Professor of Magic

Chapter 304 Lesson 185 Arriving at the camp for the first time

Chapter 304 Lesson 185 Arriving at the camp for the first time
President Smig didn't notice Lin Yuan's strange expression, and while walking towards the camp with his arm, he said with a smile, "Lin, I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are still so energetic."

Lin Yuan smiled: "Of course, the students and I insist on exercising every day, can we not be energetic?"

As he said that, he gently pulled his arm away, and took a step back to the side.

The old man Hawke's warning is still in his ears, Lin Yuan doesn't want to be too intimate with him.

Lin Yuan's actions made Smeg slightly taken aback, squinted his eyes and looked Lin Yuan up and down, nodded: "It's better to be a young man, but an old man like me feels that he can't do it if he doesn't sleep all night."

Lin Yuan laughed: "Your Excellency, President, you are too modest. I think you are much more energetic than me. Otherwise, how could you think of holding such a grand competition?"

Smig glanced at Lin Yuan, pretending to be surprised and said: "Lin, have you forgotten that this was the suggestion you made to me at the beginning, and I just changed it slightly."

"Really?" Lin Yuan shrugged. "I forgot."

Lin Yuan's answer made Smig's pupils shrink again. After looking at Lin Yuan for a while, he suddenly shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, your memory is not as good as that of an old man like me."

After saying that, he stopped and said apologetically, "It suddenly occurred to me that there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with, Mr. Lin, I'm afraid you have to take the students to the camp yourself. Your Feynor College should be in the middle of the camp, you can go there I see."

Hey, don't want to win over me?

Lin Yuan nodded, and President Smig immediately turned and left without delay.

Lin Yuan exhaled lightly, and it made him feel a lot easier not to continue making false claims with President Smig.

He took the students a few steps along the direction Smig pointed, and before he saw anyone, he heard the familiar voice of Vice President Capacci.

"Listen well. After lunch, you will have classes as usual in the afternoon. Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are not in the academy. Do you hear me?"

A feeble voice sounded.

Lin Yuan couldn't help smiling, these few instructions from Vice President Capacci reminded him of the dean of the former World School.

Every time he led the students to participate in off-campus activities with him, he would always lecture the students with a straight face like the vice president of Capacci.

At this time, Vice President Capaci had also seen Lin Yuan and the others, beckoning Lin Yuan to come over, and asked with a frown, "Why are you here now? Didn't you leave a day earlier than us?"

"Admiring the scenery along the way with the students, so I walked slowly." Lin Yuan said nonchalantly.

Seeing Lin Yuan's hippie smile, Vice President Capaci could only shake his head helplessly.

This Lin really has nothing to do with him.

"How did you get here?" Vice President Capaci asked, pointing in the direction of Gary Town.

"Go in a straight line. Isn't a straight line the shortest distance between two points?" Lin Yuan asked deliberately.

Vice President Capaci snorted coldly: "Don't tell me you don't know that this straight line is actually the most difficult to walk, that's not like your style."

"The Vice President really understands me." Lin Yuan exclaimed. "It's a pity that the students chose this path despite knowing that the straight line is the most difficult. As a teacher, I have to listen to their arrangements."

"Oh? You said the students picked it themselves?" Vice President Capaci glanced at the faces of the students in Class [-], Grade [-], and showed a satisfied smile. "Very good, as expected of a student of our Feynor College, with courage."

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes. If he told Vice President Capaci that he chose this route, with his temper, he might be reprimanded, saying that Lin Yuan didn't think about the safety of the students.As a result, now knowing that it was the students' own choice, they praised them again.

If something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat and walk around.

Of course, it is also impossible for Vice President Capaci to praise the students in person.

"Master Vice President, since the official competition will start tomorrow, what are you going to do this afternoon?" Lin Yuan asked again.

"What do you want to do?" Vice President Kapaqi glared at Lin Yuan and asked back.

"I haven't said anything yet." Lin Yuan could only touch his nose, muttered, and stopped staying here to make fun of himself, and ran to join in the fun with the students.

In addition to the third class of the first grade led by Lin Yuan, the first-year class of Fenol Academy who passed the selection to participate in this trial competition was precisely the sixth class that Lin Yuan had coached for a week before.

Because they had been in class with Class Three of Grade One for a week, their relationship with each other was much closer than students in other classes.

Seeing Lin Yuan and the students from Class [-], Grade [-] also came to the camp, the students from Class [-] had already gathered around and chatted with each other.

Among the sixth class, Laisuo, who had participated in the Continental Academy of Magic Contest with Lin Yuan, Fasnuo and Zhuo Na, had the best relationship with everyone. Seeing that Lin Yuan had finished his conversation with Vice President Capaci, he quickly got together come up.

"Mr. Lin, this time our two classes are participating in the competition together. Do we have a chance to listen to your lecture again?"

Lin Yuan glanced at Luo Tesi, the current teacher in charge of Class [-] who was chatting with several other students on the other side, shook his head and said: "Since this is a trial contest based on the class, when the time comes, our two classes will We will definitely be separated, so we shouldn't have much time together."

The disappointed expression on Laisuo's face was not concealed at all.

"Mr. Lin, I also said that I must listen to your lecture again this time, and study the results of these days with Fasino and the others. Listening to you, don't you have a chance?"

"What I can teach you, I have already taught you in those days. Although it is not specific enough, as long as you think about it, you will gain a lot. You don't have to come to listen to my lectures." Lin Yuan smiled. road. "If you want to discuss with Fasino and the others, I remember you live in the same dormitory building as him?"

Laisuo nodded, as if he was still a little unwilling, but just as he opened his mouth, Lin Yuan waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Okay, don't talk about it. When I have the opportunity, I will naturally teach you my knowledge of magic, but I can't do it now. Go back, lest Mr. Rotes is unhappy."

Lesso glanced back at Luo Tesi, the teacher in charge of his class, and found that he was just glancing in his direction, so he nodded helplessly, and turned back to his seat in the class.

Seeing Laisuo's disappointed back, Lin Yuan couldn't help smiling.

Now his status in Feynor College is far from comparable to when he first arrived at the college a year ago. Even if he really went to teach the students of Class [-] in front of Rotes, Rotes should not object. It is even more impossible to accuse Lin Yuan face to face like Booth in the third grade.

But of course Lin Yuan would not do this. Although he has enough strength and qualifications now, doing so will definitely affect the dignity of Rotes as a teacher. As a teacher, Lin Yuan is of course more concerned about this than anyone else. To understand.

Glancing at Rotes, Lin Yuan suddenly thought that the original teacher in charge of Class [-], Trey, a talented teacher from Feynor College, had left the college for more than half a year, but there was no news back until now, and no one knew about him. Where are you now, what are you doing.

With his talent and strength, coupled with his changed mentality after being stimulated by Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan believes that as long as he takes the initiative to return to the academy, his strength will be greatly improved compared to before.

But when he comes back, what will Mr. Roters do?Give up the position of the teacher in charge of class six?
Thinking about it, I think it's impossible. If Trey's strength improves, he will at least be a senior magister, and if he is also the teacher in charge of Class Six, it would be too much talent and too little use.

But with Trey's age and qualifications, it seemed impossible for him to serve as a higher-level academy leader.

In this way, if Trey does come back, how to arrange him becomes a problem.

Lin Yuan suddenly laughed. He didn't know when Trey would come back. Even if he came back suddenly, no matter how he was arranged, it wouldn't be Lin Yuan's turn to have a headache. What kind of strength.

Shaking his head and throwing away this thought, Lin Yuan stood up and looked around.

Feynor Academy is the number one magic academy in the mainland, so it is arranged in the middle of the camp, while other major colleges are surrounded by Feynor Academy.

Because the Spirit Forest did not send a representative to participate in this competition, the closest ones to Feynor College are Pamir College and Renault College.

With a glance, Lin Yuan saw a few acquaintances on the left and right.

After greeting them from a distance, Lin Yuan saw more acquaintances in a further distance.

Before they could find him, Lin Yuan quickly sat down.

He has been a big hit in the circle of the magic academy this year, and he knows quite a few people. If he goes to say hello to everyone, he will be exhausted sooner or later.

"Mr. Lin, should we go out this afternoon to warm up our lower body and familiarize ourselves with the environment?" As soon as he sat down, Vince came over.

"Warm up? Familiar with the environment?" Lin Yuan gave Vince a white look. "I think you want to find Xiluda, right? Didn't you hear what the vice president said just now? Classes are held normally in the afternoon, and no one is allowed to wander around. If you have the ability, go and persuade the vice president to let you go. "

After Lin Yuan saw through his intentions, Vince still smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, as long as you make a request to the vice president, I think he will definitely agree. You can go and talk about it."

"Don't talk about it." Lin Yuan flatly refused. "Even if the Vice President doesn't say anything, I won't let you leave the camp and run around in the afternoon. The official competition will start tomorrow. Take a good rest today and recharge your spirits. If you perform better tomorrow, the Vice President As long as you are happy, maybe you will be granted a vacation."

Seeing Lin Yuan's resolute expression, Vince had to back away in disappointment just like Laisuo.

Lin Yuan looked up and found that Salas had risen above his head, it should be noon.

Lunches in many camps have been prepared, and the whole camp was filled with aromas. Lin Yuan sniffed a few times, and his stomach couldn't help growling.

Although I ate a few pieces of crocodile meat on the way, after all, it has been a long time since breakfast, and it would be a lie to say that I am not hungry now.

Fortunately, after the last trial, the students had already cultivated the experience of living in the wild. As soon as they arrived at the camp, they started preparing lunch with Sara. After this period of time, they were ready.

Before Lin Yuan was made to wait long, Sha Luo brought broth in one hand and a piece of bread in the other to Lin Yuan.

Throwing a smile to Sha Luo, Lin Yuan took the bread and broth, took a bite of the bread, and was just about to take another mouthful of the broth, when he looked down, but was startled, and before he had time to think, he stood up abruptly. Shouted: "Don't drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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