Professor of Magic

Chapter 328 Lesson 208 Accidents Again and Again

Chapter 328 Lesson 208 Accidents Again and Again (Updated)
Lin Yuan rubbed his chin and had no choice but to agree with Charles.

He didn't expect that it would be so strange for him to even learn the magic of the light department. It's nothing if he can't learn it, and it's normal, but it's really embarrassing to be up and down like now.

"Then... Charles, please tell me about your process of using light magic, and let me see if there is any reference."

"Okay." Charles responded, and stretched out a finger again, and then everyone saw a little bit of faint, almost transparent white light starting to converge towards her fingertips. "Just like an elemental magician must use magic power to condense magic elements before releasing magic, light magic must first gather magic elements before releasing light magic. As I said just now, light Department of magicians gather magic elements directly through mental power. The advantage of this is that as long as your spirit is still able to concentrate, then you can continue to use light magic. The disadvantage is that you cannot control more magic power by increasing your magic power like elemental magicians. The magic elements of the magic element, but can only continuously improve their spiritual cultivation, only when the spiritual cultivation is improved, the number of light magic elements that can be summoned will increase."

"It's no wonder that every high-level magician of the light department has a temperament. It turns out that's the case." Xiu Ni looked suddenly enlightened. "Charles, I think you have such a good personality, you will definitely be able to become a high-level light magician by then."

"Thank you. But this spiritual cultivation is not exactly what you mean. It should be said that it is more like the affinity for magic elements that Mr. Lin said before."

At this time, Ciel's fingertips had gathered a milky white light cluster again, and when she moved her finger, the light cluster came out of her hand and flew onto Mulu's arm.

Muru's arm still had the scar from the fire bull he captured today, but he insisted on not letting Shire treat it, claiming that it was a symbol of manliness and could not be erased casually.

Now being touched by Shire's ball of light, the scar he left with great difficulty quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, his arm became smooth again, and it became exactly the same as before it was not injured.

Seeing the scars disappear, Mulu couldn't help curling his lips. He kept it behind Fasno, but it was erased by a surprise attack by Charles.

But who told Xia Er to be giving a demonstration to Mr. Lin this time, so he had no choice but to accept the reality helplessly.

"Ms. Lin, just now you said that you can feel the magic elements of the light system entering your body, so can you try to feel the magic elements of the light system around here again? Or, try to summon them?" Xia Xia Er said again.

Lin Yuan nodded, first recalled the feeling just now, then closed his eyes to check the magic power in his body.

He was surprised to find that the black magic power that was originally fused with the magic elements of the four systems in his body seemed to have faded a lot at this moment.

Could it be because of the magic elements of the light department just now?
Lin Yuan urged the magic power in his body to go around in a circle in wonder, and in an instant, he felt that there seemed to be something more around his body besides the four-line magic elements that he could always sense.

These are the magic elements of the light system that Charles mentioned?Sure enough, it is different from the elemental magic element.

But why did Shire just do a simple test for himself, and he could feel these things, but he couldn't feel it before?
"Because even if you felt it before, you didn't know what it was." Charles said. "Now after the test just now, you have absorbed those magic elements of the light department, and then you can easily distinguish them. Mr. Lin, why don't you try to summon them up now?"

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and re-activated the magic power in his body.As soon as the mind moved, I immediately felt countless light spots flying towards me.

The twinkles made Lin Yuan feel as if he was in the center of the Milky Way in a trance.

It's just that this scene didn't last long, and after a while, there was no light point flying over.

Opening his eyes, he met Shire's surprised gaze.

"Mr. Lin, you can have so many light magic elements for the first time you summon them. Maybe you are still a light magic genius!"

Lin Yuan chuckled: "If you're not such a genius, how can you be qualified to be your teacher?"

"Cut—" The students tacitly gave him another look.

"But Shire, why can I only summon so many of them and stop coming? Is it because my spiritual cultivation is not enough?" Lin Yuan touched his chin and muttered: "But I think my personality is very good, temperament It's also very good, and I'm handsome, they should like me very much."

"Ms. Lin, you are too narcissistic!" The students couldn't bear it anymore, not only rolled their eyes, but also launched a verbal offensive.

Vince and Larch even made an exaggerated gag gesture in reaction to his statement.

Charles couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Lin, as I said just now, although this spiritual cultivation has something to do with what you said, the most important thing is the combination of spiritual power and the magical elements of the light department. The magic element affinity you mentioned before is somewhat close. The higher your spirit fits with the light magic element, the higher the light magic element you can summon."

"Fitness?" Lin Yuan tilted his head and thought for a while, thinking that this thing should refer to the closeness between his own spiritual attributes and the spiritual attributes required by light magic. "There should be a way to improve this, right?"

"Of course, but this is usually self-realized by light magicians through constant contact with light magic elements, so..." Charles spread his hands helplessly. "Mr. Lin, I can't teach you this."

"Well, that's enough." Lin Yuan nodded.

Regarding magic, he dare not say anything else, but his comprehension is absolutely top-notch.

"Mr. Lin, let's show you some light-type magic." Feili suddenly said excitedly. "Since you can absorb light magic elements, you should also be able to use light magic. Let us see."

The students immediately agreed.

Lin Yuan looked at Charles, who also nodded: "Mr. Lin, you should not be able to use the specific light magic, but you can try to gather the light magic elements together like I did just now. .”

"it is good."

Lin Yuan imitated what Shire did just now, stretched out a finger, and the magic power in his body turned...

and many more!

Lin Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, and asked Charles in surprise: "Charles, you said just now that a magician of the light department has no magic power in his body?"

"Yeah, so we all use our spiritual power to summon the magic elements of the light department directly."

"Then why does my body seem to have the magical power of the light department?" Lin Yuan pointed to himself.

Charles and the students were stunned, especially Charles with an incredulous expression on his face. He widened his eyes and said, "Mr. Lin, are you telling the truth? Do you really have the magical power of the light department? What does that look like?"

"It's not easy to say. I can only tell you that it is similar to the magic power of the element system. When I summoned the magic elements of the light system around me just now, I mobilized the magic power in my body first, and then Summon the magic elements of the light system around you." Lin Yuan paused and added. "However, there is one thing that is different from using elemental magic. Obviously, the magic power in my body is still there, but the magic element of light is still because the spiritual cultivation limit you mentioned has reached the upper limit."

Charles was even more dazed than before, slowly shaking his head: "Mr. Lin, I have never seen such a situation, nor have I heard of it. I... I don't know how to explain it, you should wait Go to the academy and ask Teacher Maru."

This is the second time that Shire has said this sentence, which shows how shocking the surprise Lin Yuan brought to her is.

On the other hand, although the other students were surprised, they were not magicians of the light department after all, so they didn't feel much.

Fei Li said again: "Mr. Lin, since you said it's the same as elemental magic, then you can use light magic in the same way we use magic. Maybe it's the same?"

Lin Yuan nodded, and repeated the action just now, and the magic power in his body flowed.

He clearly "seeed" that the magic elements of the light system that had been integrated into his body just now, and those he absorbed later, had all been integrated into the original magic power in his body.

And when he mobilized the magic power at this time, there was a milky white magic power flowing in the body like the magic power of the four elements, and immediately after that, the light magic that seemed to be everywhere around his body spread around him according to his will. Fingertips come together.

"Huh? Charles, Teacher Lin's ball of light seems to be brighter than yours." Feili's exclamation sounded.

"It's not just bright, it's dazzling." Lilita also said.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes and took a look. Sure enough, the small ball of light on his fingertips was obviously much brighter than the one that Charles summoned just now, reaching the point where it could be called dazzling.

At first glance, it looks like a small light bulb is installed on Lin Yuan's fingertips.

"What's going on here?" Everyone's questioning eyes turned to Charles again.

Charles shook his head with a wry smile: "Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on." After saying that, he sighed. "Mr. Lin, this is actually a bit like the offensive magic of advanced light magic - Holy Light Bullet, but it is a sixth-level light magic, but you are just beginning to learn..."

"Mr. Lin is a genius." Fei Li responded naturally, and then urged: "Mr. Lin, since Charles said that you are like a holy light bomb, you should throw it out and have a look."

"Yeah, try throwing it out, but I have never seen a holy light bomb, how can I tell if it is?"

"Stupid, you haven't seen it, hasn't Charles seen it?"


Lin Yuan looked around and found a clean piece of ground.

In order to ensure safety, I also confirmed to Charles that there should be no danger, and then I pointed a finger, and the ball of light came out of my hand.

The ball of light flew across the distance of less than two meters in an instant, and hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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