Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 28 Learn to Speak——Let the Customers Unable to Reject Your Speak Skills

Chapter 28: Learn to Speak—Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Speak Skills (3)
In the conversation, he expressed his desire to learn some aspects of knowledge from customers, so that the relationship between each other will be closer.However, it is best to talk about a topic that has nothing to do with the product, so as not to make the other party suspicious.

During sales negotiation, it is rare for buyers and sellers to hit it off. Customers often make one or another reaction that is not conducive to the transaction or even refuses the transaction, which is expressed as a denial of the purchase behavior. These situations are called purchases in sales promotion activities. objection.

Undoubtedly, the objection raised by the customer is an obstacle in the sales process, but if the customer is indifferent to a sale, he will not raise an objection. Therefore, in a sense, whether the customer raises an objection is the result of whether he is satisfied with the product or not. indicator of interest.If you want customers to buy goods, you must actively and enthusiastically introduce the goods, and try to stimulate the other party's impulse to buy, so as to make a smooth transaction.

It is completely normal for customers to raise objections. Think about it this way, what do you do when a strange salesman sells you a certain product?If you understand that every customer has the right to object, then you won't get frustrated or panic about it.

Salesmen must have a keen response when facing objections from customers, but the prerequisite is to control their emotions well, use psychological tactics, judge the type of customer and their personal factors such as personality and preferences, and then choose the most suitable one. Appropriate sales tactics, however, the salesman should have a detailed understanding of the characteristics of the product, so that customers can accept it satisfactorily.

Before the end of the merchandising description, if you want customers to buy your product, don't forget to say: "You are one of the best customers I have ever met." This is very important.But when is the best time to say this?In fact, as long as it is not after the end of the sales presentation, it is very easy for the customer to think that you are not sincere, but just flattering him.

Therefore, when making a sales description, you should say the following: "Maybe you will think that I am saying this for sales, but I still want to tell you that whether you buy my product or not, to me, you are me. One of the best customers I've ever had. So, I'm happy to work for you, you make my job easy and fun." This will make him think you're an honest man.And after saying this, you don't have to wait for the customer to answer, you can continue to explain the product directly.In this way, what you said will remain in the customer's heart forever, so that he can't forget it for a long time.When the transaction is about to be completed, the customer will reassess whether your words are honest and reliable, and then he will make an affirmative answer.

Remember, your customers don't just buy your products, they buy because of you and sell products for you.

The Art of Listening More and Talking Less

As long as there is a chance to talk, most people don't like to listen to others talk, but like others to listen to themselves.Another common phenomenon is that most people like to talk about things about themselves rather than about the other person.

However, if you want to be a popular salesman, especially when talking with customers, you should still leave good opportunities for the other party-let him talk, say what he cares about, you just need to be a good listener up.

When the average person talks to others, most of the time they are talking by themselves, or try to talk to themselves as much as possible.When a general salesman is selling products, 70% of the time is talking or selling products by himself, and customers only have 30% of the talking time.Therefore, such salesmen always perform mediocrely.And those top salesmen have summed up a rule through experience: If you want to be an excellent salesman, you must adjust the ratio of listening and speaking to 2:1; that is: let customers speak 70% of the time, and you listen. ; 30% of the time is used to ask questions, praise and encourage him to speak.In this way, you can open your sales door and become a top salesman.

Yes, almost all sales gurus and talking heads are reminding us: listen, listen, listen!

Listening can fill your life with joy, make your work easier, and most importantly, make your orders come more and faster. Listening will also make your customers trust you more.Listening is not only a sales method, but also a kind of personal cultivation.

One of the hardest things in the world is to keep your mouth shut. If you don't open your ears and shut your mouth inappropriately, you will lose countless opportunities.Especially when selling, remember: don't be too busy talking, learn to be "obedient".

Introduced by a friend, George, a heavy-duty car salesman, went to visit a businessman who had bought a car from their company.When we met, George handed over his business card as usual: "Hello, I am a salesperson of a heavy-duty vehicle company, and my name is..."

After only a few words, the customer interrupted George's words in a very unfriendly tone, and began to complain about all kinds of unpleasantness when buying the car, such as poor service attitude, false quotation, false interior and equipment , The time to hand over the car is too long and so on.

When the customers were chattering about George's company and the salesman who provided the car, George had to stand quietly and listen carefully, not daring to say a word.

Finally, the customer vomited out all the previous grievances.When he took a short rest, he realized that the salesman in front of him seemed very strange.So he said to George a little embarrassedly: "Young man, what is your surname, do you have any better models now? Show me a catalog and introduce them to me."

When George left, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, because he had an order for two heavy trucks.

During the whole process from when George took out the catalog to when the customer decided to buy, George did not say more than 10 sentences.The key to the deal of the heavy-duty vehicle was explained by the customer. He said: "I saw that you are very honest, sincere and respect me, so I bought a car from you."

A good salesman must be able to understand the customer's thoughts and feelings, and know what the customer wants.If you're selling real estate, when a customer mentions that her kids are in private schools, you should understand that she doesn't pay much attention to the quality of surrounding schools; , you have to show them some houses with smaller footprints.

The customer's purchase needs will be directly or indirectly reflected in the process of talking with you.Sometimes, a person is often dominated by several consumer psychological needs at the same time.Therefore, if the customer is silent for a while when placing an order, you must not think that you are obliged to say something.Instead, you want to give the customer enough time to think and make a decision.Don't make up your own mind and interrupt their train of thought, otherwise, you will vomit blood with regret.

Japan's gold medal insurance salesman Hara Ippei once had such a sales experience: He went to interview a taxi driver, and the driver firmly believed that Hara Ippei would never have the opportunity to sell life insurance to him.At that time, the driver was willing to meet Yuan Yiping because Yuan Yiping had a projector at home.It could play movies with sound and color, and the driver had never seen a projector that could play movies with sound and color.

Yuan Yiping played a video introducing life insurance and asked a concluding question at the end: "What will it bring to you and your family?" After the video was finished, everyone quietly Sit where you are. Three minutes later, after a heated battle in his heart, the driver took the initiative to ask Yuan Yiping: "Can I still participate in this kind of insurance now?"
In the end, he signed a high-value life insurance contract.

In sales, some salesmen have the wrong idea in their minds that silence means a defect.However, appropriate and long silence is not only allowed, but also very popular with customers.Because it can give them a sense of relaxation, so they don't have to worry about making hasty decisions because they are being pushed.

When customers say "I'll think about it", we don't rush to persuade them, but we must give them enough time to think, because it is always better than "Let's do this first, I will call you after I think about it." Forget that when a customer keeps silent, he is thinking about you.In comparison, customers are under much greater pressure to be silent than we are. Therefore, it is the most sensible way to let customers be silent for a while and listen to each other's considerations.In addition, listening to customers' speeches must be done with ears, eyes, and heart, and at the same time must be supplemented by certain behaviors and attitudes.Specific listening skills are summarized as follows:
(1) Lean forward a little and listen to the customer's conversation alone, which is a respect for the customer.

(2) Don't interrupt the customer halfway, let him finish speaking.It is the most impolite behavior to interrupt a customer's conversation.

(3) Look into the customer's eyes, don't look around.

(4) Keep a natural smile on your face, and nod in time to express your approval for the customer's conversation.

(5) Ask questions in a timely and appropriate manner to express your opinions in line with the tone of the other party.

(6) Can lead the customer's conversation to the desired topic by responding skillfully.

Please always remember that listening is also an art, not everyone can do it well.How to learn to listen, please remember the twelve listening rules summarized by Girard:

(1) Close your mouth to keep your ears clear.

(2) Listen with all your senses.Don't just listen to half of it, get the whole thing.

(3) Listen with your eyes, making constant eye contact, which shows that you are listening to every word.

(4) Listen with your body.Use body language to feel it, you can lean forward, keep a concentrated expression on your face, and express your concentration on what he is saying.

(5) Be a mirror.When someone smiles, you smile; when he frowns, you frown; when he nods, you nod.

(6) Do not interrupt, so as not to cause irritability and unhappiness to others.

(7) Avoid external interference.If necessary, ask the secretary not to answer the phone for the time being.

(8) Avoid distractions.Turn off the TV, stereo equipment, no sound is more important than the voice of the person you are listening to.

(9) Avoid visual distractions.Don't let some sights distract your eyes.

(10) CONCENTRATION.Pay attention to others at all times, and don't do other distracting things, such as looking at your watch, picking your nails, stretching, etc.

(12) LISTEN TO THE INSIDE.Often the unsaid part is more important than the said part.Pay attention to changes in the other person's tone of voice and gestures.

Going along with the other party is the glue to communicate with customers
In the process of communication between sales staff and customers, echoing each other plays a pivotal role and is the glue with customers.Because agreeing means agreeing with the other party's point of view, which is called in psychology: recognition.When you admit that the other party's point of view is correct, then there will be a sense of identification with you in the other party's heart, thereby narrowing the distance between the two parties.

Before Mr. Wesson studied human relations, he lost countless commissions he should have received.Wesson is a salesman for a clothing pattern design company. He has been going to a famous New York designer almost every week for three years.However, every time the designer did not refuse to see Wesson, and he always took a closer look at the patterns that Wesson brought, but he just didn't buy them.

After 150 failures, Wesson decided he must be too ruthless.So he decided to use one night a week to study the laws of human relations to help him acquire some new ideas and new enthusiasms.

Before long, he decided on a new approach.He took a few unfinished drawings of the designers and walked into the buyer's office.This time, instead of asking buyers for the patterns, as he usually does, he asked the designers for their input and then got it done.The designer left the sketch and asked Wesson to come to him in three days.

Three days later, Wesson went to his place again. After listening to the suggestion, he took the drawing back and finished the painting according to the buyer's wishes.How did this deal work out?Needless to say this buyer took it all in.

That was nine months ago, and since that deal was closed, the buyer has ordered ten more drawings, all painted exactly as he intended, and Wesson has earned more than $600 in commissions. .

The reason Wesson failed in the past - always forcing the designer to buy the pattern he thought the other party needed.But what Wesson is doing now is completely different from the past.Wesson asked the designer to put forward his own opinions, so that the designer felt that those patterns were designed by himself.Now Wesson doesn't have to ask him to buy it, he will come to buy it from Wesson himself.

Acting according to the designer's opinion, and doing what others say, is also a way of praise.Listening to other people's opinions creates the effect of "you are fine, and your opinions are all right. I'll just echo what you say".If you understand it carefully, you will find that when using this method, the party being echoed will always feel respected and admired, and the effect is the same as direct praise.

In restaurants, we often hear the waiter say: "Sir, you really know how to choose, this is the best wine in our store, and it is perfect for those who are good at tasting wine. Yes, there is a little It's expensive, but I think you'll like it. Would you like another bottle?"

How can we refuse such a compliment to our mature taste and sensibility?And the price factor adds to the allure of wine, and we satisfy our performance needs by showing those around us that we are capable of consuming the luxuries of life.

William James once clearly pointed out: "The most ardent need in human nature is the desire to be affirmed and praised."

The writer Mark Twain also humorously sighed: "A good compliment can make me happy for two months."

There is a book called "Yi Xiao" in the Qing Dynasty in my country, which records such a joke:
In ancient times, there was a lobbyist who boasted in public: "Although the villain is not talented, he is very flattering. I have a wish in my life, to wear 1000 high hats to the first thousand people I meet, and now I have given away 999 hats." , there is only the last one left." An elder shook his head after hearing this and said, "I just don't believe it, your last one can't be put on my head by any means." Hearing this, the lobbyist hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "What you said is very true. I spent most of my life traveling from south to north, but there is no one who is as upright and dislikes flattery as you are!" The elder immediately held his beard and said complacently: "You are really You can be regarded as someone who understands me!" Hearing this, the lobbyist immediately laughed and said, "Congratulations, I just gave you my last hat."

(End of this chapter)

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