Professor of Magic

Chapter 307 Lesson 188 Basic Questions

Chapter 307 Lesson 188 Basic Questions
After the students studied further, they discovered why Lin Yuan and Sha Luo couldn't finish it after so many days.

Learning something and teaching something to others are two completely different concepts.

For these students, learning magic is not difficult most of the time, let alone the basic knowledge of these magic foundations.

But to teach these basics so that everyone can understand, the first thing to do is to lower the standard, because it is impossible for everyone to have the same talent as them.

What's more, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo also put forward a more demanding requirement, even in the eyes of the students, which is almost impossible—to make it understandable even for people without magical talent.

People without magical talent cannot sense magical elements.

For the students, sensing the magical elements around them is as easy and natural as breathing, and there is no need to mention it at all.

Asking them to explain the elements of magic to a non-magically gifted person would be like explaining colors to someone born blind.

At this time, the students understood why there were so many illustrations on these drafts.

Although these illustrations can't really fully express the magician's response to the magic elements, they can be understood to some extent and know what's going on.

"Larch, have you thought about it?" Vince frowned, and asked Larch who was also frowning.

Larch smiled wryly and shook his head: "Unexpectedly, alas, I can understand these basics as soon as I hear them, but I have to explain them to others... I really can't think of how to explain them."

The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"Oh, it turns out that being a teacher is so difficult."

This feeling is not limited to the two of them, and now almost everyone in Class [-], Grade [-] thinks so.

I used to think that the work of the teachers in the academy was very easy, just take the magic book and follow the instructions on it every day. It is up to the students themselves whether they learn well or not.

Even Mr. Lin, who is different from other teachers, is only ingenious in his teaching methods to make it easier for students to accept what he teaches.

But now after such research, the students discovered that the teachers in other colleges didn't just read from the magic books. If that was the case, what would the teacher do, just hand out a magic book to each of them, so that everyone could learn by themselves.

As for Teacher Lin?What the students are worried about now is how to make it easier for others to accept these basic knowledge of magic.

Thinking that Mr. Lin was able to explain things that are far more complicated than basic knowledge so clearly, so that he can learn them without any difficulty, the students couldn't help but feel a little more respect for Lin Yuan.

Of course, the reason why Lin Yuan did this was not to make the students worship him. He has no shortage of such things now.

Seeing the students frowning and making no progress for a long time, Lin Yuan clapped his hands and drew their attention back, saying: "Actually, you don't have to think too complicatedly. If you want others to know what you are teaching, first You have to be clear yourself. Although you have learned and understood these basic knowledge, are you sure you really understand it thoroughly?"

The students thought about it and found that Lin Yuan was right.

Although they think they already understand the foundations of these foundations, if they understand them thoroughly... it seems that they are really not thorough enough.

Take the most basic sensory magic element as an example, yes, they have magical talents, and everyone has good talents, so when they first started learning magic, even before they learned magic, they were able to easily sense it. magic element.Then, after being reminded by the magic teacher who enlightened them, they realized that the light spots they often saw were magic elements.

But how did they sense the magic element?
Just because they are gifted with magic?This explanation is too general.

From the perspective of magic research, just how to sense the magic element is already worth thinking about.

"Mr. Lin, I think you are missing a very important thing." Lilita said suddenly.

"Oh?" Lin Yuan regained his spirits immediately.Lilita said so, which proves that she must have discovered something.

"Mr. Lin, although the existence of magic elements and the relationship with magicians are clearly written on it, you and Sister Shaluo have forgotten that magicians can't always sense magic elements. And even during the time when the magic element can be sensed, the sensitivity to the magic element is not the same at any time, but sometimes it is strong, and sometimes it is weak."

"Well said." Lin Yuan couldn't help applauding.

This question was really neglected by her and Shaluo.

Because both of them are extremely talented in magic, and their sensitivity to magic elements is extremely strong. From Lin Yuan's point of view, they are not inferior to old Hawk.

So for them, there is no difficulty in sensing magic elements, so they never considered the problem of not being able to sense magic elements.

However, for many magicians who are not very talented in magic, sensing magic elements is still a matter of concentration. As for the subsequent casting of magic, it requires double concentration.

"Ah, I thought of that too. Teacher Lin, there is something wrong with this illustration." Fei Li pointed to the picture representing the distribution of magic elements. "There are more than one magical element around us, but you only use one kind of dot to represent it in this picture, which is not accurate."

Sha Luo's face flushed slightly. It was the first time she had been pointed out that she had made a mistake after drawing this picture for so long.

He couldn't help but glared at Lin Yuan. He had studied together for so long, didn't he see it?
Lin Yuan touched his nose innocently, it's not that he didn't notice it.The problem is that he can sense four elements of magic at the same time, so he doesn't know what happens when he can only sense one element of magic.

And after Shaluo clicked around like that, the situation was not too different from what he sensed, so he didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Well, Fei Li, you are right." Lin Yuan clicked on the illustration. "Then if you are asked to draw this picture, how do you think it should be drawn?"

After the incident in the Fasdi Principality, Fei Li used her performance to win the recognition of the students in the class. Now she has fully integrated into the class, so she will never dare to express herself in front of the students as before. Opinion.

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Fei Li stuck out her tongue, and said mischievously, "Mr. Lin, I can only sense the magic element of the water system, so I can't fully describe it."

Before Lin Yuan could speak, he smiled and pulled Xiu Ni, Lilita, and Zhuo Na, and said, "But if the four of us work together, we can draw all the distribution of these magic elements."

"This is a good way." Lin Yuan waved his hand. "Okay, this illustration will be handed over to you now, and handed over to me before dinner."

Perhaps it was the questions raised by Lilita and Feili that inspired the thinking of the students. After Feili and others came to the side to study how to draw this magic element distribution map, other students also put forward their own ideas to Lin Yuan. Opinion.

Although there are many opinions that are unnecessary or even wrong, but because Lin Yuan has been encouraging them, it makes them more and more excited. In the end, they ask more and more questions, and they even have to cooperate with Lin Yuan and Sha Luo. This draft has been revised in its entirety.

Lin Yuan and Sha Luo are not unhappy about this. The purpose of compiling this book is to let more people understand magic. Of course, the more problems students can discover, the better.

After a while, the other students in Class [-], Grade [-], like Feili and the others, found what they should do.

If an outsider came here at this time, he might think that he had made a mistake and came to a first-year class of a junior magic academy.

Because the issues discussed by the students at the moment revolve around the most basic magical knowledge.

Not to mention the students of Feynor Academy, even many students who have just entered the junior magic academy don't need to study more on these things.

Seeing that these geniuses in the eyes of others are actually discussing in full swing on rookie-level issues such as "how to better sense magic elements", "how to concentrate mental power to gather magic", and "how to form magic power", Lin Yuan Can't help being happy.

In fact, he proposed to let the students participate. It was purely an inspiration. He felt that if the students were allowed to study these basic knowledge seriously, it would actually be very helpful for their understanding of magic. Have constructive comments.

However, the result now is that the students are not only seriously discussing these basic issues, but also discover many issues that they have never thought about before. In this way, not only their understanding of magic has been further improved, but at the same time It also helped me and Sha Luo a lot in their work.

It can be called killing two birds with one stone.

"At first, I thought that the students of Feynor College were special in class, but I didn't expect to study such childish issues like those little kids. It's really disappointing."

A voice full of ridicule suddenly sounded not far from the right.

The students didn't pay attention because they were discussing intensely. Only Lin Yuan and Sha Luo turned their heads in astonishment.

At the junction of the Reynolds College camp and the Finore College camp, not far from the third class of the first grade, there are four young people of different heights standing at this time. Judging from the clothes on their bodies, they should all be the same School of Magic.

Judging from their ages, the three should be students, and the other one who is slightly older can't be distinguished for a while. The age of the teacher is a bit too young, and it looks like Lin Yuan is not a few years older than Lin Yuan. It's too big.

However, it was the older man who made the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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