Chapter 6

Even if he hasn't met anyone yet, Mu Xin knows who it is.

Mu Xin ran directly into Mu Zhen's arms, "Dad, I miss you so much."

You left because of me in the last life. In this life, I will protect you and never let you leave me again. Since you left, no one cares about me except Mo Jingyu.Thinking of these things, Mu Xin's tears blurred her eyes.

Mu Zhen looked at the tearful Mu Xin and thought that she was bullied because she didn't come home last night.

"Xinxin, what's the matter? Why do you still cry so much after being abroad for so long?"

"I just love to cry, and I still want to rub your body."

Mu Xin really did what she said, and directly wiped it on Mu Zhen's suit.

Mo Jingyu looked at the aggressive Mu Xin just now and the coquettish Mu Xin in Mu Zhen's arms, the contrast is really too big, but now she thinks it is so cute.

Mu Xin grew up under Mu Zhen's protection since she was a child, so as long as she wanted, Mu Zhen would try her best to satisfy her. Since his wife left, Mu Zhen loved Mu Xin even more. Title: The madman who dotes on the "lover in the previous life", that is to say, the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life, and Mu Zhen is because of this, so this title really belongs to him.

"Stop crying, stop crying, there are still so many people here."

No one in the audience expected Mu Xin to say this, "Then can I go home and cry?"

And Mu Zhen was even more numb, so he patted Mu Xin's head, "Yes, yes."

Mo Jingyu suddenly wanted to strangle her, why did he get along with his father like this.

Mu Zhen looked at the people around her, but when she saw Mrs. Mo opposite, Mu Zhen called out, "Aunt Mo, it's really you. Long time no see."

Just went to say hello, and even pulled Mu Xin to go there together.

"It's been a long time indeed."

Mu Zhen sighed, "We haven't been in touch since that incident,"

Madam Mo was instantly depressed, "Well, yes."

"Father, do you know Grandma Mo?"

Mu Zhen looked at Mrs. Mo, nodded and said, "I know her, she is your grandfather's friend."

Mu Xin no longer had the crying mood just now, but opened her eyes wide like a curious baby between the two adults, "Really? Do you really know each other? No wonder Grandma Mo knew about your father just now." What about the name?"

Madam Mo introduced Mo Jingyu to Mu Zhen, "Jing Yu, come here, he is your Uncle Mu."

"Hello, uncle."

Mu Zhen asked suspiciously, "Aunt Mo, is he the same child from back then?"

"Yes, he is that kid back then."

Mu Zhen looked at Mo Jingyu with emotion, "It's so big."

"Zhen'er, don't think about those things anymore, look, your heart is not so big, it's just about the two of them..."

Mrs. Mo looked at Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin respectively.

"Jing Yu, take them downstairs for breakfast."

Both Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin knew that Mrs. Mo was deliberately dismissing the two of them, because they looked at them before speaking.

"Okay, grandma."


"Grandma, uncle, please talk slowly, I will wait for you below."

"Grandma Mo, Dad, then I'll go first."

"Go, go, be careful on the road."


Mo Jingyu knew that this must have something to do with his parents, but grandma didn't say it didn't mean he wouldn't look it up. Uncle Mu just happened to be a breakthrough, but why did grandma send me and her away?

This matter is also something that Mo Jingyu is curious about.

But she also looked preoccupied, and experienced what happened last night again.

The strange thing is that my grandma didn't like me going back to China before. Although she always said that he would not accompany her, it was actually because she didn't want me to stay in China. Maybe something really happened.

Mo Jingyu felt that it was time to really find out the truth of the matter.

 Maybe Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin were the ones who experienced the events back then, but they were too young to remember.

  Looking forward to the update of the next chapter! ! !

  Meme Da|)っI like you
(End of this chapter)

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