Professor of Magic

Chapter 377 Named Hope

Chapter 377 Named Hope (End)

The battle between Trey and Dean Kesuen, no one knows the process, but the result is obvious.

When Dean Kesuen turned pale and landed on the rostrum again as if he fell from the air, while Trey was still calm and calm, and when he fell slowly, the result of the victory or defeat was already very clear.

Everyone was shocked that Trey was able to defeat Dean Ke'thun, but after hearing the two words that Dean Ke'thun looked at Trey and then uttered with difficulty, the people around him from the College Federation The expression on his face was far beyond shock.


As the deans of major magic academies, which one of these people doesn't know what the field represents.

Only those who can master the domain can be regarded as great magisters.And if you can't master the domain, then no matter how high your magic power is, no matter how many magics you know, you will be just a powerful senior magister after all, not comparable to a great magister.

Trey actually mastered the field?
Could it be that he has become a great magister?

Everyone can't and dare not accept this fact.

The youngest grand magister in history is the grand magister Fenol who founded Fenol Academy, and he was 47 years old when he became the grand magister.

Is this Trey even more genius than the Great Magister Fenor?To become a great magister at the age of obviously less than 40 years old?

In fact, they were all wrong. Although Trey could indeed release a small part of the domain, the size of the domain he could control was of no help to the battle at all.The reason why he was able to defeat C'Thun and make C'Thun mistakenly think that he became a great magister was actually because he used a very clever method to temporarily expand his domain dozens of times.

The consequence of doing so was that his magic power level suddenly fell back to the level of an intermediate magister.

Of course, only Lin Yuan, who discussed this method with Trey, and Vice President Capacci, who arranged all this, knew this, but no one else knew.

All the others know is the word field that Dean Kesuen said.

But someone wanted to ask Dean Ke'thun for details, but Dean Ke'thun kept silent about it.

So in the eyes of everyone, Trey really became a great magister. Although this is unacceptable, no one will doubt Dean Ke'thun, so this has really become a fact.

And just as Lin Yuan said, the Grand Magister on the Farinos continent is actually equivalent to the nuclear weapons of the original world. Most of the time they are used for threats, but they are rarely used.

Trey became a great magister in the eyes of everyone in this battle alone.And because of the addition of Trey, Feynor Academy once again has a great magister.

In this way, the status of Fenol Academy as the number one magic academy in the mainland has been confirmed once again.

As for the coercion of the Academy Federation before, it has become a laughing stock.

"Lin, do you really want to leave?" Trey looked at Lin Yuan at the gate of Fenol College, still asking unwillingly.

When everyone in the college was immersed in the joy brought by Trey's victory over Dean Kesuen, and even the sadness of graduation was diluted a lot, Vice President Capaci and Trey got an opportunity to make them feel happy. Extremely shocking news.

That is, Lin Yuan is leaving Feynor College.

"Trey, don't try to persuade me. I've made it very clear to you two days ago." Lin Yuan looked up at Feynor Academy again, as if he wanted to keep the situation here firmly in his mind. "Now Fenor Academy of Magic and Technology is on the right track. As long as you and Vice President Capaci manage it well, and cooperate sincerely with Amy Locke and His Majesty the Emperor, then Fenol Academy will gain huge economic benefits. And now the academy With Trey in charge, no one will try to bully us by force. Feynor College now has this double insurance, so I feel at ease."

"But Lin, you also know my real situation now, just in case..."

"It's nothing in case. If there is, do you think Vice President Capaci will make any arrangements? Are you right, Mr. Vice President?" Lin Yuan turned to Vice President Capaci.

Vice President Capaci nodded lightly: "Unless the other party dispatches more than a dozen senior magisters in one go, what else do we have to be afraid of at Fenol College?"

"Besides, even if there is any eventuality, staying here with my current strength is not of much use." Lin Yuan glanced outside the academy, and said: "On the contrary, it is the things I want when I go out. help even more."

Trey wanted to open his mouth to say something, but Vice President Capaci stopped him.

"Okay, Trey, don't say any more. I have known this kid for four years, and I know what this kid has decided. Even if the dean is still there, he can't change it, so it's useless to say more."

Vice President Capaci smiled, thinking of the past four years of working with Lin Yuan.Although Lin Yuan always liked to cause trouble for him, the help he brought to Feynor College was countless times greater than the trouble he brought.Among other things, the Fenor School of Magic and Technology alone is a huge fortune left by him.

On this point, Vice President Capacci, who also serves as the dean of Fenol School of Magic and Technology, knows better than anyone else.

"Okay, then I won't persuade you anymore." Trey sighed helplessly. "But Lin, you haven't told us what you want to do?"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "You will naturally know after a while."

After finishing speaking, he carried his simple backpack, waved to Vice President Capaci and Trey, turned and walked out.

In the distance, Shaluo was already carrying a backpack of the same style, waiting for him with a smile on her back.

The news of Lin Yuan's departure from Fenol College spread quickly, and those who knew the news had different reactions.

The members of the College Federation naturally gloated over this. Although they hated Feynor College, they were quite sure of Lin Yuan as a teacher, and they were very aware of Lin Yuan's great role in Feynor College.

Contrary to the people in the College Federation, those who care about Fenol College are very worried.

The loss of Lin Yuan in Fenol College is a great loss.

If Lin Yuan continued to teach at Feynor Academy, teaching the same group of students as Class [-] of the first grade every time, then within a few decades, the strength of Feynor Academy would far exceed any other magic academy.

But among these people, it was the students in the original Lin Yuan's class that didn't have any surprises.

Because they knew a long time ago that what Lin Yuan and Sha Luo had always wanted to do could not be done in Feynor College.

Sure enough, a month later, Lin Yuan's news appeared again.

This time, he and Shalo appeared together in a small town in the northwest province of the Kus Empire.

And they actually opened a magic academy in that small town.

This magic academy is also very different from other magic academy.

First of all, the courses opened have nothing in common. For example, the first-year courses do not divide students into departments for teaching like other magic schools, but include social knowledge, human geography, etc., which can only be taught at advanced magic schools. There are elective courses.

Even in addition to these, there are strange courses such as magic mathematics and magic analysis.

Secondly, this magic academy is all free!

If it weren't for the academy's limited enrollment, I'm afraid that the students enrolled in this magic academy would overwhelm the entire academy.

Another month later, everyone discovered that the classes at this magic academy were also very interesting.

Unlike other academies that let students meditate to accumulate magic power and study magic all day long, the teachers of this academy take students out of the academy almost every day, wandering around the small town, and sometimes even do some labor together.

This kind of teaching is naturally strange to outsiders, but when it falls into the eyes of the students in Class [-] of the original first grade, they all smile knowingly.

"Ms. Lin, is this just repeating the method taught us?"

So five years later, when the first batch of students from this magic academy graduated and began to apply for the major magic academies, everyone was surprised again.

There are a total of 130 students graduating from this batch, 73 of them were admitted to the three major magic schools, and 48 of them were admitted to Feynor Academy.

Originally, others thought it was because Lin Yuan had a good relationship with Fenol College, and these admitted students were just related households.

However, when these students entered Feynor Academy, they immediately showed superior magic application and learning abilities than other students.

This time, no one doubted the teaching of this magic academy.

Then, just as people flocked to this magic academy frantically, trying to let their children receive education in this magic academy, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo disappeared together.

Another month later, in a small town in the southwestern province of the Kus Empire, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo appeared together.

This time, they founded a school of magic again.

Everything seems to be a replica of last time, the only difference is that this time there is a sign on the School of Magic.

Hope Junior School of Magic
When someone asked why this name was chosen, Lin Yuan simply replied: "It means to give children hope."

But no one knew that when Lin Yuan came up with this name, he actually thought of Hope Primary School in the original world.

Another five years have passed, when the first batch of students from the New Hope Junior Magic Academy graduated and were also admitted to various advanced magic schools with excellent results, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo disappeared again.

Just when people were waiting for Lin Yuan and Sha Luo to appear again and start a magic academy again, the two of them returned to Wendno and started a business together.

But the name of this firm is also called Hope Firm.

What's even more weird is that the business of the Hope Firm is also different from other firms. Other firms are engaged in the sale and purchase of various materials, but the Hope Firm operates a junior magic academy.

After Lin Yuan and Shaluo opened this firm, more than a dozen Hope Junior Magic Academies suddenly sprung up in small towns across the Kus Empire.

The same scale, the same system, the same teaching methods.

These academies are basically replicas of the previous two magic academies run by Lin Yuan and Sha Luo.

It wasn't until this time that the elementary magics in the Kus Empire realized that Lin Yuan was simply stealing their business!
But even if they knew this, there was nothing they could do.

I hope that the junior magic academy not only does not charge fees, but the quality of education is far superior to those of traditional junior magic academies. As long as there is a child with magical talent, which one would not think of hope that the junior magic academy will receive elementary magic education.

On the bright side, it is not enough to snatch students. These junior magic academies want to come, but they find that Lin Yuan's background is extremely deep. Not only does he have the official support of the Kus Empire, but also stands behind the behemoth of Fenol Academy.

Even the great magister Trey publicly expressed his support to Lin Yuan, claiming that if he finds out who dares to harm Hope Junior Magic Academy, he will never let the other party go.

In this way, who would dare to do something secretly.

Therefore, it is hoped that the Junior Magic Academy will take root in the Kus Empire and develop rapidly.

In just 20 years, a total of nearly [-] junior magic academies have been opened in various places in the Guangkus Empire, and Lin Yuan even extended his hand to places outside the Kus Empire.

It is hoped that the firm will cooperate with the Amylok firm, which has become the leading large chamber of commerce on the Farinos continent by virtue of various magical tools at this time. Each opened [-] branch schools.

In this way, the three major empires on the mainland of Farinos all have the existence of Hope Junior Magic Academy, and with the drive of the three major empires, other small countries are naturally no exception.

Larger kingdoms usually have three to five families, and even very small duchies usually have one.

Twenty years have passed, and Hope Junior Magic Academy has almost become a landscape on the Farinos continent, and it is also the first choice for all children who want to learn magic on the Farinos continent.

However, while everyone was waiting to see how the hope firm would continue to grow and even unify the elementary magic education industry in the entire Farinos continent, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo made another decision that was beyond everyone's expectations.

The two of them jointly issued a statement, claiming that the number of Hope Junior Magic Academy had reached the goal, and that the Hope Firm would not open any new Hope Junior Magic Academy from now on.

They did what they said. After that, the Hope Firm really only devoted itself to strengthening the construction of the various Hope Junior Magic Academies, and never opened new academies.

Two years later, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo made another unexpected decision.

They actually announced their retirement!
The two handed over all the management practices of Hope Trading Company to their own masters, and then disappeared from the public's sight after announcing this decision.

According to the gossip, it turned out that Shaluo had been complaining to Lin Yuan. Since they got married, they had been busy with the affairs of the hope firm, and they hadn't even had a honeymoon. So Lin Yuan simply announced his retirement and traveled around Farino with Shaluo. Sri Lanka has gone.

As for whether this gossip is true or false, it is up to people to judge for themselves.

※ ※ ※

In the continent of Farinos, spring turns to autumn, winter turns to spring, and more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

April [-]st, for most people on the continent of Farinos, there is nothing special except that it is the first day of April, but for Finore College and people related to Finore College, But it is a very special day.

That's right, April [-]st is the founding day of Fenol College.

Every year around this time, Fenol College celebrates with a gala.

This year's April 350st is very different, because this year happens to be the [-]th anniversary of the founding of Fenol College, so this year's college festival is extra grand and grand.

"You two, do you have any invitations?" At the gate of Feynor College, the student in charge of welcoming guests reached out to stop a pair of elderly people and asked gently.

"Invitation card?" The old man was obviously taken aback. "Do you still need an invitation card to participate in the college festival? Why don't I know?"

The old woman next to her was also surprised, but she didn't question it like the old man.

"Old man, you haven't participated in the college festival of our Feynor College for a long time, right?" The student was not impatient, and explained: "Because more and more people have come to participate in the college festival in recent years, which has far exceeded The hospitality capacity of our college, especially this year is the 350th anniversary of the founding of the college, so there are more guests, Dean Fasno made this decision out of nowhere, I hope you can understand."

"The young man is very polite, what grade are you in?" the old man smiled.

"This year is the third grade."

"Not bad, not bad, you have the strength of a fifth-level magician in just the third grade, the young man is very promising."

The student was startled, he is indeed a fifth-level magician, but how did the old man in front of him see it?

Before the students had any reaction, the old man spread his hands to the old woman beside him, and said, "What should we do, Sara? We don't have any invitation cards."

Although the old lady is obviously not young, she can still see her past beauty in her facial features, especially her demeanor is exceptionally quiet, just standing there can make people feel calm.

Hearing what the old man said, the old woman gave him a blank look: "What can we do, Fasno must have sent us an invitation, but we didn't receive it." After thinking for a while, she said: "How about it, Lin, we Go into town and see if you can run into someone you know."

"It's such a trouble, why don't we just ask the young man to inform Fasino for us. Or should we just break in?" the old man said.

The student was startled. Seeing that these two people called Mr. Dean's name directly, they must be powerful magicians. If they really want to force their way in, it will be a big trouble.

"You two, you..." A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in the student's mind.What did they call each other just now?Forest?Sara?Could it be...

The student couldn't help shaking his hands, looked at the two of them again, and asked in a trembling voice, "Excuse me, are you Principal Lin Yuanlin and Mrs. Sha Luo?"

"Principal Lin?" The old man glanced at the student unexpectedly. "How did you recognize us?"

That's right, these two people are Lin Yuan and Sha Luo.

Since this year is the 350th anniversary of Feynor Academy, how could the two of them not come.

"Principal Lin, it's really you!" If it wasn't for the fact that there were other people around, the student would have yelled uncontrollably. "I came to Fenol Academy from the Hope Junior Magic Academy in Bergen City. We always remember your name, principal, when we were in the academy. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, I will meet you in person this year!"

Lin Yuan looked at Sha Luo and smiled, unexpectedly, the two of them have become idols in other people's hearts.

"Okay, don't get excited. Today is the 350th anniversary celebration of Fenol College. There are so many big names here. If you are so excited when you see everyone, how can you be responsible for receiving guests?" Lin Yuan teased.

"No, Principal Lin, you are different from your wife, I..."

"Okay, okay, since you recognized us, then don't waste your time, can we enter without an invitation now?" Lin Yuan waved his hand, preventing the student from expressing his admiration.

"Yes, of course! The dean should be in the dean's office at this time. You can go to him directly. I think the dean will be very happy to see you!" the student said excitedly.

Which of the students of Fenol College doesn't know that the current dean of Fenol College and the teacher of Fasno's great magister at Fenol College is the legendary Lin Yuan in front of him.

"Really? I haven't seen this kid for several years, and I miss him too." Lin Yuan smiled, and pulled Sara into Feynor College.

At this time, the Dean's Office of Feynor College.

"I told Fasno, this hasn't started yet, why are you so eager to pull me over?" Lilita complained to Fasno. "I have a project in my hand at a critical moment, and no second can be wasted."

Fasno looked at this old classmate who still had the same temper as when he was young, smiled and shook his head.

"You are still so impatient. Lilita, it's not like you don't know. I took advantage of today to invite all my classmates. If they don't delay, they should be here soon." Fasno looked into the mirror After taking a photo, I confirmed that there is no problem with his appearance. He will speak on stage in a while, so he can't be careless. "Is gathering with classmates less important than your research? And don't forget, even Teacher Lin will be here today."

"Ms. Lin will come too?" Hearing the news, the anxiety on Lilita's face disappeared without a trace. "you sure?"

Fasno smiled wryly: "I'm not sure. Although I sent someone to ask Mr. Lin about this request, and Mr. Lin agreed, but you also know that Mr. Lin may not really be able to..."

"No, Teacher Lin will definitely come." Lilita interrupted Fasno's words and said with certainty. "Fasino, have you forgotten that Mr. Lin has promised us things, but he has never left behind."

Fasno was startled, then nodded slowly.

"Indeed, Teacher Lin will definitely do what he promised us. Well, let's wait patiently for Teacher Lin to come!"

At this moment, the dean's office was opened with a creak.

"teacher LIN!"

When Fasno and Lilita heard the voice, they turned their heads like a whirlwind, and when they saw the face of the person clearly, they sighed in disappointment at the same time.

"So it's you, Vince." Lilita pouted. "Why, Hilda didn't come today?"

"She doesn't like places that are too lively." Compared to when he was young, Vince is now much more stable. "Why, why are you two so disappointed to see me?"

"We thought it was Mr. Lin." Fasno said.

"Oh, don't worry, I've received a message. Teacher Lin seems to have arrived." Vince said. "But before that, I want to give you another surprise."

"What?" Lilita just opened her mouth, but saw the door opened again, and a group of people came in one after another.

"Whoa, Shoney! Natasha! Hank..."

The people who came in were surprisingly old classmates from Class [-], Grade [-].

Lilita was immediately overjoyed. Although it was only half a year since the last class reunion held by Fasno, Lilita was still very excited to see these old classmates again.

When old classmates meet, it is natural to have a few pleasantries, and when they talk about the things they used to do in the college, they are always full of smiles.

"Why hasn't Teacher Lin come?" After chatting for a while, Vince suddenly complained.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, he doesn't often attend class reunions. He always says he's busy, so why is he so late today?" Larch still sang along with Vince in the same way. "It's ashamed to say that we should keep in touch with each other, he himself..."

"What's wrong with me?" A voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Everyone in the room was stunned, and then they realized that they were overjoyed at the same time.

Hank, who was closest to the door, opened the door. Outside the door, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo were looking at everyone with smiles on their faces.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then burst into cheers at the same time.

"teacher LIN!"

"Wow, Teacher Lin, you are finally here!"

"Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!"

It seems that I have returned to the days when I was teaching in Feynor College 50 years ago.

Lin Yuan hugged the students one by one, then smiled and said: "Okay, don't get too excited, and don't think about who you are now. Wouldn't it be too much for others to see this?" Disgraceful."

"Tch, what identity does not matter, in front of Mr. Lin, we will always be students!" Vince shouted.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, no matter how powerful we become, we are still your students."


Looking at the sincere faces of the students, Lin Yuan felt extremely satisfied.

What is the most important thing for a teacher, apart from being full of peaches and plums, is that these students must be promising.

And he did both.

With nearly [-] Hope Junior Magic Academies on the Farinos Continent, after decades, the students who graduated from them are now distributed in various places in the Farinos Continent.

And the only group of students he personally taught, all of them have made extraordinary achievements now.

In terms of the teacher's ideal, he is really satisfied now.

This time, Lin Yuan stayed at Feynor College for three full days, and the students of Class [-], Grade [-] also spent three days together with him.

In three days, they almost followed the track of the previous class.

And three days later, when everyone finally said goodbye, they were naturally even more reluctant to part.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuan's prestige of a teacher to order everyone to break up, I'm afraid many people would not want to leave at all.

However, Lin Yuan and Sha Luo, who left first, did not return to their home in the northeastern province of the Kus Empire. Lin Yuan took Sha Luo all the way south, and finally came to a valley.

"Look, Sara, this is where the teleportation array is." Lin Yuan pointed to the valley and said to Sara.

About Old Man Hawke and the others, Lin Yuan had told Sara decades ago, but today was the first time he brought Sara to this valley.

"Lin, Uncle Hawke, did they go to another world from here?" Shalo looked at the valley curiously.

Apparently no one has been in the valley for many years, and now the valley has been re-covered with a thick layer of soil, and the original appearance can no longer be seen.

Lin Yuan smiled, and with a wave of his hand, a strong wind rose from the ground.

After blowing for half an hour, a magic circle gradually appeared on the ground.

"That's it." Lin Yuan stopped, and pulled Sha Luo closer to the teleportation array.

Sara looked at it for a while, and asked curiously, "How does this magic circle activate?"

Lin Yuan laughed: "Only I can activate this magic circle. Watch it."

With a wave of Lin Yuan's hand, the surging magic power poured into the teleportation array.

Suddenly, what happened here 50 years ago reappeared.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the portal, Shaluo was taken aback.

"Walking through this teleportation array, did you arrive at another plane?"

"I'm not sure either." Lin Yuan sighed. "After all, I have never received a letter from Hawke and the others..."

Before Lin Yuan could finish his sentence, suddenly ripples flashed on the portal, and a white sheet floated out.

The two were startled, Sha Luo flew over to pick it up, brought it to Lin Yuan and watched it together.

Seeing this thing, Lin Yuan's whole body was shocked immediately.

This thing turned out to be an ordinary piece of white paper in the original world!

Could it be that……

There is only one line of words on the white paper.

"Lin, we're here."

Lin Yuan and Sha Luo looked at each other, they both recognized the handwriting, yes, the handwriting belonged to old man Hawke.

"Lin, it seems that Uncle Hawk and the others have really gone to another plane." Sha Luo couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes. "It turns out... the mixed magic of the four systems can really allow people to travel to another plane."

Lin Yuan looked at the white paper, but his heart kept churning.

This piece of white paper and the words on the white paper all prove one thing, as long as you pass through this portal, you can indeed return to the original world!
"Lin, what's wrong with you?" Sha Luo asked in astonishment when she noticed Lin Yuan's strange behavior.

Lin Yuan took three deep breaths in a row to calm down his excited mood.

He paused, then stared at Sha Luo intently, and said, "Sara, is there a story you want to hear?"

Sha Luo was taken aback: "What story?"

"In this world, there is actually no Eastern Continent..."

In this valley, Lin Yuan began to tell Sha Luo all his stories.

As for what Shaluo will think and decide after hearing this, he is not sure.

In contrast, there was a more important question before Lin Yuan.

It is indeed possible to return to the original world through this teleportation array, but should he go or not?
(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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