Chapter 43

Indeed, we are also two people, but I love you, and what about you?He just regards me as a partner for cooperation, but he dare not say these words to Mo Jingyu, for fear of getting an answer that will make him sad.

I just remembered now that my father would agree with my decision, but what about Mrs. Mo?

Didn't she say that Mo Jingyu already has someone he likes?And she also likes that girl very much.

Mo Jingyu saw that she didn't keep up with him, so he stopped, and Mu Xin was thinking about something, so he bumped into Mo Jingyu's back.

"What are you thinking? Wasn't it fine just now? What's the matter now?"

Why do you want me to marry you when you obviously have someone you like.

"Sorry, I regret what happened just now."

Mo Jingyu didn't expect her to say this. Her words made him breathless, and he calmed down for a while before speaking, but his voice was still a bit loud, "Do you want to marry your childhood sweetheart, or Su Ziling?"

Listening to his voice, Mu Xin shook her head, "No, no."

But Mo Jingyu had already walked down, and no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't keep up, "Mo Jingyu, no, you listen to my explanation."

Hearing Mu Xin scream, Mo Jingyu still looked back, but still left.

Mu Xin looked at his determination, why is it still like this.

Seeing that the painful part of the knee is turning green again, it was caused by Mo Jingyu throwing him into the bathtub last time, but now it's because of chasing him and wrestling.

Because it hit the stairs, it also broke the skin.

Mo Jingyu, in front of you, all my strong backing becomes zero.

Tears dripped down the stairs, Mu Xin told herself.

Mu Xin, you can't cry, you still have a lot of things to do.

You have to be strong and remember your original intention.

But isn't the original intention of rebirth in this life to be with Mo Jingyu and stay together forever?
Stand up holding on to the pole on the stairs, and then walk down slowly step by step.

Walking a step is indeed very difficult and painful, but watching Mo Jingyu resolutely walk away is what hurts me the most.

Mu Xin walked up two or three steps by herself, and walked up when she saw Mo Jingyu.

Did he come back to find himself?
There was a slight surprise in Mu Xin's heart, but thinking about it, how could it be possible?Just left so resolutely.

It should be because I forgot something in the office, and I also lowered my head, not daring to face him, otherwise I was afraid of tears falling when I saw him.

He walked up towards him, and when he passed by his side, Mu Xin let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to carry it? Or do you want to hug it?"

Mu Xin looked at him suspiciously?
Are you asking yourself?
"To hug."

I didn't realize it until my body left the ground, what did I say?
Want to hug, puff, how about your image?
Didn't he get angry and leave?

He came back just to find me?
And hug yourself?
His two hands also subconsciously hugged Mo Jingyu's neck tightly, fearing that he would fall.

"Thank you, you are still willing to come back to find me."

I don't know why, but I just want to come back to her to see if she is injured. "No, I said I was afraid grandma would say about me, so I came back. If you want to thank grandma, go and thank grandma."

That's right, otherwise, how could he come back to find himself?
Mu Xin just responded with "um".

Mo Jingyu's mood suddenly turned bad, isn't he usually good at talking nonsense?
Wouldn't you say that it must be because you like you, not because of grandma, that you came back?
Did I come back to you because I cared about you?

Or is it something else you usually say?

Do you really want me to come back to you because of grandma?
 The most beautiful encounter in the world is not the first meeting, but the scene where you thought he left but came back to find you!
(End of this chapter)

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