Professor of Magic

Chapter 311 Lesson 192 Collective Sense of Honor

Chapter 311 Lesson 192 Collective Sense of Honor

"Teacher Smale, let's go." Caron raised his head and said to the frowning Longli Smale. "We lost this time, we will work harder when we go back, and we must win back in the future."

Longley Smale stared at Lin Yuan, who was chatting happily with the students, and refused to move away for a long time.

In fact, before he came here, he had heard about the black-haired teacher Lin of Feynor College, and he also knew that the students in Class [-], Grade [-] of Feynor College he taught were quite different.

Among them, Fasnuo and Zhuo Na, who won the first and second places in the Continental Academy of Magic Competition, are called by many people the once-in-a-century super geniuses, and ordinary students are absolutely incomparable.

So Longley Smale brought his three most proud students here this time, but he was not completely sure that he could really beat Lin Yuan's students.

At the beginning, the intentional use of such contemptuous language was mainly to arouse the anger of Lin Yuan and his students, so that they could fight with their own students.

But he achieved his goal of letting the students challenge the students of Feynor College, but the result really made him unhappy.

Shevchenko challenged Fasno in a way that was almost a sneak attack, but he immediately conceded defeat after hearing Fasino's name, which was enough to surprise Longli.

But compared to the failures of Caron and Paley, Shevchenko's accident is really nothing.

The two students randomly sent by Fenol Academy were both fourth-level magicians, and this alone shocked Longli.

However, those two students, who are both fourth-level magicians like Calon and Paley, defeated them with such an obvious advantage in the tit-for-tat battle. , which made Longli do not know what expression to face.

Are those two students too talented?
But among Lin Yuan's students, Fasno and Zhuo Na, who are recognized as the most talented, have not yet appeared.

Did those two students play tricks?

How is that possible, so many people are watching helplessly.

Moreover, the four people's battles were carried out in the most direct and obvious way. What the two students showed was a real level of magic, and there was no trickery at all.

So what's going on?

After much deliberation, Longli felt that the final key still fell on this strange black-haired Lin Yuan who didn't look angry even after being provoked repeatedly by him.

Also as a teacher, Longli didn't understand why his students had such a high level.

But this teacher Lin's own strength is so low that he doesn't even have the courage to fight him.

After moving two steps and coming to Lin Yuan, Longli hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Lin, we lost this time. I take back my previous evaluation of your students."

Lin Yuan glanced at Longli unexpectedly, he didn't expect this guy to admit defeat frankly, which made him a little impressed.

"Mr. Smel, you are being polite. The students are still in the stage of learning magic, and the momentary victory or defeat is nothing to them. After all, what level they can achieve in the end depends on the next many years of hard work. It cannot be determined now." Lin Yuan said.

Longli looked at Lin Yuan in surprise, thinking that he would take the opportunity to sarcastically come back to retaliate against his rude words just now, but he didn't expect that Lin Yuan really didn't seem to care at all.

"Ms. Lin is right, but if you lose, you lose, so I want to apologize for what I said just now. Your students..." Longli looked around at the faces of the students in Class [-], Grade [-] next to Lin Yuan, and felt Sigh secretly. "...It is indeed well-deserved, and it is worthy of being the title of the genius class that everyone talks about."

Lin Yuan has only one feeling for many people calling Class [-] of the first grade a "genius class" - that is aggrieved.

The students are all geniuses, so can his role as a teacher be ignored?This clearly disrespects his work.

Of course, Lin Yuan also had to admit that there are so many geniuses in the third class of the first grade, otherwise his teaching would not be so easy.

So for this statement, Lin Yuan could only shrug his shoulders, sigh in his heart, smile on the surface, and replied: "Mr. Smel, your students are also good, and the two fourth-level magicians are the same among first-year students." It could be considered a genius.”

Longli turned his eyes on the faces of Mulu and Lilita, thinking that you sent two random students out to be fourth-level magicians. If this can be called a genius, the word "genius" is too worthless that day a little bit.

Taking a breath, Longli decided not to humiliate himself on this issue, and said: "Mr. Lin, we lost the duel of the students, but we have not lost this trial competition at Reagan College. The trial competition The test is not only the students' magic level, but also the real combat experience, the ability to respond to unexpected problems, and various other qualities. In these aspects, I have great confidence in my students. So when the trial competition starts tomorrow, let's compete again."

Lin Yuan waved his hand, stopped Mulu and several students from yelling, and said with a smile: "Okay, as the saying goes, there can be development only when there is competition, and I am worried that the students will think that the trial competition is too simple and they will not be motivated. , I would love to have Mrs Smel's students put some pressure on them."

Longli's face changed. Lin Yuan's words seemed polite on the surface, but in fact they revealed his strong confidence in his students.

Longli wanted to ridicule him at first, but when he thought of his students returning in defeat just now, he immediately lost his confidence. He could only give Lin Yuan a magician salute, said "see you tomorrow", then turned around and took The three students left.

"Tch, you're so arrogant even after losing, if you really want them to win, your nostrils won't go up to the sky." Larch gesticulated viciously at their retreating backs.

"Win? Larch, are you looking down on me?" Mulu gave Larch a dissatisfied look. "Want to win me? What Caron is still far behind."

"All right, I know you're amazing. I'm just making an analogy."

"Comparisons don't work either!" Mulu said. "I, Muru, can only lose to the students in our class. Students from other colleges don't even think about it!"

Larch could only roll his eyes, speechless at Muru's arrogance.

"That's right, it's okay to lose to the students in my class, but it's not okay to lose to students from other colleges." Who knew that Lilita also expressed her support to Mulu firmly. "I can't beat Fasino and Zhuo Na. It's because I'm not good enough. It's not shameful to lose. But losing to students from other colleges is too embarrassing. I will never do such a thing that embarrasses Mr. Lin. of."

Larch couldn't help but said: "Then what if the students in other colleges are higher than you?"

"How many people do you think are higher than me?" Lilita glared back at him. "Even if there are students who are higher than me, then I won't go, and leave it to Fasino and Zhuo Na. You don't think there are students in the same grade who are higher than them?"

Larch was completely speechless.

Lilita is not arrogant, but what she said is really arrogant.

There are thousands of magic academies on the mainland of Farinos, and there are probably as many as 10,000+ students in the same grade as them, but Lilita said that among the 10,000+ students, few of them are at a higher level than her. If this is not arrogance, then what is arrogance?
Besides, even in Class [-] of the first grade, she was on the same level as Mulu, Parker, Fiere, and Natasha, but she only mentioned Fasno and Zorna, but she didn't say much to Mulu and others. I am not convinced, this is undoubtedly arrogant enough.

But if you say she is arrogant, she is not reckless at all, and when she knows she can't do it, she will hand it over to Fasno and Zhuo Na, so that she can be completely sure.

Mulu would never have said that.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, this is where he admired Lilita.

And Mulu and Lilita's words also made him feel relieved. Through this year's joint study and various experiences, these students have successfully cultivated a sense of honor to belong to a group, which made Lilita, a competitive student, feel defeated There is no shame in giving to Fasino and Zorna, but losing to students from other colleges is unacceptable.

For a class, this sense of collective honor is very important, and in many cases, it can provide them with unimaginable help.

And for the trial competition that will start tomorrow, this kind of help is very important.

"It's good that none of you want to lose." Lin Yuan said. "But you've also heard that, before leaving, Teacher Smell said that he has great confidence in the students in his class, and that he will compete with us in the trial competition starting tomorrow."

"Tch, then we'll beat them like today until they can't lift their heads!" Larch shouted, waving his arms.

"Damn, you've been watching the show today, okay? Why are you shouting so loudly? Muru and Lilita haven't spoken yet." Vince laughed without losing the opportunity.

"Hey, I'll shout for them." Larch said with a grin. "Besides, we are all in the same class, so it's not the same for everyone."

"Larch said well. You are all students in Class [-], Grade [-], and you are a group. It is very important for you to remember this." Lin Yuan said. "If it is an individual competition, I believe that all the first-year students of the magic academy on the mainland of Farinos will not be able to beat you. But group competitions, such as the trial competition starting tomorrow, are different. In this kind of competition, many times It is not the level of individual strength that determines success or failure, but the cooperative spirit of team members."

Then he smiled and continued: "Of course, I also have confidence in you on this point. So I want to tell you a decision now."

The sudden change in Lin Yuan's words caught the students for a moment.

"What decision?"

"This decision is..." Lin Yuan glanced at Vice President Capaci, who was talking with two fourth-grade teachers in the distance, thinking that his decision would definitely be reprimanded by him. "Tomorrow's trial competition, I will not participate with you."

(End of this chapter)

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