Professor of Magic

Chapter 316 Lesson 197 Rescue

Chapter 316 Lesson 197 Rescue

The students were all stunned.

"There are people over there who are being besieged by a large group of monsters. They seem to be students participating in the competition. It seems that the situation is very critical. Locke, Casotto, Vinstin, Kasty, and Caswell." Fasno ordered five name of a classmate. "The five of you stay and watch things, and the others follow me. Move fast!"

Seeing Fasno's expression rarely showing a trace of anxiety, the students knew that the situation was urgent, so no one had any objections, and put down the things in their hands at the same time.

"All the wind magic students come with me." With a wave of his hand, Fasno led more than ten wind magic students in the class to soar into the sky. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and turned to a student and said, " Gates, fly higher, stay a little behind, take care of our position, and guide the students below."

Gates nodded, knowing that his magic level was the worst among the dozen or so people, and his flying speed was not as good as that of Fasno and others, so it would be more suitable to stay to support them.

Only then did Fasno turn to the direction where he saw the strange phenomenon just now, and led the remaining ten wind magic students to fly there.

A moment later, when they saw the situation in the distance clearly, they gasped at the same time.

On the top of a small soil slope, there are about thirty people huddled in this small space.

And at the bottom of the slope, there are densely packed monsters of all sizes, enclosing the entire slope.

Although there are many types of these magical beasts, the most powerful ones are only second-level magical beasts. Under normal circumstances, they would never be seen by Fasno and others.But now there are roughly thousands of Warcraft below, and they are not able to compete anyway.

Seeing hundreds of red wind wolves raised their heads together, and the wind blades flew towards the top of the mountain like snowflakes flying all over the sky, Fasno's expression became ugly.

Naturally, these wind blades couldn't be compared with the ones he cast, but with hundreds of wind blades falling at the same time in such a breath, no magician dared to say that he could easily hit them.

Dozens of people on the top of the mountain seemed to have worked out a plan to deal with the siege of these monsters.

Seeing these wind blades flying towards them, several people shot at the same time, and several earthen walls suddenly appeared in front of the team, blocking all these wind blades.

After resisting this attack, the earthen wall was withdrawn in an instant, and a dozen people in the team shot together, and dozens of fireballs flew out of their hands immediately, hitting the wind wolves.

Fasno frowned, secretly praised his cleverness.

Of course, it is impossible for these fireballs to kill many wind wolves directly, and even if one fireball can kill one, it will not help.There are thousands of monsters besieging them. Even if they stand and let them kill them, I am afraid they will not be able to kill half of them before their magic power is exhausted.

What's more, in order to guard against the attacks of these monsters, they also consume huge magic power.

But after these fireballs scattered and fell, they just covered a large area, and dozens of small fires were lit on the dry red soil field in Mayday.

Immediately afterwards, another wall of fire passed by at high speed, just connecting these fires.

In an instant, a sea of ​​fire arose down the slope.

Except for the fire-attribute monsters, most of the other low-level monsters have the same habits as wild beasts, and they are all afraid of fire.

This sea of ​​flames immediately forced many monsters to retreat from this place, and a gap appeared in the originally impenetrable encirclement.

Someone on the hillside shouted loudly, and immediately after that, countless large and small magic bullets rained down from the hillside.

The encirclement that had a gap due to the sea of ​​fire was forced by these magics, and the gap suddenly became much wider.

Without any hesitation, those dozens of people rushed towards the gap together under the leadership of a male student.


Fasno yelled, waved his hands, two tornadoes separated from the left and the right, and flew towards the group of monsters along the edge of the sea of ​​flames.

The students following him were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that, following his example, one person sent out two whirlwinds.

In an instant, on the originally calm red soil plain, it seemed like a strong wind had blown, blowing sand and rocks away on the ground, causing the monsters near the sea of ​​fire to retreat again and again.

However, these whirlwinds did not go into the sea of ​​fire, so although there was a strong wind outside the sea of ​​fire, the flames in the sea of ​​fire did not even shake at all.

The dozens of people who rushed out saw that there was help, and they strengthened their confidence in rushing out of the encirclement. Dozens of people formed a group and rushed towards the gap that they had finally made.

It's a pity that their joy didn't last long before they were interrupted by the sound of rumbling hooves.

"Fire Bull!"

At the other corner of the hillside, a large herd of fire oxen suddenly rushed out together.

These fire bulls are huge in size, and their weight is even more astonishing. Running at full speed like this, the momentum is particularly amazing.

What's more, these fire bulls are fire monsters, and they are not afraid of the sea of ​​fire on the ground at all.

And because they relied on their powerful impact, they completely ignored the whirlwind in front of them, and rushed over directly, plunged into the sea of ​​flames.


Fasno groaned in his heart, and looked down, and sure enough, he saw that the fire bulls were impartial, just filling the gap that had been opened with great difficulty.

Moreover, the direction of their charge was facing those dozens of people. If those people wanted to break through, they would directly collide with these fire bulls.

In front of these fire bulls that have already kicked their hoofs, even Fasno's level can only temporarily avoid the edge.What's more, obviously none of the dozens of people is higher than Fasino. If you fight head-on, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, those people saw that the situation was not good, and did not insist on breaking through. Several earth magicians cast several landslides, and cut several deep ditches on the way of the fire bull.

After stopping the momentum of the fire bull to continue running forward in this way, they returned to the top of the slope together.

Seeing this situation, Fasno thought that even if his people went down to help, it would be useless, so he turned his head and said to Lilita: "Lilita, you are the fastest flyer, go back to the camp and let them know People come to support."

Lilita nodded, turned around and flew towards the camp at full speed.

In an instant, like a shooting star, it streaked across the sky over the Red Earth Plain and sank into the vast sky in the distance.

"You stay here to harass the monsters, and then wait for the other students to arrive, so that they don't rush to attack. I'll go down and ask about the situation, and make a decision after I come back."

Fasno confessed, sank his body, and fell straight to the top of the slope where dozens of people gathered.

While he was still in the air, the besieged monsters noticed that countless fireballs, wind blades, and water bombs were flying towards him in a blink of an eye.

The magic power in Fasno's body was flowing, and his body stopped suddenly in the air, letting the first few fireballs that arrived first brush the soles of his feet, and then with his right hand, a small wind shield appeared beside him, blocking the fireballs on the right. A few water polos that were about to hit them immediately applied another wind of possession to themselves, and their bodies smashed down like a meteorite.

Dozens of people on the top of the slope had already spotted them when Fasino and the students from Class [-] of the first grade were helping them just now. Seeing Fasino suddenly rushing down at such a high speed, they all exclaimed.

At his speed, even if the magic from the monster couldn't hit him, if he crashed into the hillside like this, he would either die or be injured.

Of course Fasno would not be so stupid.

When he was about to hit the hillside, Fasno's body was already deflected to the left, just missing the top of the hill, and then his body drew an arc, changing from falling to rising, almost flying against the turf on the hillside. up.

In this way, all the magic from the monsters fell on the hillside.

He flew up all the way, and then exploded all the way from behind. If you ignore the surrounding situation, it seems that these explosions were caused by his flight. It seems that the momentum is really not small.

When he landed in front of those dozens of people, the dozens of people on the top of the slope were all stunned.

"If Enrique had this flying skill...he wouldn't be shot down by the monsters." One of them murmured.

Fasno settled down, his eyes swept over dozens of people, and he was also taken aback.

The clothes worn by these dozens of people were uniform in style, obviously they were students from the same college, and this style was familiar to Fasno.

After thinking about it for a while, I immediately realized that the clothes they were wearing were exactly the same as the clothes worn by the Reagan College students who came to provoke yesterday. Even the color was the same light blue background with a few golden stripes .

However, Fasno did not find the trace of the three people yesterday among the dozens of people.

"Are you freshmen from Reagan College?" Fasno asked. "How could you be attacked by so many monsters?" Taking another look, I found that all these people were young people who looked less than 20 years old, so I asked again: "Why isn't your teacher here?"

These people couldn't help being stunned by Fasno's straightforward explanation of their academy.

"Yes, we are students in Class [-], Grade [-], Reagan College. Are you..." one of the boys replied.

"I'm Fasno, Class [-], Grade [-], Feynor College," Fasno said.

Before he could continue speaking, these dozens of people exclaimed at the same time.

"You are Fasino? The Fasino who won the first-year group championship in the Continental Academy of Magic Competition?"

"Wow! You are actually Fasno! I heard that you are already a sixth-level magician? Is it true?"

"Yes, Teacher Bell has mentioned you many times, saying that we should use you as an example."


The boy who answered earlier suddenly coughed, and the students of Reagan College who were agitated by Fasno's name fell silent at the same time.

Fasno glanced at the boy in surprise, it seems that this boy should be the leader of the group of students.

"We don't know why we were besieged by monsters," the boy said. "But now is not the time to talk about this. Fasno, you are alone..." He looked up and changed his words: "Are you and them the only ones here?"

(End of this chapter)

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