Professor of Magic

Chapter 26 Lesson 25 Trey and Serra

Chapter 26 Lesson 25 Trey and Serra
"Want to run?" These two people speak Maginot, and they are still so sneaky near Fenol College. It is not a good thing to think about it. Lin Yuan will not let them run away.

As soon as the male magician floated up, he felt a sudden darkness on the top of his head.When he looked up, he suddenly found that a wall of earth above him had been crushed down.He was also taken aback. When he first saw Lin Yuan using the wind shield, he thought that Lin Yuan was a wind magician, but he didn't expect that now, he turned out to be Fengtu Shuangxiu.

Fortunately, the male magician reacted quickly, and with the movement of the magic power in his body, the wind of possession brought him to the side, avoiding the pressed earth wall.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan chuckled, moved his right hand, and the earthen wall turned abruptly in the air, and continued to press against the magician.

This is the magic that he came up with just now.First, a wind shield is summoned at a designated position in the air, and after being mixed with earth elements, it becomes an earth wall that can be controlled by oneself.Using it now, it works really well.

At this moment, the male magician had no time to express how shocked he was.I have been a magician for so many years, and I have seen many earth magicians, but I have never seen one who can use the earth wall like this.

However, Lin Yuan didn't seem to be satisfied, so he recruited another earthen wall.The male magician who had already been chased by a wall of earth was in a mess, but now that another wall was added, he had nowhere to hide.

"Hmph!" Seeing that he was about to be crushed into meatloaf by the earthen wall, the male magician suddenly snorted coldly, and drew a few strokes in the air with both hands, a little wind magic element quickly gathered in his palm, and after a while, a small shape was formed. tornado.He pushed with both hands, and the tornado suddenly shrank inward again, and then exploded, turning into countless high-speed wind blades, not only cutting the two earthen walls into pieces of mud all over the sky, but the scattered wind blades also shattered what was originally a good piece of land. The woods were cut to pieces.

The moment the male magician gathered the wind magic elements, Lin Yuan felt something was wrong.But the male magician's magic was too fast, he only had time to prop up a defensive shield mixed with local conditions.However, the defensive shield still couldn't completely block it, and two wind blades still penetrated through the defensive shield, leaving two wounds on his left thigh and left arm.

Lin Yuan's face turned cold, and his eyes immediately filled with anger when he looked at the male magician.It has been several months since he came to this world, and he has never suffered such a big loss.

Seeing that the male magician was about to attack again, Lin Yuan snorted coldly, and once again summoned an earthen wall to smash it over.

The male magician couldn't help but sneered, he didn't hide much at all, and threw out a few wind blades with his right hand.The blow just now made him understand that this earthen wall cannot be avoided by hiding, and breaking it down is the best way.

The wind blade hit the earth wall and cut the earth wall into several pieces.But before the male magician had time to be proud, he found several strange balls flying from behind the earth wall, constantly shining red and blue lights.


Hearing the reminder from the woman below, the male magician didn't dare to be careless, and quickly propped up the wind shield.


A series of violent explosions sounded in the woods.

The male magician never expected that this strange ball of light would be so powerful that it almost exploded his wind shield.If he hadn't reacted quickly and added another one in front of him in time, he might have been killed immediately.

Seeing the male magician's body flying towards the river like a kite with broken strings, Lin Yuan was just about to catch up and fire a few ice fireballs, but he was blocked by a light blue mask.

It turned out that a woman finally shot.

Just now, Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to the woman who had been doing nothing at the side. Unexpectedly, she is also a magician, and her level is not low.At least the timing and location of this water shield are just right, which is enough to prove her strength in water magic.

Because he summoned several earth walls in one breath and controlled them to chase the male mage in the air for a long time, and finally sent out so many ice and fire balls, Lin Yuan's magic power was not much left, so he didn't break through the water shield immediately.

He could only watch helplessly as the woman dragged the fallen body of the male magician, and then jumped into the river with him in her arms.

When Lin Yuan broke through the water shield and rushed to the river, he suddenly found that the river as far as he could see was covered with a thick layer of ice, which made it impossible for him to find the traces of the two leaving.


The next morning, Lin Yuan didn't have a class, so he was caught by Vice President Capaci to attend the teaching observation class of other teachers.Lin Yuan is very familiar with this thing. In the previous world, it was common to go to other classes to attend lectures, but not as many people go together like Feynor College.

It is also good for Lin Yuan to listen to the lectures of other teachers.Although he has studied magic with Hawke for two months and is very familiar with low-level magic, but after all, the learning time is too short, and there are always some shortcomings in other places.Listening to other teachers' lectures would not only allow him to learn more about the teaching at Fenol Academy, but also allow him to learn more about magic theory.

It's just that most of the teachers here are rigid when teaching, and they teach purely in the way of teaching apprentices instead of students, which is completely nothing new.Except for listening to the parts that are useful to him, Lin Yuan was distracted all the time.

After fighting with those two people for no reason yesterday, he originally wanted to ask old man Hawke, but was told that the dean is conducting important magic research, and he can't bother him if there is nothing particularly important.Lin Yuan thought about it.

But... Lin Yuan tilted his head, looked carefully at Katyusha who was sitting beside him, and compared her with the woman he saw yesterday.

Yesterday happened to be the time when Ellis showed his full face once every three months, so the moonlight was very bright, and Lin Yuan could see clearly.Compared with that woman, Katyusha's face is slightly rounder and her lips are thicker. More importantly, her skin is not good enough, and the matching of her facial features is not perfect, so she looks ordinary.And that woman, even though he only took a few glances, Lin Yuan knew that she was a beautiful woman.

"What are you looking at?" Sensing that Lin Yuan was watching her, Katyusha asked in a low voice.

"I was wondering what it would be like to go to Trey's observation class tomorrow."

Katyusha smiled slightly, and was about to continue talking, when Vice President Kapaqi on the other side suddenly coughed lightly, so she could only wink at Lin Yuan, and listened carefully to the class again.


At this time, Trey did not concentrate on preparing lessons as Lin Yuan thought, so that he could cope with the teaching observation the next day.At the moment, he is in a single room in the most luxurious restaurant in Windno City, enjoying the luxurious meals here.

"It's really good wine. This bottle of blue rose has been preserved for at least 300 years. It's really the best." Trey let out a sigh of satisfaction, and said to the human sitting opposite: "With this bottle of wine alone, Master Sera can Just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

The person named Sierra has a few strands of gray hair and looks only half a century old, but his complexion is rosy and his complexion is good, and his spirit is actually better than that of Trey.

"It's not a big deal, I just want you to investigate a person."

"Investigate a person?" Trey asked in surprise. "Master Sera, you have so many subordinates, do you still need my help?"

"This person is a teacher from your Feynor Academy. I can't put someone in, so I can only rely on you."

"Teacher?" Trey's heart moved. "Who are you investigating?"

"It's someone named Lin Yuan. I don't know if you know him or not?"

Trey smiled coldly: "I know, of course I do. This kid has been very popular in the academy recently, not to mention me, I'm afraid there is no one in the academy who doesn't know him."

Sera gave him a surprised look, but didn't ask any further questions.

"Well, it's him I want to investigate. The more information about him, the better."

Trey was also wondering why this Sierra was so curious about Lin Yuan. It stands to reason that they have no relationship at all.

Likewise, he won't ask too many questions.

The two people with evil intentions chatted together for a while, and Trey suddenly asked: "Master Serra, I don't know what Pamir means so easily..."

Sera smiled slightly: "Don't worry about this, don't forget, you are an intermediate magister, how could they not welcome you. Besides, you are only 40 years old, but you are a genius among geniuses. If there are no accidents in the future, becoming a great magister is also very important." It's not unusual. Tell me, would they not welcome such a person?"

Hearing the word "genius", Trey couldn't help snorting coldly from his nose.In Lin Yuan's teaching observation class that day, although he made some critical remarks, he was really shocked in his heart.

Lin Yuan's magic power is nothing in the eyes of an intermediate magister, but his understanding of magic and his ability to innovate make him feel ashamed.Not to mention anything else, Guang Linyuan used a miniature fireball to heat fresh milk, he never thought of it anyway.Even if he wanted to, his manipulation of magic power might not be so precise.

If you want to talk about a genius, I'm afraid that Lin Yuan is the real genius, and it's no wonder that old man Hawke values ​​him so much.

Thinking of this, Trey couldn't help snorting again, raised his neck and poured a glass of wine into it.

Seeing him like this, Sierra seemed to understand a little bit.He already knew the identity of the young man who fought against him yesterday through the woman.But just because I knew it, I was even more surprised.He himself is a level 9 magician and is about to step into the ranks of magisters, but he was defeated by a young man who only learned magic for two months. Please ask Trey to investigate Lin Yuan's actions.

As soon as Lin Yuan was mentioned, the atmosphere at the dinner table seemed to cool down in an instant, the two had no interest in talking anymore, took a few bites casually, and said goodbye to each other.

But after Trey left, Sera clapped his hands and called someone in, and whispered: "You guys pay more attention to Ka..."

(End of this chapter)

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