Professor of Magic

Chapter 345 The Third Day

Chapter 345 The Third Day
The one-tailed raccoon's hair stood up all over its body, looking more like a hedgehog, and a dazzling white light suddenly lit up inside its body, and then countless thumb-thick lightning bolts shot out from its body, forming an overwhelming The power grid rushed towards Lin Yuan.

Seeing this power grid, Lin Yuan remembered that this seemingly inconspicuous, even somewhat cute guy is an eighth-level monster!
Before he had time to think about it, let alone dodge it, the magic power in Lin Yuan's body moved, and in an instant, he erected a...uh, mud wall mixed with water-type and earth-type magic elements in front of him.

Because of the moisture in the mud wall, as soon as the lightning hit the mud wall, it was guided and scattered, and most of it was guided along the mud wall into the ground connected by the mud wall.

Although the power of the remaining half is not bad, the single-tailed raccoon's lightning strikes are not particularly powerful. If they are scattered by the mud wall, they can't even penetrate the mud wall. It shattered into countless streaks of dissociated lightning, and disappeared.

The three onlookers nodded in unison.

"Interesting, this kid Lin is very versatile." The old man Hawke praised with a smile.

"How can this be considered a trick?" the Grand Magister Sargeras retorted. "Using such a low-level magic to resist the Thunderbolt Technique, I'm afraid even you can't do it."

The old man Hawk rolled his eyes: "I'm not a mixed magician, but I can't make this mud wall."

Only Jibril looked at Lin Yuan with a funny expression on her face, but she didn't express her opinion.

Lin Yuan in the arena was not as relaxed as the three of them. Although he used the ground guide to direct most of the power of the single-tailed raccoon's violent thunder technique to the ground, and did not hit him head-on, he did not expect that these lightning strikes The power is really powerful, even if it is guided into the ground, it still lingers for a while.

As a result, because he was too close, he was electrified by the lightning from the ground and his whole body was numb.

"Damn, I really lifted a rock and shot myself in the foot." Without even thinking about it, Lin Yuan gave himself a wind of possession and flew into the air.

In this case, it is difficult for him to control his body to make any reaction, and staying on the ground will only become a living target.

On the contrary, the magic power in his body is not affected, allowing him to fly freely in the air.

"Idiot!" Seeing Lin Yuan fly up, old man Hawke's satisfied smile just now turned into a face of shock, he cursed angrily, called the other two, and flew up together.

Jibril and the great magister Sargeras were not as relaxed as they were just now, because they knew very well that the two-tailed raccoon is an eighth-level wind monster, and flying is a housekeeping skill for it, and its speed in the air is even called The fastest in World of Warcraft.

Lin Yuan flying into the air rashly like this will only put himself in a more unfavorable position.

And because the distance in the air is far away, the changes are faster in an instant. If something is really in danger, the three of them don't even have time to rescue them.

But as soon as they flew into the air, they were stunned at the same time.

In the high sky in the distance, only two shadows were seen flying back and forth quickly, one red and one blue.

The red one is smaller, so it is naturally a single-tailed civet.

Blue... Lin Yuan is wearing blue clothes today.

The three of them looked at each other with shocked expressions.

"This kid... this kid can actually fly faster than the two-tailed raccoon!" The old man Hawke couldn't help but said in shock as he watched the blue shadow flying by at high speed in the distant sky.

On the contrary, Grand Magister Sargeras smiled and said, "Firnas, have you forgotten the lesson at the Academy Festival?"

"College festival?" The old man Hawke was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses. "Oh, it's no wonder. His students can fly so fast, of course he, as a teacher, can only go faster." Taking another look, he shook his head again: "But this is also too fast..."

When the three of them were sighing, Lin Yuan, who was far away in the sky, suddenly stopped.

He raised his hands, and a dozen thin black lines suddenly spread out from his hands, like a black net, covering the one-tailed raccoon.

The single-tailed raccoon was chasing Lin Yuan at high speed. Even though it was a high-level wind-type monster, it couldn't slow down so easily. As a result, it missed the momentum and crashed into the range covered by the net.

Lin Yuan retracted his hands again, and the black thread gathered behind the single-tailed raccoon, and instantly connected it into a net pocket, wrapping the single-tailed raccoon in the middle.

Because of the inexplicable disappearance of the tail just now, the one-tailed raccoon was very afraid of the black magic used by this human being, so after being surrounded in the middle, he didn't dare to move at all.

In other words, it was captured alive.

The three onlookers were surprised again.

Because the two-tailed raccoon was originally an eighth-level monster, it was by no means something ordinary people could handle.In addition, its speed is extremely fast, even if it encounters an enemy that cannot be defeated, it can escape by virtue of its speed, so almost no two-tailed civet has been captured alive.

Originally letting Lin Yuan deal with the two-tailed raccoon alone, they thought it would be very difficult, but it would not pose any danger to Lin Yuan's life, and they could let him exercise.

The initial situation was exactly in line with their expectations, but then Lin Yuan's sudden move resulted in the capture of the two-tailed raccoon alive, which was beyond their expectations.

After being surprised for a while, the three of them discovered that Lin Yuan, who had captured the two-tailed raccoon alive, was still staying there, and had no intention of coming over at all.

The three of them flew over wondering, but saw Lin Yuan's face was full of nervousness, which didn't seem like the behavior of a person who won a big victory at all.

"Lin, what are you doing?" Old Man Hawke asked strangely.

"Quick, help me quickly, I can't hold it anymore." Lin Yuan replied without even turning his head, staring at the one-tailed raccoon trapped in the net.

With a wave of Jaipur's hand, two wind blades flew out, accurately passed through the gap between the black lines, and hit the one-tailed raccoon.

The one-tailed raccoon didn't even bark, and was cut into three pieces.

The eighth-level magical beast that was so majestic and chased Lin Yuan away was killed by two lowest-level wind magic!
After Lin Yuan was stunned for a while, he withdrew his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he seemed to have captured the one-tailed raccoon alive, but the net that trapped the one-tailed raccoon was not a real net bag, and those black threads required him to constantly activate his magic power to maintain it.

The four-system mixed magic already consumes a lot of mana. After the initial battle and the chase in the air just now, his mana has already been consumed a lot, and then using this ingenious magic will make his mana drop rapidly.

If it wasn't for Japril's attack, he might not last for a minute.

"Won't you close the net and kill the two-tailed raccoon directly?" After hearing Lin Yuan's explanation, the old man Hawk stared.

"This... I don't have enough magic power to make this action." Lin Yuan rubbed his nose and replied embarrassedly.

The three were speechless.

"Damn, don't you tell me I didn't think of this before using this magic?" Old man Hawk couldn't help but cursed.

Lin Yuan chuckled: "I guess I've thought of it, but I want to see if I can really catch it alive with this. Anyway, there are three of you here, so you won't watch me get killed?" The one-tailed raccoon corpse on the ground shook his head and sighed, "Oh, such a good pet, what a pity."

"Pet your head!" The old man Hawk finally couldn't help it, and knocked Lin Yuan angrily. "I think you're overwhelmed, kid. That's an eighth-level monster, not the cat or dog you keep at home."

Lin Yuan shrugged nonchalantly, and glanced at Jaipur.

Since the two-tailed raccoon is an eighth-level magical beast, it should be very good whether it uses wind magic or its defense against wind magic, but Jibril cut it into three pieces with only two wind blades. It can be seen how huge the magical elements contained in these two wind blades are.

According to Lin Yuan's understanding, although the wind blade can be filled with different concentrations of magic elements according to the magician's personal level to increase its power, there is an upper limit, and this upper limit is obviously not enough to directly kill the eight-tailed raccoon. Level Warcraft.

In other words, Japril must have mastered another method.

He wanted to ask Jap Lil for advice, but the old man Hawke had already urged her.

"Let's go, it's been a lot of time, we need to drive a little longer today."

Lin Yuan had no choice but to fall to the ground and continue to work on overcoming obstacles.

After cutting off a vine with a knife, Lin Yuan suddenly thought that fortunately, when he and the one-tailed raccoon were flying around in the air just now, they didn't encounter any weird magic space.Otherwise, in the middle of the flight, he would suddenly fall from the sky, and die because of this, it would really become the laughing stock of the traveler.

Another day later, when a small river about three meters wide appeared in front of the four of them, Jaipuri nodded and pointed to the other side of the river: "Here we are."

The other three looked up together, but they saw that the other side of the river looked no different from this side, it was still full of big trees and lush vegetation.

But among the three, old man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras needless to say, even Lin Yuan is extremely sensitive to magic elements.

When they approached the river just now, they felt that the flow of magic elements in the surrounding space seemed to be a little different. When they got closer and closer to the river, until now they were standing by the river, they had already discovered the magic in the surrounding space. The concentration of elements has been several times higher than normal.

"The opposite is the magic eye?" Lin Yuan frowned and looked across the river bank for a while, but didn't find anything special besides the concentration.

"It's still far away from the real magic eye." Jaipuri laughed. "And it's not fully formed today, so you don't feel it. By this time tomorrow, it will be obvious."

Lin Yuan nodded, closed his eyes and sensed for a while, making sure that the wind magic elements above the river were still normal, took a breath, skimmed directly across the river, and landed on the opposite bank.

As soon as he landed, Lin Yuan felt a warning sign in his heart.

Looking up, I couldn't help gasping.

Two tiger-like beasts slowly appeared from the woods, but their bodies were snow-white, with wings growing from their ribs and bright red claws.

Ben Lei Fire Cloud Beast!Ninth-level Warcraft!

(End of this chapter)

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