Professor of Magic

Chapter 330 Lesson 210 Shevchenko's Temptation

Chapter 330 Lesson 210 Shevchenko's Temptation

"Black whistle? What's that?" Lilita asked wonderingly.

"Oh, it means that the referee is unfair. Don't worry about it, you continue to talk about it, what happened after the students of Pamir College protested?"

"What are you protesting? Just as they were about to protest, the referee said that if they are dissatisfied with their ruling, they can indeed appeal to the guild according to the regulations. But once the investigation results come out and the situation does not match what they appealed, then They're going to be penalized."

"Hey, then the faces of those guys from Pamir College changed, and no one dared to make any complaints." Vince said with a smirk. "These guys are unwilling to admit that our level is higher than theirs, but they dare not say it directly."

"That's right, if you can't compare, you can't compare. It's really shameful to rely on the referee to win us." Xiu Ni also pouted her mouth in disdain.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, thinking that the Farinos continent is different from the original world after all. According to many competition rules in the original world, there is no rule that the complainant will be punished if he fails.Only on the mainland of Farinos, where the authority of the Magician's Guild is far from comparable to those organizations in the original world, can such unfair regulations be formulated.

Of course, this is fair to Class [-], Grade [-].

Of course, Lin Yuan believed that the students did not cheat, and there was no need for them to.It's just that their advantage in winning is too great, so they have been questioned.

The rules of the Wizards Guild are also beneficial. Not only can it effectively prevent those unconvinced colleges from making trouble, but it also proves that the performance of the students a few days ago was indeed so good that even though students from other colleges Unconvinced, but did not dare to really appeal.

"So let me tell you, it's okay for you to win, but don't win so much, or others will feel too embarrassed, and of course they will find trouble with you." Lin Yuan glanced at Fasino, thinking about the reason Fasino He must be very clear, but he doesn't seem to want to stop the students from performing. "How about you don't work so hard in the next two days of the competition, as long as you can win, you don't have to embarrass the students of other colleges like today."

Lin Yuan couldn't help touching his chin, feeling very good about himself.

Only with such an excellent group of students, he is qualified to say such arrogant words.

"Mr. Lin, I'm afraid it won't work." Unexpectedly, Fasino suddenly opened his mouth and denied his proposal.

"Why not?" Lin Yuan asked in astonishment.

"Look." Fasno took out a form from his pocket and spread it out in front of Lin Yuan. "This is the score table calculated by the participating teams from each academy after the competition a few days ago."

"Huh? There is such a thing?" Lin Yuan was surprised. Although this is a trial competition of the major magic schools, there is no need to make a score sheet like the school exam.Glancing at Fasino, he said, "Fasino, the score on this is so accurate, you didn't make it yourself, did you?"

"Mr. Lin, you really don't care about our competition at all." Lilita pursed her mouth and complained, pointing to the score table and said: "This is established by the Magician's Guild, and every day before departure, each score will be given. Each participating team sends a copy, but every time you are away, Fasino keeps it."

"This..." Lin Yuan could only touch his nose in embarrassment, and looked down at the score sheet. "Huh? Why is No.1 Class [-], Grade [-], Pamir College? Shouldn't it be you?"

Looking down, Lin Yuan didn't find out the name of Class 11, Grade [-] of Feynor College until No. [-].

"Mr. Lin, you forgot, we scored zero points in the first day of the game." When talking about this matter, Lilita's voice was still full of dissatisfaction.

"Oh..." Lin Yuan suddenly realized, and immediately understood Fasno's meaning. "Is it true that the greater the advantage of No.1, the more points you get?"

"Mr. Lin, you really understood it as soon as you heard it. That's right, the rules are indeed like this." Fasno smiled. "In every competition, the guild will give a standard, and only those who meet this standard can score. The more the standard is exceeded, the higher the score will be. We have been doing our best every day for the past three days, and then we have a big advantage Winning the championship, even if it is like this, it took three days to catch up to No.11. If we only win by a small margin in the next two days as you said, I am afraid that we may not be able to win the championship when the total points are calculated at the end.”

"There is such a thing..." Lin Yuan rubbed his chin and nodded vigorously. "Okay, I take back the proposal just now. In fact, this is also my fault. Since I have left all of this competition to you, I should not make any suggestions. I should believe that you have enough ability and wisdom to win this competition. There is no need for me to worry about the game."

Xiu Ni grabbed Lin Yuan's arm and said with a smile, "It's not just worrying, Mr. Lin, you care about us."

"That's right, you are our teacher, it's only natural to give us advice." Mulu said carelessly.

Lin Yuan smiled gratifiedly, and was just about to remind the students not to underestimate the enemy, but when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure outside the camp.

"Shevchenko? Why are you here?" Lin Yuan looked at this guy who didn't know if he was a student of Reagan College in astonishment, and didn't understand why he came here alone.

The students in Class [-], Grade [-] turned their heads and looked at Shevchenko with unfriendly eyes.

He came to challenge with Longley Smale that day, but he left a very bad impression on the students.

"I have something to ask Mr. Lin." Shevchenko's voice lost the arrogance of that day, but it was still cold as if it had no emotion at all.

"What do you need to ask Mr. Lin? Could it be that you haven't learned enough lessons and want to learn it again?" Mulu glared at him and snorted coldly.

Shevchenko ignored him at all, just glanced at Fasno, who was standing in front of him, and said, "Get out of the way, I didn't come to fight with Mr. Lin. Besides, you, a guy from the Pierre family, are here. Are you still worried that I can hurt Teacher Lin?"

Fasno smiled slightly: "Even without me, you have no right to hurt Mr. Lin."

Even so, he only stepped aside.

Seeing Shevchenko stand two steps in front of him, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

According to what I saw that night, Shevchenko should be the apprentice of the mysterious dark magician, but it is hard to say whether he is a student of Reagan College.But no matter what kind of status he is, what can he do to find himself?
"Just tell me if you have anything to say, we're going to eat soon, let's try to save time." Lin Yuan said.

"I never waste time." Shevchenko replied coldly, looked up at Lin Yuan, and said, "The teacher asked me to try you today."

After saying that, he even raised his hand, and a small ball of black air suddenly flew out of his palm, heading straight towards Lin Yuan.

"Teacher Lin, be careful!" The students next to him all exclaimed when they saw this situation.

But they were too far away from Lin Yuan, so they didn't have time to react. Even Sha Luo, who was closest to Lin Yuan, only had time to raise her hand, and she didn't even have time to cast a spell.

Only when Lin Yuan thought about it, the magic power in his body flowed all over his body in an instant, and a magic shield covering his whole body was cast.

Because he was not familiar with the dark magic, he didn't dare to entrust the earth to only cast a magic shield on this cloud of black air.


In the blink of an eye, the black air had hit Lin Yuan, making a slight muffled sound like a stone being thrown into the water.

"Sisi Sisi—"

Immediately, everyone noticed that as soon as the black air hit Lin Yuan, a circle of faint milky white light suddenly emanated from Lin Yuan's body.

Although the light was weak, the black air was like a pot of water poured on a red soldering iron, not only making slight noises, but also evaporated completely in an instant.

Lin Yuan was stunned, Sha Luo was stunned, and the students were also stunned.

As for Shevchenko, it's not just a question of stunned.He looked at Lin Yuan's expression at this moment, as if he was shocked when he saw Salas rising from the south.

"You... How could you learn the magic of light!" Shevchenko completely lost the indifference when he first came, and even his voice trembled.

"What are you, you kid actually dared to attack Mr. Lin, are you impatient?" Mulu and Ka Suoto had already set him up on the left and on the right.

If they hadn't seen that there was nothing wrong with Lin Yuan, they might have greeted him magically long ago, how could they be so "polite".

Lin Yuan glanced at Xia Er, but saw that she was also looking at him in surprise.

"It seems that it is good to feel the magic elements of the light system if you have nothing to do these few days." Lin Yuan muttered, and waved at Mulu and Ka Suoto: "Okay, let him go, I'm fine."

Mulu and Ka Suotto rarely listened to Lin Yuan, but turned to Fasno.

"Well, he shouldn't be malicious." Fasno nodded. "The magic just now has no power, even if ordinary people are hit by it, it's just a little dizzy."

Only then did Mulu and Kasotto let Shevchenko go.

But Muru still glared at Shevchenko and stood beside him with an unkind expression.

"It seems that you really just want to try me." Lin Yuan said to Shevchenko. "You said this is what your teacher meant, then let me ask you, is your teacher..." Lin Yuan took out the dark magic book from his arms. "...the one who gave me this book?"

Shevchenko glanced blankly at the magic book in Lin Yuan's hand, and nodded: "The teacher said that I gave you a book, it should be this one. But did you become a magician of the light department?" ? This is simply impossible!"

"Well... Actually, I don't know if I'm a magician of the light department." Lin Yuan shrugged. "But what you saw just now is the truth. Go back and tell your teacher that if he really wants me to help you, let him come to me by himself. I don't like this way of hiding my head and showing my tail. I really don't like it. If there is a next time, I don't want to see him in the future."

Shevchenko nodded again, glanced at Lin Yuan, as if he wanted to say something, but then looked at Fasno next to him, finally closed his mouth, turned and left.

While walking, he shook his head and kept saying "Impossible, this is impossible..."

Seeing him disappear into the night, the students focused their eyes on Lin Yuan again.

Why did Mr. Lin get involved with the dark magician again?

(End of this chapter)

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