Chapter 44

"Haha, okay, Qin Mo, you're really good. I didn't expect you to break through to the fifth-rank martial artist after a few months. I can't believe it." Half an hour later, in a restaurant on the street under Liu Nianshun's jurisdiction, more than a dozen people sat Several tables ate and drank together.At the wine table, Liu Nianshun said happily.

Although he had a meal at Lie Yan headquarters not long ago, he can still eat here, because these are his brothers, he can eat and drink without estimation.Even if the food here is not as rich as the leader entertained him.

"It's just a fluke." Qin Mo smiled and said, he hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time. Although the beautiful teacher and apprentice in the deep misty forest didn't abuse him, it still made him feel uncomfortable.At this time, Qin Mo had already forgotten that he still had the imprint left by his beautiful master on his body, the imprint that could kill him at any time.

This group of brothers didn't feel restrained because Qin Mo's cultivation far surpassed them. They were still talking and laughing with Qin Mo as before, drinking one by one.Qin Mo also somewhat enjoyed such a scene. After all, he came to this world alone, and he doesn't have many friends. These dozen or so are his best friends in this world.

However, Qin Mo and the others had only drank for less than half an hour before someone ran upstairs.

"Team, Captain, Captain Liu, it's not good, Shenhu's Huang Xintian brought a group of people to kill, saying that he wanted to avenge the old wolf." The person who rushed to the restaurant reported.

After hearing this, Liu Nianshun's complexion immediately became ugly, and he said, "Go, tell my elder brother quickly."

"Yes!" The younger brother hurriedly went downstairs in response.

At this moment, Qin Mo and the others heard a noise coming from the street downstairs, and everyone poked their heads out from the railing of the restaurant to look.I saw a group of people approaching them aggressively.

"Qin Mo, let's stay away for now and deal with this matter when my elder brother comes." Liu Nianshun said to Qin Mo. Although he knew that Qin Mo's cultivation had reached the fifth-rank martial artist, he still didn't know about it. Qin Mo killed Wang Dashan.So he didn't think that Qin Mo could beat Huang Xintian, who had already reached the eighth rank warrior.So I wanted to let Qin Mo hide, and he also had to hide.

However, Qin Mo shook his head, looked at the people below who were walking towards the restaurant, and looked at the fiery red sunset in the sky, the sunset had all gone down.

Before Liu Nianshun could say anything more, Qin Mo jumped out from the railing and landed directly in front of the gate of the restaurant below.He bumped into the oncoming Huang Xintian.

Holding a samurai sword in his hand, Qin Mo looked coldly at the group of people walking towards him.And when those people came to Qin Mo, they paused.Someone recognized Qin Mo immediately.After all, Qin Mo didn't kill the old wolf before.

"Captain Huang, that's him. He killed Captain Wolf."

The old wolf is just a small captain, just like Liu Nianshun, but the Huang Xintian in front of him is the same existence as Liu Tianxiong, his little brother was fucked, can he not come?In the past, even if the two sides quarreled, the conflict would not kill the captain of the other party, so today's incident is a bit serious.Of course, Qin Mo didn't know anything about it. From his point of view, since the old wolf had always wanted to punish him, and even wanted to kill him, why couldn't he kill him?He even killed Wang Dashan, let alone this little old wolf.

"Boy, how dare you kill my brother, I, Huang, would be in vain if I didn't avenge him today!" The middle-aged man who was walking in the front opened his eyes angrily and roared at Qin Mo with a big knife in his hand.

But Qin Mo felt a little funny after looking at the strong man in front of him, and said with a smile: "Uncle, your beard looks like Zhang Fei, but the big knife you are wielding is like Guan Gong's Qinglong Yanyue knife. You are neither fish nor fowl Where did the guy come from?"

After hearing Qin Mo's words, the strong man was startled. Who are Zhang Fei and Guan Gong?He hadn't heard of Zhang San Li Si, but he had heard of Zhang San Li Si, so he thought Qin Mo was mocking himself for being an unknown boy like Zhang San Li Si.Immediately, he became even more annoyed, and shouted: "Boy, you are looking for death!" After finishing speaking, he grasped the big knife with both hands, drew it up and slashed towards Qin Mo.

Looking at his aura of raising the saber and slashing it down, Qin Mo knew that this saber was much heavier than Guan Gong's. After all, the power of practitioners in this world is more mysterious, much stronger than ordinary people, but cultivators Because the further the realm goes, the stronger the power will be.

When Qin Mo saw the opponent's big knife slashing towards him, he knew he couldn't be overwhelmed by force, so he slid sideways and dodged to the side.

"Boom!" Just as Qin Mo avoided looking, the big knife fell to his original position. In an instant, the street paved with thick bluestone blocks immediately stirred up countless dust and gravel. All the bluestone blocks within three square meters near the location were cracked, forming a deep pit.

Seeing the opponent's move, Qin Mo was also amazed. Even if he used the ghost hand, it would be difficult to display such power, which shows the importance of this realm.At the same time, Qin Mo also understands that there are specializations in the art industry, and even if they are in the same realm of cultivation, their strengths are different.Like Shi Xiaoji, she focuses on body skills, her body skills are flexible and changeable, but she has a weakness in strength, her strength is often insufficient, and she can only use some skills and ingenuity to make up for it.

The uncle in front of him is obviously capable of cultivating strength, but although his strength is great, his speed is a weakness.However, if a person's strength is strong enough, his speed will naturally increase.It's like a child playing with an axe. It's good to be able to lift it up, but if you change it to an adult, you can naturally chop firewood more easily.

These analyzes were completed by Qin Mo in an instant, otherwise he wouldn't have made the decision to dodge before the opponent's sword cut him down.Of course, these experiences are all summed up from his own experience in actual combat during this period of time.

When Huang Xintian saw that he missed a single blow, he immediately took out his big sword and once again swept across the entire army and slashed towards Qin Mo.Most people can only dodge such tricks with a short body, but how can the one who uses the trick not know how to resolve it?Therefore, it can be regarded as falling into the calculation of the recruiter.

However, at the moment when the opponent's big sword cut him in the middle, Qin Mo suddenly jumped up, and this jump was almost two feet high.It easily dodged the opponent's attack.

Huang Xintian was also taken aback, never thought that Qin Mo would have such a way to resolve it, and the sword that was about to change direction and cut down hastily stopped.

 Please collect and recommend.Thank you, the mayor!


(End of this chapter)

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