Reborn sweet wife, Mr. Mo, I'm back

Chapter 25 Don't regret meeting anyone

Chapter 25 Don't regret meeting anyone
"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong, Xinxin, open the door, it's my sister, my sister is here to see you."

Mu Xin complained in her heart, why did she come at this time, one person just left, and now another one came, can you let me be quiet for a while.

But he had to face it, so he went to the door and tidied up his clothes.

"Hahaha, sister, you're here, I miss you so much, why haven't you come to see me for so long." Mu Xin still puffed up her face, but she didn't expect that besides Su Ziling, there were three people behind, and that was Old Man Mo. People, Mo Jingyu and Song Aoyu.

My God, isn't it gone?How did you come back.Mu Xin's expression also froze all of a sudden.

"Grandma Mo, hello!"

Mrs. Mo also laughed because of her expression, "Xinxin, I didn't expect you to have such a side, so cute."

Not to mention, but fortunately, he became even more shy when he said it, "Grandma Mo, why are you..." You came back.

"Oh, me, just now I saw your sister also came to see you, and then I ran into him at the door, and this brat just came out as well. I really didn't feel irresponsible at all. I told you to take care of someone and just ran out." Mrs. Mo came to stare at Mo Jingyu.

Song Aoyu next to him wanted to say, "Grandma Mo, it's actually not like this..." Then Mo Jingyu glanced at Song Aoyu, thinking that he was supporting him, "It's actually not like this, it's because of Mu's heart. Mo Jingyu, she almost threw Jing Yu down, and she still forced her. Jing Yu left because he couldn't bear it, and then I was responsible for sending him back."

Mo Jingyu glanced over now, "Shut up."

Song Aoyu looked at Mo Jingyu as if he was very angry. Although he couldn't see the anger, he seemed to have misunderstood what he meant.

Everyone around was terrified when they heard Song Aoyu's words, because Mu Xin threw Mo Jingyu down, and said that he was strong.

All of a sudden, the surroundings became silent, and Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin also looked at each other, Mu Xin was like being caught in a little secret, because Mo Jingyu kept looking at her.

Mrs. Mo didn't expect this to happen. Could it be that Jing Yu has become enlightened, "Jing Yu, it seems that you have finally enlightened. That's great, that's great."

The surroundings were completely silent again, my grandson almost... shouldn't be very angry, and their family is a big shot in M ​​City, shouldn't they be treated like they are a wealthy family?But this...

Song Aoyu also whispered into Mo Jingyu's ear, "I don't think your grandma is your real grandma, you were almost thrown down, but she said that, it's really..." But Song Aoyu's voice was also clear , and the distance is so close, how could others not hear it.

Especially Mrs. Mo went back directly after hearing this, "Yu'er, what you said is so right. When it comes to grandma's heart, grandma doesn't think he is my grandson, otherwise why is he still a bachelor now?" , and he is a bachelor over the age of 25. Why don't you call Ouyang and ask him to arrange a time to come to the paternity test to see if it is really not the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, otherwise why would he..."

Pfft, Mo Jingyu immediately wanted to vomit blood, "Grandma."

"Don't let me say it, it's a fact, and it's not something shameful..."

But you don't think you can see it, I think it's too...

"It's good that I'm a bachelor. I'm happy and happy. Do you want to arrange a blind date for you and find you a companion? If they don't like you, I will arrange you to go to a blind date show. There should be a certain probability there."

Mrs. Mo really couldn't talk to him, so she could only change the subject, "Xinxin, come, grandma will bring you something to eat, come here, and finish eating as soon as you can. As for you, Jing Yu, you can go where you want to eat, who will eat?" Tell you to run out and not take care of Xinxin. I’ll keep the ones I can’t finish eating at home for Rulan to eat.” So she dragged Mu Xin to eat.

Song Aoyu was thinking, he would not give food to his grandson if he gave it to the dog, so cruel.

"Yes, Xinxin, you should eat more. My sister just came over from the set, so I came here directly. I didn't buy food for you. Fortunately, grandma bought it for you. Thank you grandma."

Hmph, I think you are busy with Su Ziling, I think you don't feel tired at all, the crew pulled away, shouldn't you look tired, I think you are all red, you are lying.

Also, the person I like is hospitalized, shouldn't Su Ziling rush over here without stopping, why didn't he say a word when he came, Mu Xin is not jealous, but feels that his acting skills are much lower than in his previous life, now he thinks it's all Negative, but don't expect me to give you a step down.

"It's okay, sister, I understand you. I know you're 'busy'. But why didn't you come to see me, brother Ling? Could it be that you're busy too? After remembering that you shouldn't go to work today, why..."

Mo Jingyu looked at Mu Xin, this woman, I don't know how many hours I've been with you here, but I didn't even say thank you, since I didn't say thank you, it's fine, I didn't expect to think of other people.

Su Ziling replied with a guilty expression, "No, Xinxin, I wanted to come to see you, but I have too much work to do, so I only came here after finishing some."

"Oh, it turns out that work is so important. It's good. I wish you success in your career and prosperity."

Others heard that Su Ziling didn't accompany Mu Xin because of work, so Su Ziling was afraid of showing his feet, so he hoped she would believe it, "No, you are the most important thing in my heart."

Mu Xin felt nauseous after hearing this, but now she is eating what Grandma Mo gave her, and she doesn't want to waste it. Besides, this food is delicious, but why does it feel so familiar to her, but she doesn't know where she ate it.

No matter what Su Ziling said, I'll be a fool for the rest of my life if I believe what he says, "I'm sorry, I may be the most important thing in your heart, but you are not in my heart, thank you." Then And foolishly smiled at Su Ziling.

Please remember that I do not regret everything I have done, including trusting someone blindfolded.In the future, if my heart is pierced by thousands of arrows, I will admit it.But you have to remember, after the hurt, there is no forgiveness.And you, Su Ziling, are no one to forgive in my heart's dictionary.

Su Ziling really felt that Mu Xin had changed and became very strange.It's just that I don't feel like asking now, and it's not the time to ask, because there is... "It's okay, I will slowly become the most important person in your heart in the future."

Song Aoyu looked over and stared at Mo Jingyu, wanting to see if there would be any changes after hearing these words. It seemed that there was no change, but why did he feel that he was very concerned? No matter what, he had already provoked him just now. It's his time, anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, let this topic end.

"That's enough for the two of you, here are all bachelors, even if you are like this now, maybe you won't be in the future, and seeing the interaction between the two of you, why don't you feel that you are not here, or let's break up."

 Today's time is sweet, because... National Treasure is also the first time to spend the first 08.07 on the journey of the novel, and it is the first time to be with you!
  Thousands of mountains and rivers are used as foreshadowing, so lucky to meet you who are long overdue!_
  Hope to have your company for the rest of my life!_

(End of this chapter)

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