Professor of Magic

Chapter 30 Lesson 29 Comparison

Chapter 30 Lesson 29 Comparison
The strongest Keen was defeated, and the magic used as a strange move was also seen through, and the morale of the students in Class Six was completely lost.

In the next two games, the students from Class 6 were easily defeated by the students from Class 1.In this way, the third class won the game with a disparity of [-] to [-].

After the end, Trey's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping water, and without even looking at Lin Yuan, he turned around and left with the students of Class Six.

Lin Yuan didn't bother to care about him either. Although he didn't know what method he used to allow the students in Class Six to use such a strange magic, this magic was generally not powerful, and at most it was just a surprise. If it was really used in actual combat , it won't be of much use.

"Students, in order to celebrate the victory, I invite you to have a drink." Lin Yuan turned to the sexually excited students and said loudly, "Of course, not wine."

"Then I want vanilla juice."

"I want fire tongue."

"I want……"


These students are really rude. Although they don't order alcohol, these drinks are much more expensive than alcohol.If they really wanted to follow them, Lin Yuan would have to spend all the little money left in his pocket.

Thinking that there are only a few days left before the salary payment, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Long live Teacher Lin!"

When the students were chanting slogans and preparing to embrace Lin Yuan and march towards Wendnuo City, they were stopped by Vice President Capaci who suddenly appeared.

"Dean Firnas wants to see you."


A moment later, the dean's room.

Lin Yuan stared at the silent old man Hawke, muttering to himself.Is this old man closed and stupid?

Ever since he was taken to the dean's office by Deputy Dean Capaci and saw the old man Hawke, he has been silent, just looking at himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

The meaning in those eyes was so complicated that Lin Yuan couldn't see it at all.

I don't know how long it took, but when Lin Yuan was sitting impatiently, Hawke said, "Lin, do you still remember how long you have been here?"

"Here? It's been less than two months since you came to the academy."

Hawk shook his head: "I mean coming to the mainland of Farinos."

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief.Hawke said that he came to the continent of Farinos, not that he came to this world, which means that he did not know that he was not from this world.

"I don't remember clearly, it was probably more than three months."

"Before you came, I calculated that as of today, it is 107 days."

Lin Yuan was taken aback again, why did this old man have such leisure to calculate these things?
"It's just that you have been studying magic with me for two months, and you have only been in the academy for more than a month. It's incredible that you can invent mixed magic." Hawke sighed, and suddenly made a move with his right hand, a water polo appears on hand.

This water polo is different from the usual water bomb, which is just an ordinary water polo, but the water polo in Hawke's hand is obviously spinning at a very high speed.

"Is this... a mixture of tornado and water bomb?" Lin Yuan glanced at it and asked cautiously.

Seeing Hawke nodded, Lin Yuan couldn't help but gasp.The great magister is the great magister, but from here I know a little bit of the principle of mixed magic, and I can do this in a few days.And he was also able to mix the level 5 wind magic tornado and the level 1 water magic water bomb so well.

This precise control of magic power and super mastery of magic are far beyond what Lin Yuan can match.

"Unfortunately, I haven't done enough research on wind magic. The wind attribute magic power in my body is too far from the water attribute magic power. There is no way to fuse it with your method." Hawke eliminated the magic power condensed in his hand, and then Said: "After these days of experiments, I roughly figured out that that kind of transformation will only occur when the magic power of the two attributes in the body is basically the same. Although I can forcibly separate part of the magic power in the body to do experiments, but the real It is impossible to successfully merge. Unless I put everything down now to increase the magic power of the wind attribute in my body, it is impossible to use hybrid magic as freely as you do."

Lin Yuan had nothing to say about the great magister's strength.Forcibly separate the magic power in the body?If other magicians hear it, they will not say that he is crazy, but that he is whimsical.But the old man Hawke not only did it, but also used manipulation to do magic experiments.

"Oh, I thought I could go further in magic research, but I didn't expect that I couldn't continue because of this reason." Hawke sighed, and suddenly laughed again. "I think that kid Sargeras must be very unwilling at this time. Seeing another door of magic open in front of him, but he can't go in because he is too powerful, this feeling..."

What Lin Yuan noticed was another problem.

"Old man, according to what you said, as long as the magicians of the two systems in the body have similar attributes and magic power, they can fuse?" Lin Yuan asked in wonder: "But magic has such a long history on the mainland of Farinos. There are absolutely a lot of magicians of the two systems of magic, so there is no magician who has the magic power of the two systems in his body? Could it be that they can't think of this method?"

At least Lin Yuan knew that Zhuo Na in his class was now a level 3 water magician and a level 3 fire magician, and the magic power of the two systems in her body was very close.

"It is true that there are people who learn two schools of magic at the same time, but in the history of the Farinos continent, there has never been a person who has adapted to two magic attributes at the same time. It is unique to have all the attributes like you. And learning is not The elemental magic that best suits one's own attributes requires far more time and energy than learning the elemental magic that suits one's own attributes, but the final effect may not be good. So until now, all magicians will not Too much energy has been invested in other elemental magic, that is to say, they cannot have the same magic power of the two elements."

Lin Yuan understood that hybrid magic has always existed objectively in theory, but due to the limitations of reality, this thing cannot actually appear, and there are not even magicians to study it.Because the lifespan of a magician is limited after all, and even a series of elemental magic will take a lot of time to achieve something.What's more, in addition to elemental magic, there is also more profound space magic.

"So... this thing is only useful to me?"

Hawk shook his head: "That's not true. The power of mixed magic is much stronger than that of single elemental magic, and I have tested that the mixed magic will have a much better effect during meditation."

Lin Yuan nodded, he knew this.

"If a magician can learn two types of magic from an early age, through the fusion of dual-attribute magic, although he can't make too much progress in the elemental magic that suits him, he can use mixed magic. In the end I roughly estimated the results. Without other influences, a fire attribute magician with average talent, if he focuses on the study of fire magic since he was a child, then he is likely to become a level 20 fire magician at the age of 4 Magician."

Twenty, the age at which most wizarding academy graduates appear to be based on this estimate.

"And if he starts to learn water and fire magic from a young age, and integrates magic power since he was a child, then at the age of 20, he should only be able to master level 1 water magic and fire magic at most, and he doesn't have enough The magic power uses ice and fire balls." Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't seem to understand, Hawke explained: "This is because he wants to ensure that the two systems of magic in his body are the same, so he can only keep the elemental magic that he is not suitable for. In terms of level. If it wasn’t because the mixed magic meditation effect is good and saves a lot of time, then a magician with the fire attribute might not be able to fully master the first-level water magic at the age of 20.”

Lin Yuan's head got dizzy when he heard that. For a person with full magic power like him, he couldn't understand how difficult it would be for a magician who can only adapt to one type of attribute to learn another type of magic.

"That is to say, at the age of 20, although a magician who learns mixed magic can use two lines of magic, his strength is much worse than a magician who learns single-line magic." Hawke continued. "This situation will probably be reversed at the age of 50."

50 years old, which is the average age of junior magisters on the mainland of Farinos.

"At this time, if there is no accident, the magician who learns single-line magic will step into the ranks of magisters. And the magician who learns two-line magic should be able to make his water and fire magic reach level 6. At the same time, he was able to freely mix the two systems of magic. Judging by the power of the ice fire ball, if this magician is not stupid, then his strength does not belong to a junior magister."

"And after the age of 50, a magician who learns one-line magic will generally choose space-type magic. At this time, his strength mostly depends on his research in this area. And a magician who learns two-line magic at the same time, the strength However, as the mastery of water magic gets better and better, it will improve faster and faster. When this magician can master all the water and fire elemental magic, then his strength will never be lower than that of a high-level magister. "

Hearing this, Lin Yuan hurriedly asked: "So, magicians who learn mixed magic are much more promising than those who only learn single-line magic?"

Hawke didn't answer this question, but instead asked, "Lin, tell me, how many 50 years are there in one's life?"

Lin Yuan suddenly fell silent. According to Hawke, a magician who learns mixed magic cannot compare to a magician who learns single-line magic before the age of 50, and whether he can compare after the age of 50 depends on the specific situation.

Not to mention the more energy consumed in learning two schools of magic at the same time, the fact that he has been inferior to a magician with the same talent as himself in the early stage is enough for most people to accept.

After all, most people go for the power of the magician.

(End of this chapter)

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