Professor of Magic

Chapter 352 The 10th Day Extremely Frozen

Chapter 352 The 10th Day Extremely Frozen

"No, they want to fight close to solve the problem." Hank, who is not a magician, saw the problem at a glance. "Look, the two of them are much closer than before."

After being told by Hank, everyone realized that the two Thunderbolt Fire Cloud Beasts were slowly approaching Japril while casting magic.

Because Jabril has been defending against the magic they released continuously, it seems that she didn't notice this at all.

"What should I do? The melee attack of the Benlei Huoyun Beast is also very powerful." One person said anxiously.

The old man Hawk and Lin Yuan glanced at him together, curled their lips: "Cold salad."

An old goblin like Jibril must have enough combat experience to kill everyone present, so there is no need for others to worry about her.

Sure enough, just as the two Benlei Fire Cloud Beasts thought their plan had succeeded, they just got close to Japril and swooped over, only to find that Japril was gone!
But the place where Jaipur was just now was covered with frost.

Extremely frozen!
Water curse!

The magicians watching the battle below all let out a gasp.

Just being able to issue the forbidden spell has left many magicians below, including Lin Yuan, in the dust. Not to mention that there was no sign at all when Jaipuri issued the forbidden spell, and she didn't see any preparations. The timing was also so accurate, it happened to be when the two Thunderbolt Fire Cloud Beasts rushed over, making it look like they were throwing themselves into a trap.

To be able to cast forbidden spells so easily and accurately, I'm afraid even a high-level magister...

The magicians turned their eyes to Howard, only to find that his face was also full of expressions of shock and admiration.

He is a high-level magister himself, and has been a high-level magister for many years, but he knows very well that he is absolutely incapable of casting a forbidden spell as easily as Jaipuri.

Could it be that Jibril is also a great magister?This doubt had to arise in his heart.

Ninth-level magic can only hurt two Thunderbolt Fire Cloud Beasts, but the forbidden spell is a completely different matter.

Extreme Freezing is an ice-type forbidden curse, but it also restrains the fire attribute of the Benlei Fire Cloud Beast, and also has certain restrictions on the wind attribute.

As a result, after the two Benlei Huoyun Beasts rushed into the extremely fast frozen area, they were immediately frozen and unable to move.

And the falling temperature around them not only made them feel icy cold, even their wings were almost unable to flap.

However, level nine monsters are level nine monsters after all. Although the forbidden spell is powerful, it cannot directly kill them.

The two Benlei Huoyun Beasts looked at each other, and suddenly roared in unison, and flames nearly two meters high burst out from their bodies, and the surrounding space that had become bone-chillingly cold due to the forbidden spell turned into raging flames again.

The surrounding audience gasped, the strength of the ninth-level monsters is so terrifying, even the forbidden spells can't help them!

"Jaibril won." Only the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras looked at each other and laughed together.

After the two finished speaking, they stopped watching the battle in the air and turned to leave.

Leaving a group of people looking up at the sky in wonder, did Japril win?The current situation in the sky is not good for Jabril no matter how you look at it.

After the flames emanated from the two Thunderbolt Fire Cloud Beasts, they seemed to have regained their vitality, and continuously cast two lines of magic to attack Jaipur with a more violent offensive than before.

The whole sky was filled with fireballs and lightnings flying all over the sky, red and white for a while.

But Japril could only fly back and forth to dodge under their attacks, as if she didn't even have the ability to fight back.

In this case, how do you know that Jaipur will win?

But after a while, everyone saw some clues.

Although the two Benlei Huoyun Beasts chased and killed Jaipur for a long time, the magic they cast has always been only flame bombs and lightning, and there are no new tricks at all.

And these two magics didn't pose any threat to Japril at all, so it was a waste of effort for them to do so.

"What's going on here?" One couldn't help asking.

"I think... it should be that when the two Thunderbolt Fire Cloud Beasts broke free from the forbidden spell just now, they consumed too much magic power..." Howard replied uncertainly.

The crowd nodded.

Forbidden spells are forbidden spells after all.

It is by no means an easy task to break free from the forbidden curse that is incompatible with one's own attributes.

The flames of the two Benlei Huoyun Beasts just now must have consumed most of their magic power, so that now they are no longer able to cast more advanced magic.

After a while, everyone had already made the same judgment as the two great magisters.

But the Benlei Fire Cloud Beast also stopped at this moment, instead of using magic to attack Jaipur, it yelled at her a few times.

"Hey, these two guys surrendered." Hank laughed.

Everyone nodded, the roar of the Benlei Huoyun Beast was full of unwillingness, but it was obviously admitting defeat.

With a flash of her figure, Jibril appeared directly in front of the two Benlei Huoyun Beasts.

The person below couldn't help exclaiming: "It's so close, what if they suddenly attack?"

Howard gave him a blank look: "Don't worry, the ninth-level monster is more trustworthy than you."

As expected, the two thunder and fire cloud beasts in the sky didn't make any attacking movements, instead they kissed Japril affectionately, like old friends, how could it be seen that they were still using level [-] magic just now, and even forbidden spells opposed each other? It looks like a boom.

Japril whispered a few words to them, then pointed to the crowd below.

The two Benlei Huoyun Beasts also glanced down.

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the direction they were looking at seemed to be the direction he was in.

Immediately laughed, Jaipur is not selling herself, is she?
After a while, the two Benlei Huoyun Beasts flapped their wings and flew out of the sky in an instant, while Jibril landed and waved to Lin Yuan, beckoning him to go back together.

"Lin, I haven't asked you all this time, have you ever thought about whether you want to go there with us once the space passage is successful?" Japril suddenly asked.

Lin Yuan was taken aback. He had actually thought about this question many times, but he never had an answer.

Shaking his head, he replied blankly, "I don't know..."

Japril smiled: "I don't know? This answer is very good. Are you worried about any accidents when you cross the passage?"

Lin Yuan shook his head again, frowned and said, "I'm not worried about that."

"Then what are you worried about?" Jaipur asked.

worry about what?Lin Yuan glanced at Jaipur, thinking that he couldn't tell you clearly.

What he was worried about was that even if he could reach another world safely, it might not be the original world. If he arrived at a brand new world, it would be no different from coming to Farinos.

In comparison, he has lived on the mainland of Farinos for a year, and he has gradually adapted to the life here, and already has many relationships that are difficult to let go-such as the students in Class [-] of the first grade, such as Sha radish……

He is not willing to let him throw away these things and run into a brand new world.

"Lin, actually, I know what you're worried about." Jibril suddenly smiled strangely. "After all, you are not an old guy who has lived for hundreds of years like me, Hawk and Sargeras, so it is not easy to let go. I understand this. But I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible, whether to stay Don’t hesitate to step down or leave, otherwise you will continue to suffer until the teleportation channel is successful.”

Lin Yuan looked at Jap Lil in surprise, not understanding why she would suddenly talk to him about these topics today.

And listen to her tone...

"Don't wonder why I said that, because..." A sad and gloomy expression suddenly appeared on Japril's round and lovely face. "...I've been in pain for 300 years, and I don't want you to be like me."

Suffering for 300 years?

Lin Yuan stared at Jaipur with wide eyes.This little dwarf seems to be only about three hundred years old, which means that she has been suffering since she was a child?Still suffering from this kind of thing?
Jibril suddenly blinked at Lin Yuan again, and put on a mischievous smile on her face: "Don't ask why, I promise, in a few days, you will know everything."

Lin Yuan only felt that his breath was stuck in his chest, neither up nor down.

This guy always satisfies his appetite like this every time, and then says "you will know later".

Damn, since you will know it later, you won't talk about it later.

In the next few days, Lin Yuan still meditated in the magic eye every day as before.

However, going from a sixth-level magician to a seventh-level magician was not as easy as he thought.

Although the accumulation of magic power is enough, if you want to cross that boundary, you can't simply rely on the accumulation of magic power, but also need to have the understanding of magic to assist.

Fortunately, there were three great magister-level figures beside him. Under their guidance, Lin Yuan crossed this boundary in a short time and officially became a seventh-level magician.

A seventh-level magician who has the magic power and knowledge of a seventh-level magician, but does not know any seventh-level magic.

On the day he was successfully promoted to a seventh-level magician, the old man Hawke and the three seemed to be unable to wait any longer. They packed all their luggage and took him out of the Magic Word Forest without stopping.

However, their destination was not to return to Windnor City, but to the southeast of the Kus Empire.

After a four-day journey, they got off the carriage in a small town.

Still without any rest, the three of them took Lin Yuan directly to the mountains southwest of the town, and finally landed in a valley.

Before flying to the valley, Lin Yuan could already hear the voices of people in front of him.

When he landed in the valley, Lin Yuan was completely stunned when he saw the situation in front of him.

After staying for a while, I couldn't help but asked the old man Hawke: "I said... are you going to build a playground here?"

(End of this chapter)

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