdom on his face. After thinking for a while, he decided that the buyer needed them the most. CSI.

"What is CSI?"' asked the buyer.

"Why?" He replied in a stagnant tone, with a bit of lament in it, "This is the mailbox you need."

"Is it made of cardboard, metal, or wood?" the buyer asked.

"Oh, if you want to use metal, then you need our FDX, and you can also match two NCOs for each FDX."

"The envelopes of some of our prints will be quite long." The buyer explained.

"Then you'd need to use FDX with two NCOs for regular mail and PLI with RIP for printouts."

At this moment, the buyer suppressed his anger a little, "My boy, what you said sounds ridiculous to me. I want to buy office supplies, not letters. If you speak Greek, Armenian or English, our translator Maybe I can hear a little bit about the material, specifications, usage, capacity, color and price of your products."

"Oh," he began, "I'm talking about our serial numbers."

In the end, the purchaser used the skills of a lawyer to cross-examine the client, and it took a lot of effort to slowly understand from him the specifications, capacity, materials, colors and prices of his various mailboxes.

From this we can see that if a salesperson uses professional terms when selling his products, and cannot let customers clearly understand the characteristics and uses of the products, then it will be difficult to sell his products successfully.

It is the simplest common sense to introduce products to customers in a language that customers can understand.A basic principle that applies to all those who want to attract customers is that if the recipient of the message cannot understand the content of the message, then the message will not have its intended effect.

(End of this chapter)

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