Professor of Magic

Chapter 313 The Characteristics of the Students in Lesson 194

Chapter 313 The Characteristics of the Students in Lesson 194
"Two-headed crocodile? Isn't that a third-level monster?" Vice President Capaci said in surprise. "This kind of monster has a huge physique, but it moves very quickly. With its thick skin and thick flesh, it has high physical and magical defense. It is very difficult to deal with." Immediately reacted. "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"I want to tell you the result of our encounter with the double-headed crocodile." Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Because the students feel bored, I made a request to them. The monsters we encounter along the way are only allowed to use and Magic beasts of the same level and lower level are used to deal with them, and higher level magic is not allowed. In other words, when dealing with three-headed crocodiles, they can only use third-level magic and magic below the third level."

"Nonsense!" Vice President Capaci reprimanded again. "To deal with the two-headed crocodile, even if you use level [-] or even level [-] magic, it may not be effective. You actually restrict them to use level [-] magic. What if the students are injured?"

"But you also saw it yesterday. When the students came, they were all very energetic. How could anyone be injured?" Lin Yuan asked back.

Vice President Capaci was speechless.

"And I also want to tell you that when dealing with the two-headed crocodile, Shaluo and I have been watching from the sidelines, and we didn't make a move at all. But the result is that the students not only solved the two-headed crocodile perfectly, but even roasted it. When it's ready, make us an extra meal." At this point, Lin Yuan couldn't help but licked his lips. "I have to say that the meat of the two-headed crocodile tastes really good. It would have been nice if I had brought seasoning with me at that time."

Deputy Dean Capaci suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"Lin, you just want to tell me that the students are very powerful, so as long as they don't encounter particularly powerful monsters, they will be fine, right?"


"But as I said just now, the danger does not only come from monsters, there are many other different aspects. If you don't pay attention, the danger may be much greater than that of monsters."

"Your Excellency, Vice President, do you think it would be useful for me to go if these problems arise?" Lin Yuan said. "Don't forget, I have only been on the Farinos continent for a year, and I am not familiar with many things on the Farinos continent. Compared with the students, I am afraid that many places are not as good as theirs. .”

"This...that's true." Vice President Kapaqi had no choice but to admit that Lin Yuan was right. "But it's better to have a teacher follow than no one, and someone can lead at critical times."

"Look, you just don't trust the students." Lin Yuan said. "And I told you the same thing just now, we can't be the nannies of the students all their lives, some things they have to face sooner or later. In this case, it is better to face it earlier than later. In fact, I am teaching these students We have always emphasized one point when teaching students, that is, they are required to have a sense of autonomy. That is to say, teachers cannot always be expected to help them solve any problems."

Lin Yuan showed a gratified smile.

"And these students did not disappoint me. When I am not around them, they can always handle things well. Even if one or two students are not doing well enough, the classmates will help him correct it. Over the past few years, their performance can be said to make me very satisfied. So I have great confidence in them and believe that they have enough ability to complete this trial competition independently."

Vice President Capaci frowned, as if he wanted to say something, and then changed his sentence: "But Lin, if something really happens..."

"Nothing will happen!" Lin Yuan interrupted Vice President Kapaqi again. "Your Excellency, Vice President, I know more about my students than you. The students in our class are not like the students in many colleges who only study magic, and don't know anything else."

"Let me give you a few examples. The first is Fasno. He is not only the best magic genius in our class, but also the heir of the Pierre family. He has helped the family deal with some things since he was a child, so he is very good at dealing with people. relationship, the prestige in the hearts of the students is very high. If something happens, as long as he is there, the situation of no leader that you are worried about, Vice President, will not appear."

"What's more, even if there is no Fasno, there is Natasha. You have seen Natasha as a student. Don't think she is a very gentle child, but the students also listen to her, and she is at a critical moment. She is always calm and cautious, and if she is here, there is no need to worry about the students doing impulsive things in their heads."

"So under normal circumstances, as long as the two of them are there, it's fine even if I'm not."

Seeing that Deputy Dean Kapaqi seemed a little moved, Lin Yuan hurriedly continued to incite his eloquence: "Besides the two of them, there are many students who have strengths that you don't understand. For example, Zhuo Na Don't look at her always cold, in fact, like Shire, she had already been a mercenary before entering Feynor Academy, and the mercenary level is not low. For a place like Hongtuyuan, for the two of them Say there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Then there is Lilita, who looks careless, but is actually very careful at critical moments. There is also Fiere, who has a special interest in botany. With him in the students, they will not worry about causing danger. plants. And then there are..."

Finally, after Lin Yuan analyzed almost every student in Class [-], Grade [-], the expression on Deputy Principal Capaci's face became loose.

"Lin... According to what you said, it seems that it's okay to let them go to the trial competition by themselves..."

"Yes, yes, that's what I think." Lin Yuan said quickly. "Anyway, their ability is more than enough to cope with this competition, so I just let them face it on their own. Not only can they cultivate their confidence, but at the same time, because there is no teacher by their side, let them pay attention and learn. There are a lot of things, and this will help them far more than me following them."

"Hmph, you're always right." Vice President Capaci snorted coldly, his tone no longer as harsh as before. "Okay, what you said this time makes sense. I don't think as long as you do. But you have to remember, the safety of the students is still the first. If there is any problem with them today, then you Don't even think that I agree with you to do this."

Lin Yuan was overjoyed, nodded vigorously and said: "Your Excellency, Vice President, don't worry, the students will definitely complete the task satisfactorily and will not let you down."

Vice President Capaci snorted again, and glanced at Lin Yuan: "Since you don't have to follow the students, what are you going to do these days?"

Lin Yuan pointed to the drafts on the desktop in front of Sha Luo.

Deputy Dean Capaci frowned: "I heard that you asked students to help you study these things yesterday?"


"How can you let the students participate in what you and Sara are researching, they..." Vice President Capaci just opened his mouth, but suddenly stopped, frowned, waved his hands, and sighed: "Forget it Now, you kid will definitely come up with a lot of reasons again, and what I said is in vain."

Lin Yuan chuckled, showing no sign of embarrassment.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. You can do what you want." Vice-President Kapaqi said, and walked straight out of the camp.

Lin Yuan glanced at the direction he was leaving, and turned his head to smile at Sha Luo: "Sha Luo, do you want to make a bet? Vice President Capaci must have gone to find the students."

Sha Luo gave him a look: "I won't bet with you. I've known Uncle Kapaqi much longer than you, don't you know him well?" She shook her head again, looking at Lin Yuan with a smile in her eyes . "But it's the first time I've seen Uncle Kapaqi be so helpless to a person. Except for you, other teachers have always been respectful to him when they saw him, and they all worked hard to complete his orders. How could anyone be like that? You bargained with him like this, and even went against his will."

"That's because I have the truth!" Lin Yuan said boldly. "In the face of the truth, no matter how stubborn the vice president is, he can only give in in the end. Look, didn't he finally agree with my approach this time?"

Sha Luo stretched out her fingers to scratch her face, and said with a smile: "I don't know who dared to speak the truth when being scolded by Uncle Capaci, I think it's just your eloquence, Capaci Uncle can't say no to you."

"Tch, if my words are unreasonable, no matter how eloquent the vice president is, he won't agree."

"That's true." Shalo nodded. "Lin, I really didn't expect that you know so much about each of your students, and you can even tell the character and characteristics of each of them. If it weren't for this, Uncle Capaci might not be convinced by you. "

Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "This is the basic requirement of being a teacher, it's nothing."

He stretched out his hand and pulled Sha Luo up from the stool, and said, "The students are working on the red soil field now, and the two of us can't be idle, why don't we go for a walk too."

Sha Luo pointed at the draft on the desktop in amazement: "Shouldn't we continue? There are still many problems to be solved."

"There's no need to be in a hurry." Lin Yuan sorted out the drafts on the desktop and put them away. "Besides, I think it would be good for the students to participate more, so let's wait until they come back." Pointing to the outside of the camp, he continued: "Look, the weather is so good today, it's suitable for going out. And it's okay It’s easy to come to Hongtuyuan, if you stay in the camp all day, wouldn’t it be a waste of President Smig’s kindness?”

Sha Luo couldn't help but give him another look: "President Smeg didn't invite us to travel." Then she smiled and said: "If you are worried about the students, just say it, why bother to learn from Uncle Capacci? If you deliberately cover up like that, there is no shame in front of me."

Lin Yuan shook his head: "You guessed it wrong. I really just want to go for a walk with you. I don't worry about the students at all. Just like what I said to the vice president, if you keep refusing If you let it go, the students will not get real growth at all. Hey, Sara, do you know the eagle on the cliff? When the eagle's children are born for a while, the eagle will throw them out of the eagle's nest, let the eaglets themselves Learn to fly. And now I am like those eagles. Although my heart is bleeding, I still insist on pushing the students out and putting them in danger. Oh, my heart hurts..."

Sha Luo chuckled, Lin Yuan's exaggerated expression was really full of dramatic effect.

I couldn't help pushing Lin Yuan: "Okay, don't you want to go for a walk? Hurry up, there will be no time if you are late."

Then Lin Yuan laughed and walked out of the camp hand in hand with Sha Luo, and walked towards the depths of the red soil field.

(End of this chapter)

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