Reborn sweet wife, Mr. Mo, I'm back

Chapter 48 I'm Not a Monster

Chapter 48 I'm Not a Monster
Mu Xin stopped singing at this point, because she found that this song was like describing her and Mo Jingyu now.

It is true that time is so magical, turning yesterday into a shooting star, and when those good times pass, it slowly becomes clear that the two of us were so close to each other, but now we are embarking on this journey that can no longer be turned back, and you, who are with me, It used to be so full of poetry, but now it has become a poetry that makes me cry, blaming myself for being too heartless in my previous life.

"Why don't you sing?" Although I don't know what this song expresses, I just think it sounds good.

"The back note is too high, I can't sing it."

In order to change the subject, "Mo Jingyu, why is your home so far away?"

I haven't been here in my previous life, maybe Mo Jingyu wanted to wait for me to fall in love with him slowly, and then bring me to see grandma.

But in the previous life, grandma also...

"Does your knee hurt? I'll be there in a while. When I get home, ask Ouyang Che to come over and take a look for you."

Speaking of feet, why is there no pain anymore, this...

Mu Xin turned sideways and looked at it. There was really no bruise, and there was no trace of the scratched area just now.

This is incredible.

"Mo Jingyu, look at my knees. Why is it like this? It's obviously not like this. It's really not like this. You saw it too, didn't you? Take a look."

Mo Jingyu listened to Mu Xin's excited and frightened words, so he put her down.

Mu Xin raised the skirt to show Mo Jingyu, to see that there were really no traces.

Incredible indeed.

But Mu Xin was tearful, and Mo Jingyu knelt down to help her take a good look, and it was true that there was nothing there.

how can that be possible?
It was very painful to walk just now, but now it is intact.

Tears fell on Mo Jingyu's head.

Mo Jingyu looked up at her, "Mo Jingyu, what should I do?"

When I saw Mo Jingyu, I felt that the tears would never stop.

Mu Xin knelt down and hugged Mo Jingyu tightly, "Whoa, I'm not a monster, I really am not."

Mo Jingyu was almost caught off guard by Mu Xin's hug and fell, but luckily the other hand supported him.

Mo Jingyu has never comforted anyone, which makes Mo Jingyu feel very helpless.

Usually signing a multi-billion contract without even blinking an eye, but now she feels at a loss because of her crying.

I can only hug her like this, "Mo Jingyu, why do you say this? I was obviously injured. When I was abroad, I heard that there was a person whose wound would heal for no reason. In the end, that person was killed by our school. people call him a monster, but no one has seen his face."

"I don't want to be a monster, can you help me? Woohoo, I'm not a monster..."

Mo Jingyu felt that she was really made of water, her body was very soft, and she was crying now.

After a long time, I still kept crying.

Helpless, never had such helplessness.

Mo Jingyu wanted to push her out, but Mu Xin hugged him tightly.

"You look me in the eyes."

Mu Xin couldn't listen at all, she didn't want to see herself in his eyes. "I don't want it, I don't want it."

"Hey, look at me." Mo Jingyu said softly, and Mu Xin was also intoxicated by his tenderness, slowly raised her head, and met Mo Jingyu's eyes.

But Mu Xin looked at it and wanted to lower her head, but Mo Jingyu held her melon-seeded face like a precious treasure, and made her look into his eyes, "You don't, do you understand? At least not in my heart."

Mu Xin still shook her head.

"I want you to remember that even if one day people all over the world think you are a monster, I will still face the desolation of this world with you."

(End of this chapter)

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