Chapter 368
"Mr. Lin, I have a question to ask." The man said again.

Lin Yuan nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

He noticed that when this person opened his mouth, the whole group of Renault Empire, including Prince Reik, had expressions of adoration on their faces. It seemed that this person had a very high status in the Renault Empire.

"Mr. Lin, you seem very sure that the person who sneaked up on you last night was from our Renault Empire, but I don't understand something. I dare say that subordinate has never seen you before, even if he really sneaked up on you yesterday, How can you be so sure that he is in the embassy of our Renault Empire?" the man asked.

"That's right! Lin Yuan, you don't know my subordinate at all, so why tell the city defense army that he was the one who attacked you last night?" Prince Reik couldn't help but interjected. "How dare you say that you didn't deliberately slander?"

Lin Yuan smiled softly: "I said, Your Highness, you slander every mouthful, but I would like to ask you, is there any benefit for me to slander your subordinates for no reason?"

"Isn't it because of me and York yesterday..." Prince Reyk paused. What happened yesterday was actually that they were at odds first, so he mumbled a few times and said again: "So you hold a grudge, but you dare not Come to deal with me directly, and deliberately slander my men to trouble us."

Lin Yuan shook his head and sneered, "Prince Reik, if I remember correctly, it was clearly the two of you who held grudges yesterday. Have you forgotten why Vice President Capaci wanted to teach you a lesson yesterday? Is it?"

Prince Reik's face turned red immediately. It was the greatest shame in his life that he was suddenly taught a lesson by Vice President Capaci yesterday.Don't talk about him, even if Kazak, who is the most powerful among the princes, is here, he still dare not do anything to Vice President Capaci.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the magician who asked Lin Yuan just now frowned, and then asked Prince Reik, "Reik, what's going on? What did you and York do yesterday? Will that guy Capaci want to make a move?"

"This... Uncle Tulk, it's actually nothing..."

"Nothing? Prince Reik, you dared to threaten me in front of the vice president yesterday, why don't you dare to admit it today?" Seeing that Prince Reik obviously concealed some facts, Lin Yuan said without losing the opportunity.

"Threatening Mr. Lin?" A trace of anger appeared on the face of the magician whom Prince Reik called Talke. "Reyk, your father sent you and Yorke here to let you study hard and get to know more people, but you dared to threaten Mr. Lin in front of Capaci, your head was kicked by a mule and horse beast have you been?"

Prince Reik moved his lips, but he didn't dare to tell them apart.

Seeing Reyk bowed his head, Tulk snorted heavily, turned to Lin Yuan and said, "Mr. Lin, if Leik and York did something excessive yesterday, then I am here to apologize to you on their behalf. But Lin Teacher, you haven't answered my question yet."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "You should at least be a senior magister, so you should know about the magic mark, right?"

Tulk was stunned: "You put a magic mark on the person who attacked you yesterday?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right."

"It's impossible!" Tulk shook his head immediately. "The requirements for casting the magic mark are very high. How can you cast it at will in a tense battle? And... Mr. Lin, if I read correctly, you are not a magister at all, are you?"

"I'm only a seventh-level magician now."

"That's even more impossible. The magic power required to cast the magic mark is definitely not something a seventh-level magician can bear." Tulk continued to shake his head. "Mr. Lin, that boy Rondo has been praising you in front of me. I thought you wouldn't do such a thing, but now you say that you identified the person who attacked you because of the magic mark, which makes me very disappointed."

Prince Reyk, who was still bowing his head, quickly raised his head: "That's right, Lin Yuan, you're just slandering, you..."

"Shut up!" Before Prince Reik could finish his sentence, Tulk suddenly shouted angrily, and Prince Reik immediately shut his mouth obediently. "Reik, you and York didn't tell me what happened yesterday, don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

Reyk's body trembled, and he could only lower his head obediently again, not daring to say anything.

"Mr. Lin, if you can't come up with evidence to convince me, then I can only think that you are slandering like Reik." Tulk turned to Lin Yuandao again. "I don't know if you have ever thought that you will cause serious problems if you slander Reik's subordinates so casually?"

Lin Yuan shrugged: "What if I'm not slandering?"

"Then you present evidence that we can all accept. Don't talk about such obvious false evidence as the magic seal."

"Who said this is a false testimony." Lin Yuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this Tulk was too arbitrary.

Without waiting for them to say anything, Lin Yuan suddenly raised his hand and made a gesture of shaking hands with Prince Reik.

Several magicians around, especially Talke, immediately felt a little magic element condense on Prince Reik's body. After a while, a small light spot shining with colorful light appeared on Prince Reik's forehead.

"This is..." Even a powerful magician like Tulk was not sure what the magic Lin Yuan used was. "Isn't this a magic mark?"

"This is just to make it easier for you to see." Lin Yuan smiled. "Would you like to feel it?"

Tulk used his magic power to probe around Prince Reik, his face was a little confused.

"It does look like a magic mark, but there are many differences." Tulk frowned. "Mr. Lin, it's hard for me to believe this alone."

Lin Yuan spread his hands helplessly and said, "If you want to speak clearly, I'm afraid it won't take a while. But now..." Lin Yuan pointed to the sky.

At this time, Salas had come directly above his head, it was noon.

Tulk thought for a moment, then turned his head to Prince Reik and the Renault Empire and said, "Go back first, don't act rashly, and wait until Mr. Lin and I figure out this issue."

"But Uncle Tulk, Bentley is still in the cell of the City Defense Army..." Seeing that Tulk seemed to trust Lin Yuan, Reik immediately said urgently.

"go back!"

Tulk yelled sharply, and Prince Reik could only swallow the words in his mouth, and turned away with a group of people.

Lin Yuan couldn't help gloating, Lei Yike brought a group of people to ask the teacher, but he didn't expect to leave in such a disgruntled manner now.

Of course, all this is due to Tulk.

I believe that as long as he can be persuaded, all these problems will be much easier to solve.

"Mage Tulk, I don't think you have had lunch yet? Why don't you go to the cafeteria with me and taste the craftsmanship in the cafeteria of our Feynor College? We can talk while eating."

Tulk nodded in agreement.

Half an hour later, the cafeteria of Fenol College.

"Mr. Lin, it's no wonder that Rondo always praised you in front of me. Although you are only a seventh-level magician now, I think your understanding and control of magic is no worse than that of a magister." Tulk Said with an appreciative expression on his face. "I never thought before that the magic imprint can be simplified like this by you. Although the range of induction is much smaller, it is more difficult to be discovered, and easier to control and cast."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "So you believe my evidence?"

Just now the two came to the cafeteria to chat while eating. Lin Yuan explained his transformation of the magic imprint, and Tulk is also a powerful magician, so it was easy to understand what Lin Yuan wanted to express.

"That's right, I believe Mr. Lin's evidence." Tulk suddenly smiled mysteriously. "But Mr. Lin, how to solve this matter actually has nothing to do with this evidence. Do you understand this sentence?"

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses.

This matter is easy to say, Lin Yuan was attacked by someone, and then he found the murderer with his magic mark, so the city defense army went to arrest him.

But the background of both parties involved in this matter is not simple.

On one side is Lin Yuan, the most famous teacher of Feynor College, who has the support of the entire Feynor College behind him, and most importantly, the great magister Firnas.

The other party is the subordinate of Prince Reik of the Renault Empire. Although he is only a subordinate and Prince Reik has no real power in the Renault Empire, the Windno City Defense Army actually captured his subordinates just like this, and still Taking it away from the Renault Empire's embassy is tantamount to slapping the Renault Empire directly, and it can be said to be a very serious diplomatic issue.

If this matter is not resolved, it is not impossible to trigger another war between the two empires.

"Mage Tulk, what do you think about the Renault Empire?" Lin Yuan asked back.

Tulk frowned. This happened very suddenly, because he and Prince Reik were not in the embassy when the Wendno city defense forces arrested him, so there were not many defense forces in the embassy, ​​so he was arrested by the city defense forces. The army took the man away.

However, the Windnor City Defense Army rushed into the Renault Empire's embassy and captured that subordinate so blatantly. If there was no approval from His Majesty the Emperor of the Kus Empire, then Tulk would not believe it anyway. .

But if the city defense army really came to arrest people under the order of the emperor of the Kus Empire, then the seriousness of this matter would exceed many people's imagination.

Just based on the evidence provided by Lin Yuan, the Kus Empire was allowed to do this. It can be seen that Lin Yuan's influence on the Kus Empire was beyond the imagination of many people.

The reason why Talke came here today with Prince Reyk to inquire about the crime was because he wanted to see what kind of character this Mr. Lin, who was constantly praised by Rondo, was, but more importantly, he wanted to see what Lin What is Yuan's attitude towards this matter.

Thinking of this, Tulk said: "Mr. Lin, what do we in the Renault Empire think, we have to see what you think first."

Lin Yuan chuckled, thinking that he had been in the Farinos continent for more than a year, and now he encountered such a thing, even the Reynolds Empire would not dare to deal with him at will.

"Okay, Magister Tulk, let's not go around the bush." ​​Lin Yuan shrugged. "Actually, we all know what's going on with this matter, and my thoughts are very simple. Yesterday Prince Reik threatened me in front of Vice President Capaci and me. As a result, I was attacked at night. If If I'm not lucky, I might die here today to chat with you. And then I found out that the guy who sneaked up on me was Prince Reik's subordinate, so it's hard for me to believe that this matter has nothing to do with Prince Reik .”

Tulk nodded slightly: "Then how do you want to solve it?"

"Solution? I just want the person who attacked me and Prince Reik who ordered the attack to pay a little price." Lin Yuan said. "It can't be that I was almost killed, but I didn't even allow revenge?" After a pause, Lin Yuan added another sentence. "I think if the dean is here, he will definitely support my approach. Maybe he has gone too far than me."

Hearing Lin Yuan mentioning the Grand Magister Firnas, Tulk's expression changed.

Last year, the Fengxing mercenary group offended Lin Yuan, and even the head of the mercenary group was warned heavily by the great magister Firnas. It can be said that there are not many people in the mainland of Farinos who do not know.

"Mr. Lin, I can understand your feelings, but have you ever thought that although the man captured by the city defense army is not important, he represents our Reynolds Empire, let alone the boy Reyk No matter how stupid he is, he is also the prince of our Renault Empire, if you want to take revenge on the two of them, can you bear the consequences?"

Lin Yuan was furious, stared at Tulk coldly and said, "Mage Tulk, are you threatening me?"

"No, I didn't mean that, I was just stating the facts."

"Fact?" Lin Yuan sneered. "The fact is that I was almost killed, but because I have to take Reik's status as a prince and the face of your Reynolds Empire into consideration, can I do nothing?"

Tulk didn't answer, but the expression on his face was clearly acquiescing.

"Very well, if you come and tell me the truth, then I would like to ask you, is that subordinate already caught in prison? Is this the truth?"

Tulk shook his head: "Mr. Lin, as I said just now, this actually has nothing to do with you."

Lin Yuan laughed back angrily, this Tulk clearly wanted to use the Reynolds Empire to suppress him, so that he would not pursue this matter any more.In this way, Renault Empire can solve this matter a lot easier.

But there are two things that Lin Yuan hates the most in his life, one is being wronged, and the other is being threatened.

"Very well, Magister Tulk, I don't think we need to talk anymore. If you think I have no strength to take revenge, then think so. As for the truth, we will see soon. Do you want to Ask about my attitude? My attitude is very firm, that is, Reik and the person who attacked me must pay the price."

After saying this, Lin Yuan got up and left the cafeteria.

In the next few days, some things that happened in Wendnor almost attracted the attention of everyone on the entire Farinos continent.

The first thing that didn't seem surprising at first glance was the expulsion of four students from Fenol College.

It is not news that the college expels students. After all, there will always be some students in each college who do not abide by the rules of the college, commit various mistakes, and are finally expelled from the college.

But Fenol Academy is different from most academies. First of all, Fenol Academy is the number one magic academy in the mainland. Students who can enter Fenol Academy will cherish this opportunity very much and will rarely break the rules.And Fenol College has always followed the liberal and enlightened tradition left by Fenor's great magister, and the regulations on students are far less strict than other academies. Therefore, in the 300 years since Fenol College was founded, only nine students have been expelled in total. .

And this year happened to be the [-]th anniversary of the founding of Fenol College, but this year there were four more students who were expelled in one breath, so these four students naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But when many people inquired about the names of these four students, they were surprised again.

These four students are clearly two princes and two princesses of the Renault Empire!

The princes and princesses of the Reynolds Empire went to Feynor Academy to study. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this was just a diplomatic means. It was just that the Reynolds Empire wanted to use them to strengthen its connection with Feynor College and at the same time strengthen its connection with the Kus Empire.

Generally speaking, Fenol Academy would not have strict requirements on them, and they were just going through the motions anyway.Even if they made any mistakes in the academy, everyone will turn a blind eye and close one eye, and will not be held accountable.

But Fenol College just expelled them all in one go!

Why is that?
The second thing answers this question for many people.

Compared with the first matter, the second matter is obviously more concerned, because this matter involves the Kus Empire and the Reynolds Empire, the second of the three major empires on the Farinos continent.

This matter is also very simple to say, that is, at about ten o'clock in the morning on October 30, the City Defense Department of Windnor City made a verdict-the suspect Bentley Howell was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to [-] years in prison .

Just a simple criminal case.

Everyone was shocked when they found out that this prisoner named Bentley Howell was actually a junior martial saint, because the junior martial saint was already looked up to by many people on the mainland of Farinos, and his status was definitely not low.And because of the outstanding strength of the junior martial artist, even if he commits a crime, it is difficult to be caught, and it is difficult to be sentenced if he is caught.

When everyone found out that this Martial Saint was actually the personal bodyguard of Prince Reik of the Renault Empire, everyone was not only surprised, but shocked.

Even if an ordinary person could be the personal bodyguard of the prince of the Renault Empire, he would definitely not be arrested and sentenced just like that.What's more, he is also a member of the Reynolds Empire, but he will be sentenced in the Kus Empire. This is really a big loss to the face of the Reynolds Empire.

What is the reason why the Kus Empire disregarded the face of the Reynolds Empire and acted so tough on such a sensitive diplomatic matter?
The well-informed people soon found out that the target of Bentley Howell's attempted murder turned out to be a teacher from Feynor College, and he was currently the most famous teacher Lin Yuanlin in Fennol College.

After learning of this disappearance, people in each country react differently.

The vast majority of people in the Kus Empire expressed their anger and applauded the verdict.

"This damned Bentley actually wants to kill Mr. Lin. I think it's too cheap to sentence him to 30 years in prison. He should be executed immediately!"

This is the opinion of most people in the Kus Empire, because Lin Yuan recently led his students to show off in the Continental Magic Academy Competition and the Trial Competition, which pushed up the reputation of Feynor Academy again. As a Kus person, Of course they are also honored.

"If you execute them directly, I'm afraid the Reynolds Empire will start a war immediately." These are the few calm people.

"War is war, and our Kus Empire is still afraid that their little Reynolds will fail?"

"That is, they were beaten to the ground by us 20 years ago. If they dare to come again, they will be wiped out directly."

"How can it be so easy..."


Compared with the turbulent situation in the Kus Empire, the Maginot Empire and other small countries are relatively calm, and most people in the Maginot Empire are secretly happy. After all, the Kus Empire and the Reynolds Empire are far The super-large empire on Northland, even if the Kus Empire has a slight advantage in strength, it is not so easy to agree to the war with the Reynolds Empire.

As for the people of the Reynolds Empire, their thoughts are much more complicated. Although they are very angry with the Kus Empire’s way of handling the Reynolds Empire’s face, they also understand that the Reynolds Empire is not as powerful as the Kus Empire. If there is a war, In the end, the most unlucky one is probably Renault Empire.

But if nothing is done, the Renault Empire may be ridiculed by the whole continent.

Of course, Renault Empire had already made many efforts before this verdict appeared. If not, this verdict might not be 30 years in prison, but the death penalty.

Combining these two matters, everyone found that although this matter involved a dispute between the two empires, the core was Mr. Lin Yuanlin from Feynor College.

Because Bentley Howell wanted to assassinate Lin Yuan, even though he was the personal bodyguard of Prince Reik of the Renault Empire, he was arrested and sentenced by the Kus Empire, and because of him, he brought Reik The prince, another prince and two princesses of the Reynolds Empire were also expelled from Feynor Academy.

It can be seen from this that although Lin Yuan is only a mere teacher, his status in Feynor Academy and in the Kus Empire is much higher than everyone imagined.

For a moment, this teacher Lin, who was originally only famous for educating some gifted students, was immediately pushed to a new peak in everyone's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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