Professor of Magic

Chapter 28 Lesson 27 Behind the Provocation

Chapter 28 Lesson 27 Behind the Provocation

Three days later, the vice president's office.

"Tell me, what's going on here?" Vice President Capaci threw a few pieces of paper on the table and stared at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan glanced at it, and it was full of reports about Class [-], Grade [-].Naturally, there is no good word.

"Today is the second time. Adding yesterday and the day before yesterday, the students in your class have caused more than 10 riots in the past three days. Not to mention how much public property of the college was damaged, other students alone Got 3 marks. Lin, I don't know how you discipline students."

There wasn't much anger in Capaci's voice. After all, it was common for students to make troubles in the college, and under normal circumstances, he, the deputy dean, would not be in charge of it himself.

But this time the incident was not only intensive, but also concentrated on Class [-], Grade [-].However, the teacher in charge of this class is Lin Yuan, who is especially valued by the dean, so Ming Duosi, who is in charge of the discipline of the school, dare not take care of it, so he pushes it to him.

"This... I will give them a good lesson later." Lin Yuan took a peek at Capaqi's face and emphasized his tone. "It's outrageous!"

Capacci patted his head with a headache. The students who can enter Feynor Academy are either geniuses in magic or have backgrounds in their families. No matter which one, it is not good to be too strict.In addition, the Kus Empire advocated force, so the college mostly turned a blind eye to the conflicts among students.If it wasn't for the big trouble this time, he wouldn't bother to talk nonsense to Lin Yuan.

"Forget it, you can take him back." Capaci waved his hand. "Remember, if something happens again, I can't keep you."

"Thank you, Vice President." Lin Yuan hurriedly saluted, and said to Red, who had been silent all this time, "Let, let's go."

"Reid. Tell me..." Lin Yuan spoke solemnly as soon as he left the vice president's room.

"Huh?" Although Reid still maintained a cold face, his heart became tense.

"Did you win?"

Looking at Lin Yuan's serious face, Reid really couldn't laugh or cry.He thought he would be reprimanded, but Lin Yuan actually asked this question.

"Could it be that you lost the battle?" Lin Yuan was a little surprised.Although Reid is only a level 1 fire magician, his ability to control magic is very good. It stands to reason that magicians of the same level should not be his opponents.It seems that he is not an idiot, and he will not challenge someone with a higher level than him.

Reid couldn't help showing a smile, and shook his head: "No, the other party entered the infirmary."

Lin Yuan immediately looked at him with admiration. He didn't expect that this kid had a pretty smile, but he was so ruthless.

In a duel between magicians, it is generally easy to tell the winner.Coupled with the existence of various magic shields, as long as it is not a life-and-death struggle, in most cases there will be no injuries.Now Reid actually beat the opponent into the infirmary, which shows that he is not only stronger than the opponent, but also much more ruthless.

Lin Yuan took a look at the pile of reports given to him by the vice president, and found that Fasino and Zhuo Na were not among the names listed above, and his suspicion gradually became a fact.

"Red, can you tell me what's going on now?"

Red looked at Lin Yuan, and only uttered three words: "Fasino."

it is as expected.

After a while, Lin Yuan saw him in Fasino's dormitory.

"Teacher, you guessed right. I arranged these." Before Lin Yuan could ask, Fasino took the initiative to confess.

"Okay, tell me, what do you think?" Fasino was the student Lin Yuan valued the most.Not only is he amazingly talented in magic, but he is also very sophisticated in human relationships. He doesn't look like a 17-year-old boy at all.Lin Yuan didn't believe that he would do such a thing for no reason.

"I remember that the teacher once said a word when he was teaching us, it is called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles." Fasno took a sip of tea and smiled. "At that time, I didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but now I have to admire the teacher. This sentence is so good."

Lin Yuan blushed slightly, this was copied from the textbook in the original world.

"Since we are about to compete with Class Six, it is always good to know their strength."

"So you mobilized your classmates to provoke?" Lin Yuan asked. "But why in the incident report given to me by the vice-principal, it wasn't just the students in Class Six who were provoked?"

"If it's only aimed at Class [-] students, it would be too obvious." Fasno said with a smile. "At least now we won't let others say that we are targeting Class Six."

Lin Yuan shook his head: "Do you think others can't see it? Believe it or not, Trey must want to kill me to vent his anger at this time."

"Of course I believe that." Fasno still looked calm. "But what I want is that they can't have this excuse. As for Magister Trey... I think Mr. Lin, you must have a way to deal with it, so the students don't have to worry about it."

Lin Yuan was immediately amused, this Fasino actually counted himself in, and he really did not feel ashamed of his good mind.

"Well, you're right. I'm not afraid of Trey coming to make trouble. But Fasno, tell me, how sure are you for tomorrow's game?"

Fasno frowned: "Judging from the situation in the past few days, Class [-] doesn't have any outstanding students. But I think that since Magister Trey will take the initiative to propose this competition, then he must have great influence." It's right to be sure. Maybe, Class Six is ​​really hiding his strength."

Lin Yuan nodded. He has also considered this issue. If Class Six is ​​really as vulnerable as it has shown in the past few days, then Trey's proposal is tantamount to humiliating himself.Although Trey is annoying, he is not an idiot, so how could he be willing to do such a thing.

"I also checked the situation of the students in Class Six when they entered school. Judging from the grades at the time of admission, Class Six did not have any outstanding students. I have been in school for so long, and I have never heard of any outstanding students in Class Six. I really can't figure out where Magister Trey's confidence comes from." Fasno said again.

Lin Yuan couldn't figure it out either.

"Forget it, tomorrow is the day of the competition, and there is no time to think so much now. I believe that with your strength, it is impossible for Class Six to beat you."

"Thank you teacher for the compliment."


The day of the competition came as scheduled. Since Trey chose a Sunday and the college was on holiday, the students had enough time to participate in the competition.

"Ms. Lin, you are a good student." When he saw Lin Yuan, Trey's bloodless face became even more gloomy.

A few days ago, he had been receiving news that students from Class [-] were being provoked by students from Class [-].Although he tried his best to suppress it, a few students from Class [-] still couldn't bear to fight with each other, and they were sent to the infirmary in the end, and they haven't recovered until now.

Trey naturally believed that these actions of the students were instructed by Lin Yuan, and he longed to tear Lin Yuan into pieces for cooking.

But today's game was proposed by him, so naturally he couldn't just fall out with Lin Yuan, so although he had a gloomy face, he didn't say anything particularly nasty.

"Hehe, thank you Teacher Trey for your praise. If you don't teach well, how dare you bring them here." Looking at the students in Class [-] behind Trey, Lin Yuan deliberately made a surprised expression and said: "Trey Teacher, the students in class six seem to be missing a few, are they shrinking back?"

Trey almost threw a fireball into Lin Yuan's face.How could he not know these reasons? Saying this now is clearly adding salt to the wound.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Trey picked up a sealed box from the table behind him with a yell.

"Since everyone is here, let's start drawing lots. Mr. Lin, you come first."

According to the competition rules negotiated by Trey and Lin Yuan, each class will send 10 students to compete on stage, and whoever wins 6 games first will be the winner.

As for which student to choose to play, it was random.In Treina's box, there were slips of paper with the names of all the students in Class Six, and Lin Yuan wanted to pick one out of it.Similarly, Trey will also choose one of the boxes containing the names of students from Class Three, and then the two students will compete on stage.

"Kampas, who is it?" Lin Yuan glanced at the note in his hand and shouted loudly.

"It's me." A tall student walked out of Class Six.

Lin Yuan looked at him and took out the box from Class Three.


Lin Yuan felt relieved. Fiere was a level 1 earth-type magician in his class. Although his magical power was average, he had a good understanding of earth-type magic.Coupled with the strong defensiveness of earth magic, even if he can't win, he won't lose too badly.

The two stood up on the stage specially used for duels in the academy, and then Trey waved his hand to signal the start of the match.

As soon as Trey's hand fell, the two cast their magic almost at the same time.A fireball hit a dirt wall, leaving a trail of smoke.

Lin Yuan nodded approvingly.If you don't understand the opponent, it is naturally the best choice to defend first, not to mention that earth magic is good at this.

The students in the sixth class on the opposite side are fire magicians. In terms of attack power, Ferre, who can only use low-level earth magic, cannot be compared at all.But in defense, it's the exact opposite.

The strategy adopted by Fiere was correct. He used the high defense power of earth magic to consume the opponent's magic power. As long as the opponent could not break through the earth wall, he was safe.

The use of fire attack magic consumes more magic power than maintaining the earth wall. As long as Fiere can hold on, it will be the magic power of Campas that will be exhausted first.At that point, Fiere would have won.

Of course, Campas is not stupid.Seeing that his fireball attack didn't work, he stopped.

Lin Yuan noticed that he glanced at Trey on the sidelines, and Trey nodded slightly in response.

While still thinking about the meaning of their eye contact, Lin Yuan suddenly found that the fire element in Karpas' hands was obviously abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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