Professor of Magic

Chapter 35 Chapter 34

Chapter 35 Chapter 34

Because the top 25 single-elimination players will have a bye.As a result, in the last round of competition, there were 13 people.

These 13 matches were decided by random draw again, and all of them were placed in the same arena.

When Lin Yuan and Katyusha arrived, the remaining 13 students were drawing lots.

Among the 13 students, there are 4 students in Class [-], Grade [-], namely Fasno, Zhuo Na, Natasha and Red.

When seeing the first three people, Lin Yuan was not surprised at all. Naturally, the strength of Fasino and Zhuo Na needless to say.And when Natasha hurried back last night, Lin Yuan was already taken aback.

I don't know where she and Xiaobai went and what kind of training they did. After returning, Natasha has jumped from a water-type trainee magician to a level 2 water-type magician. Wind Blade's Wind Wolf King has also advanced to become a level 2 monster.

A level 2 magician combined with a level 2 Warcraft is naturally invincible in the first-year college competition.Uh... Of course, this is also because she was lucky not to meet Fasino and Zhuo Na in advance.

Lin Yuan would not be surprised that these three people appeared here, but it was beyond his expectation that Red could stand at the end.

According to his usual performance, although Reid is exceptionally good at manipulating and comprehending magic, he is only a level 1 fire magician after all, and the other 12 people standing on the stage are all level 3 magicians. division.

"Ms. Lin, here, here." In the audience, a group of students from Class [-], Grade [-] had already seized a large seat. When they saw Lin Yuan and Katyusha, they greeted them vigorously.

Lin Yuan suddenly noticed that countless eyes were falling on him, and the place leading from him to the students automatically gave way.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but secretly wiped his sweat.Thanks to the outstanding performance of the students, he has really become the focus of everyone now.

"Teacher, why did you come here? The lottery is almost over." A student complained.

"Stupid, what do you know, Mr. Lin and Mrs. Katyusha are together, of course the longer the better." Another student gave him a blank look.


Seeing the suddenly realized expressions of all the students, Lin Yuan could only wipe off his sweat again.These students are really big kids.

Turning to look at Katyusha in embarrassment, she found that her expression was normal, smiling, and she didn't seem to care at all.

Lin Yuan could only cough twice, trying to change the subject: "Ms. Katyusha and I just now... Uh, there is something wrong. I haven't seen the first two rounds of competition. If any of you have watched it, please give me a brief introduction." See The eyes of the students became even more strange. Only then did Lin Yuan realize that what he said just now was more ambiguous, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "Damn, you guys, don't make me go crazy."

Hearing that Lin Yuan even uttered obscenities in a hurry, the students couldn't help it anymore, and laughed so hard.After a while, the honest Ferret replied: "Originally, when 50 entered 25, there were only 21 left among the 13 people, but I didn't expect that when 25 entered 13, there were only 4 left all of a sudden." If it wasn't for Reid's bye, maybe there are only three people in our class." At the end, the expressions on the faces of Ferre and other students were somewhat reconciled.

Reid bye?Lin Yuan was taken aback, no wonder when he saw Red just now, he didn't seem very happy.This kid...

Smiling and patting Ferret on the shoulder, Lin Yuan said: "Okay, you don't have to be sad. The competition depends on your strength. It's okay if your strength is not as good as failure, as long as you try your best. Remember, you are still young, and there will be more in the future." Opportunity to improve your strength."

"Yeah." The students nodded.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but smiled again. Skills may be useful in similar battles, but when the strength is too disparate, it is almost useless.This is why the students in Class [-] of the first grade were able to retain so many in the previous competitions, but on the final stage, except for Reid who passed the test with some luck, they could still only stand on Fasno and Zorna. And Natasha three people.

After the results of the first round of lottery came out, Lin Yuan and the students breathed a sigh of relief.Maybe God was blessing the third class, but the four of them didn't touch each other at all.This kind of small probability event can be realized, not to mention other people, even Lin Yuan can't help but wonder when he operated in secret.

What is even more surprising than this is that Reid has another bye!

While the students were happy about Red's good luck, Lin Yuan keenly noticed that Red's face became more gloomy.

He felt bad in his heart, this Reid was a student with strong self-esteem, continuous byes might be a good thing in the eyes of others, but in his opinion, it might not be the case.

Sure enough, Reid stood on the stage for a while, suddenly ran to the referee and whispered a few words, jumped off the stage and left.

Everyone was stunned, and Lin Yuan didn't care too much, so he added a possessive wind to himself, rushed to the side of the referee and whispered: "No matter what the student said to you just now, please wait for a while. Wait, please."

After all, regardless of the referee's reaction, he turned around and caught up with Reid.

"Mr. Lin." Reid didn't seem surprised to see Lin Yuan suddenly stopped in front of him. "I abstain."

Lin Yuan nodded in satisfaction for Red's initiative to confess.

"Why abstain?"

Red turned his head to look at the few people left on the stage, without saying a word.

"Are you afraid that if you lose to them later, people will say that you broke into the top few by luck?"

Red raised his head in astonishment, Lin Yuan's words hit his true inner thoughts, how could he not be surprised.

Lin Yuan chuckled in his heart. After being a teacher for so many years, if he still can't see what these young people are thinking, then don't mess around.

"Coward!" Lin Yuan suddenly said viciously.

Red's eyes shrank suddenly, and his hands clenched into fists.

"Don't dare to face the gap between yourself and others in strength, dare not face failure, dare not face others' ridicule and misunderstanding, what are you not a coward?" Lin Yuan continued mercilessly.He knew that for such a student with strong self-esteem, he wanted to stimulate him severely. "You think that abstaining like this means that you don't want to take advantage of your bye, but others may only think that you chose to avoid it because you are afraid of the upcoming failure, and you will think you are a coward."

"I'm not a coward!" Red finally couldn't bear it, raised his head and shouted at Lin Yuan.

"You really aren't?" Lin Yuan sneered. "Don't dare to face the problem, just want to escape, if this is not a coward, then what is it?" Sighing, Lin Yuan's tone softened. "Red, I can understand your thoughts, but I want to tell you, get rid of this kind of boring self-esteem as soon as possible. It won't do you any good. If you can't even bear the possibility of others laughing at you, then you still can't bear it." What about self-esteem. A truly strong person will never be affected by boring things. A truly strong person will not care about being weak for a while, because they know that as long as they work hard, one day, he will become stronger. Red, you are only a first-level magician now, but it does not mean that you will always be a first-level magician in the future. But if you choose to escape now, even if you become a magister in the future, you are still not a strong person. Because, You here..." Lin Yuan pointed to his chest. "Your heart has already lost its qualifications."

The expression on Red's face changed a few times, all kinds of expressions were tangled together for a long time, and finally returned to calm.

"I know. But I've..."

"Just go." Lin Yuan patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the stage. "I told the referee just now, you just go back."

"Mr. Lin, thank you." Red nodded to Lin Yuan, and returned to the competition stage under the gaze of everyone.

"Lin, what's going on?" After returning to the audience, Katyusha asked on behalf of everyone.

"It's nothing, I helped Reid solve a little problem."

This small disturbance did not affect the next match. The first match was Zhuo Na vs. a student from Class 7.Although that student seemed to have the strength of a level 3 magician, compared to Zhuo Na, he was far behind.After just a few rounds, Zhuo Na was defeated by the perfect combination of ice and fire magic.

The second game was easier. Fasno's opponents almost lost without any decent resistance. The whole game took an unbelievably short time.

There was nothing about the third class in the third and fourth games.

After reading it below, Lin Yuan was almost sure that Class Three would win the championship of the first grade group this time.Although the four students who took part in the two competitions can be said to be the best among their peers, they pale in comparison to Fasino and Zhuo Na.

In the fifth game, it was Natasha's turn to play.

Among the four people, Lin Yuan is most worried about this girl who has always been quiet.

Fasno and Zorna are superior in strength, so he doesn't need to worry about it, while Reid's strength is obviously insufficient, so he doesn't need to worry about it.Natasha is different. The combination of a level 2 magician and a level 2 contractor really makes people wonder how to judge their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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