Professor of Magic

Chapter 321 Lesson 201 Dark Magic Apprentice

Chapter 321 Lesson 201 Dark Magic Apprentice
Night falls.


Lin Yuan's stomach growled suddenly, directly interrupting his chat with Xiang Shaluo, and attracted people's attention.

"Hungry?" Sha Luo stared at Lin Yuan's stomach, covering her mouth and giggling.

Lin Yuan looked embarrassed, rubbed his stomach, looked up, and found that Ellis had risen into the air at this moment. According to the current solar terms, it might be close to [-] o'clock in the evening.

It has been more than seven hours since I ate that roasted rabbit with Shaluo at a small pond at noon, and I wandered around for so long in the afternoon, it would be a lie to say that I am not hungry.

But no matter how hungry you are, you can't call out like that, can you?What a shame!
Lin Yuan stared at his flat belly, then raised his head to meet Sha Luo's gaze, and smiled: "Yes, I'm hungry. But it's okay, after returning to the camp later, the students' dinners are probably ready I'm going to see what special things these guys have prepared tonight."

"Special?" Sara stretched out a finger and tapped her chin. "Are you that sure they'll make something different?"

"Of course, those guys are all eccentric. They are usually fine. When encountering this kind of competition, in order to win, they will definitely make something special. Do you believe us to make a bet?"

"I won't bet with you." Sha Luo laughed. "Don't forget that the time I have known them is no shorter than the time I have known you, how can I not know them."

"Yeah, you're not the vice president of Kapaqi, why don't you have confidence in them." Lin Yuan said.

"You're still holding grudges." Shalo laughed. "Uncle Capaci is the deputy dean, and the safety of the students is what he should consider most, so you don't have to blame him at all."

"I don't blame him, it's just... I just feel that I and the students have performed so well, but I still can't be trusted. This makes me very sad."

"Sad?" Shalo blinked, and finally couldn't help laughing. "Lin, you really are... If Uncle Kapaqi didn't trust you and your classmates, how could he finally agree with your idea. If it were any other class and teacher, he would definitely not agree with his personality. I don't think he doesn't trust you, but he trusts you very much."

Lin Yuan shrugged his shoulders. In fact, what Sha Luo said was not incomprehensible to him. The character of Vice President Capacci is just like that. It is impossible for him to be as carefree as himself.

And considering his position, it would be terrible if he really had the same personality as Lin Yuan.

However, such a good idea of ​​his own can't be understood, and he has to be scolded instead. This is the reason why Lin Yuan is depressed.

For someone with the personality of Vice President Capaci, if he wants to change his mind, he can only prove it with facts.

Therefore, only if the students performed very well today, and more directly said they won today's competition, then Vice President Capaci could really agree with Lin Yuan's idea.

Of course, Lin Yuan firmly believed in this point.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but quicken his pace after touching his belly that had deflated a little more.

Among the female students in Class [-], Grade [-], there are quite a few who are good at crafts.Don't talk about Natasha's standard of a good wife and mother, even Zhuo Na and Li Lita have good cooking skills.

Even among the male students, there are quite a few of them who have cooking skills that are no less than those of these girls, and the best one among them is Fasno, who has the highest level of magic in the class.

This point, in the previous picnics, Lin Yuan personally identified it.

Today, when walking and admiring in the red soil field with Sha Luo, Lin Yuan has seen a lot of fat game, I believe the students will not miss it.


Thinking that there would be something delicious to eat when he returned to the camp, Lin Yuan's stomach let out another growl.

Sara suddenly laughed again.

It was already night time, not to mention people on the red soil plain, even the monsters had returned to their nests to rest, except for the occasional rustling of leaves blown by the cool wind, the surrounding area was extremely quiet.

As a result, Shaluo's crisp laughter spread far away on the red soil field, which was very clear.

Lin Yuan's face blushed again, and he was about to change the subject, when suddenly he seemed to hear someone's voice.

Lin Yuan was taken aback. In the middle of the night, in the wilderness, who would come out for a stroll like him and Sha Luo?

Looking at Sha Luo, I found that she also turned her head with doubts on her face, and she seemed to have heard the voice.

The doubts between the two of them didn't last long, the voices coming from the wind became louder and louder, Lin Yuan listened carefully, and felt that he seemed to have heard the voices of the two people in the conversation before.

After thinking about it, he made a gesture with Shaluo, and walked in the direction of the voice.

After climbing up a hill, I saw two people standing in front of me at a glance, seeming to be arguing.

Looking through the bright light of Ellis, Lin Yuan found that these two people were the Reagan College Grade [-] teacher, Longley Smail, who came to provoke him yesterday, and his student named Shevchenko. .

Whether it was Longley Smail's arrogance or Shevchenko's dark magic, they all left a deep impression on Lin Yuan, so he recognized them at a glance.

But these two people were not staying in the camp to prepare dinner at this time, but why did they come to chat so far away?
No, looking at their appearance, it seems that they are not chatting, but arguing.

Now Lin Yuan is even more strange. Farinos mainland is much better than the original world in terms of respecting teachers and morals. No student dares to resist the teacher at all, let alone quarrel with the teacher.

If the current situation spreads, Shevchenko will definitely be reviled by people all over the continent.

It's a pity that the place they are in is flat, and if they get closer, they will be easily spotted. Lin Yuan dare not take this risk, so naturally he can't hear what they are talking about.

After a while, the quarrel between the two seemed to have come to an end, and Shevchenko turned around and was about to leave.

But just after he took a few steps, a person appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

After seeing the face of this person clearly, Lin Yuan almost shouted out in surprise.

This person turned out to be the suspected Como guy he had seen in Fasdi City!

Seeing the appearance of this mysterious dark magician, Shevchenko, who had left angrily, seemed to immediately become happy.

The two murmured for a while, and the dark magician patted Shevchenko, went to talk to Longley Smell, and then left with Shevchenko, but took Longley Smell Er, who is a teacher, was put aside.

After watching the three people's coming and going, Lin Yuan only felt at a loss.What is the relationship between these three guys?
"Lin, so this Shevchenko is not a student of Reagan College." Shalo suddenly said.

"Not a student? What do you mean?" Lin Yuan asked in amazement.

Shalo pointed to Longley Smale, who was still standing there as if thinking about something, and said: "I felt strange yesterday, this Shevchenko has a completely different attitude towards him from his other two students. , At first I thought Shevchenko's personality was different, but just now I found out that Shevchenko was not his student at all, no wonder it happened."

"Sara, how did you find out?"

"Lin, did you notice that when Shevchenko met the man who appeared later, he used a courtesy to him?"

Lin Yuan thought about it for a while, indeed, when Shevchenko saw the dark magician, he made a very weird move.At that time, Lin Yuan just felt strange and didn't think much about it.Now when Shalo reminded her, she realized that the gesture was indeed a ritual, but it was different from the etiquette on the Farinos continent that Lin Yuan had come into contact with before.

"As far as I know, that etiquette should be used by apprentices of dark-type magicians when they meet their teachers," Shalo said again. "It seems that the person who appeared later was also a dark magician."

After finishing speaking, he frowned: "It's strange, dark magicians haven't shown up in public on the mainland for many years, why can they be seen everywhere these days?"

Lin Yuan also wanted to ask this question. In the past, he couldn't see a single dark magician on the mainland, but now he met two in a row in just one month, and they all seemed to be directed at him, Lin Yuan.

This is strange, is there anything on him that they can take a fancy to?

Maybe I should ignore the warning of Vice President Capaci and ask old man Hawke directly?The mysterious dark magician is clearly related to old man Hawke, and it is very likely that he is the only apprentice of old man Hawke, Cuomo. There are some things that may be easily answered by asking him.

As for Vice President Capacci's worry about affecting old man Hawke's emotions, Lin Yuan is not worried about that.

Since the old man Hawk can become a great magister, it is impossible for him to be a person who will be easily influenced, and if that guy is really Cuomo, even if he has become a dark magician for some reason, Huo Ke Old man Ke will still be happy.

The only thing that made Lin Yuan hesitate was whether the old man Hawke knew it or not?

If he didn't know, it might be a good thing to tell him.

If he pretends not to know when he knows it clearly, then there is a big problem.

"Lin, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Lin Yuan was in a daze after hearing his explanation, Sha Luo pushed him.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking, if Shevchenko is that guy's apprentice, then he pretended to be a student of Reagan College, and then came to provoke with Longley Smale and the others, why?" Lin Yuan immediately Another question came to mind. "Speaking of this, Shalo, you haven't told me why Shevchenko immediately gave up and left after hearing Fasno's full name?"

"It's a long story."

"It's okay, it will take a while before we walk back to the camp, just tell me slowly."

"Alright then, this story begins 1000 years ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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