Professor of Magic

Chapter 42 Chapter 41

Chapter 42 Chapter 41

The sound of the huge explosion made everyone's ears buzzing, and dust and rocks fell from the sky one after another.

Lin Yuan is fine, because of the unique integration of offense and defense of Binghuoqiu, all the falling dust and mud are blocked outside.Carter and the people in the Fengxing mercenary group were much more miserable. Except for Carter who was fine with his grudge body, the rest of the people were all disheveled, and they could hardly see their true colors.

However, the small dirt pit originally created by Fiere and the others has now turned into a large pit occupying half the size of the street. As for the one-eyed rhinoceros inside... it has disappeared without a trace.

"Lin Yuan, you actually killed it!" Carter shouted angrily after seeing the situation in the pit clearly. "Don't think I'll let you go again today!"

"Let me go?" Lin Yuan sneered. "I don't know who was beaten to the ground by me last time? Besides, you dare to hurt my students, let alone whether you will let me go, I will not let you go first!"

The atmosphere in the air became more tense, the dark red fighting spirit on Carter's body became more and more intense, and the magic power in Lin Yuan's body was fully mobilized. It only took a moment for them to attack at the same time.

The students behind Lin Yuan had long been prepared for battle. They were already very upset at being so arrogantly intervened by the Fengxing mercenary group, but it was even more intolerable that a mercenary would do something to Natasha.

Feili stared at the scene with wide eyes, but she was not worried at all, but more excited.

As the princess of the Kus Empire, in the past, only people were respectful and obedient to her, and no one dared to do anything to her.Even if a teacher came to teach her magic, he was afraid of hurting her, so he was careful when teaching her.Growing up, she had never personally experienced a battle.

The current situation, although strictly speaking, is not a real battle, but in this hot atmosphere, it is almost the same.Thinking that she was about to take part in a fight, Fei Li felt more excited than nervous.


I don't know what it was that fell to the ground and made a light noise.

Like a signal, the tense atmosphere on both sides was instantly ignited.

Lin Yuan shot first, and a ball of ice and fire flew towards Carter who was on the opposite side.

Having seen the power of this purple ball of light just now, and thinking of the last time he was knocked out by Lin Yuan, Carter was immediately wary of this small-looking ball of light. Waving, spread two sword qi.

What Lin Yuan wanted was this effect. Seeing Carter back away, he waved his left hand, and a small tornado mixed with countless sandstones rushed towards the remaining mercenaries.

These mercenaries were not considered weak. Seeing the tornado rushing towards them, their fighting spirit exploded, and they jumped out, rushing to both sides of the street, trying to bypass the tornado and attack everyone.

Lin Yuan chuckled and shouted: "Students, hit me hard!"

All of a sudden, countless magical lights shining with various lights flew towards the mercenaries who had bypassed the tornado.

After all, magicians are a minority on the Farinos continent. Even if it is a war between two countries, magicians on the battlefield are precious resources. Generally, they will only hide behind the support of heavy soldiers and launch devastating range magic. Even curses.Ordinary soldiers have no way to come into direct contact with magicians.

As for mercenary-level battles, it is very unusual to see more than two magicians at a time.Even though these mercenaries had experienced countless battles in the Fengxing Mercenary Corps, they never faced so many magicians at once.Even if most of these magicians are still students and their level is not high, they are not something they can resist.

After opening the distance, a magician can handle a small group of fighters of the same level.

The fighter principles on the Farinos continent are not just mentioned casually.

Lin Yuan's first ice fire ball forced Carter away, and then the sandstorm tornado made the rest of the mercenary group detour, just to provide enough distance for his students.And when the mercenaries failed to rush to the students at the first time, they could only accept the fate of being bombarded head-on by magic.

The light produced by the collision of countless magic and fighting spirits lit up on the street, and the mercenaries groaned in unison, and hurriedly backed away with their heads in their hands.The magic coverage of these students is wide and dense, and there is no gap for them to pass through.

While throwing the water arrow vigorously, Fei Li carefully observed the movements of the students around her.

When I cooperated with Natasha and the others to stop the one-eyed rhino just now, although Fei Li is a level 2 magician, she found that her magic effects were far inferior to those of Natasha and the others.At that time, she thought it was just because she was not proficient in coordination, but looking at it now, it was definitely not a problem of coordination.

The student next to her, the slowest one, could throw three level 3 spells in one breath, but she could only throw two.Not to mention outstanding students like Fasno and Zorna, who threw level 1 magic with less effort than throwing stones, and without any movement, they could see fireballs, water arrows, and wind blades attacking the mercenaries one by one. Greeting to them, the speed was so fast that Feili couldn't even see clearly.

In addition to the speed of casting magic, the accuracy of these students is also amazing.

When Feili was learning magic, she saw a junior magister throw a few fireballs.But at that time, she thought it was nothing. For a magician, the accuracy of magic doesn't need to be so particular. Anyway, most of the time it is the powerful magic with high attack that determines the outcome.And these magics don't need to be very accurate, because once they are used, it will be difficult for the opponent to avoid them.

Because of this, Feili never cared about the accuracy when she used magic.

But now seeing the students around her doing this, Feili could only pay attention.With this attention, she realized that she missed one of the three magic spells on average, and her spellcasting speed was not as good as these classmates. As a result, her threat to the mercenaries in the end was not even as good as the level 3 firefighter beside her. Department of magician.

How could Fei Li, who was favored and arrogant since childhood, bear it.

Feeling anxious, she didn't care about anything, and started to use level 2 magic that was much more powerful.But in this way, although her magic power has improved a lot, the speed of magic power consumption has greatly increased, and she is only a level 2 magician after all, and her magic power is limited.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that the magic power will be consumed in a short while, and there will be no more fighting power.

Thinking of this, Feili became even more anxious.

And in this venue, there is another person who is more anxious than Fei Li, and that is Carter.

He was deeply regretting that he didn't listen carefully to what Lin Yuan said just now. If he started to notice that Lin Yuan said that he was with the students, then he would not dare to do anything now anyway.

Who are Lin Yuan's students?Those are the students of Fenol College, that is to say, they are all magicians.Although these mages are still very weak, they are still mages after all, and they can use magic.

But when Lin Yuan made such a move just now, Carter completely lost the opportunity, so it was even more impossible to fight against the opponent.As a level 7 fighter, Carter naturally understood the situation he was facing better than most people.


A mercenary next to him suddenly cried out in pain. It turned out that he finally couldn't hold on to his fighting spirit and was hit by a wind blade in the shoulder.Although the wind blade did not pose any fatal threat after being protected by the armor, it still left a small wound.

Seeing that more and more mercenaries couldn't hold on, Carter finally couldn't help it, and shouted to Lin Yuan: "Lin Yuan, are you planning to kill people on the streets of the capital of the empire?"

Lin Yuan chuckled, knowing in his heart that Carter was scared, but he didn't want to let them go, so he just replied, "Kill someone? Do I have one?"

He had just ordered the students to control the power of the magic well, and it would be fine to injure the other party, but not kill them.As for the injured mercenaries, the students did not continue to use magic on them.So now, most of the magic has flown to Carter who is still struggling.

Carter is also difficult to protect himself. Although he is a level 7 fighter, no matter what, he cannot last long under so many magic attacks, but if he asks for mercy, it would be better to kill him.

What made him complain even more secretly was that before he came, he had already greeted the urban management team nearby, saying that no matter what noise he heard, he didn't have to come.Originally, this was for their convenience in capturing the one-eyed rhinoceros, but now they didn't expect to be a cocoon.

"Carter, I'll give you a chance. If you hand over the person who pushed Natasha just now, I'll let you go." Lin Yuan shouted suddenly.

Carter's heart moved. It seemed that Lin Yuan was mainly angry because a mercenary pushed Natasha to the ground just now. If he handed over this mercenary, maybe he could really...

Carter immediately denied this idea. If he really did this, he would never be able to hang out in the Fengxing Mercenary Corps in the future, nor would he even be able to gain a foothold in the mercenary world.After all, no mercenary would trust a person who betrayed his companions.

Seeing that Carter didn't answer, Lin Yuan was not surprised at all. He sneered and said, "Okay, since you disagree, it's easy. Students, keep beating until they have no strength to resist. I want them to know that Fenol College The students are not casually provoked."

"Okay!" The students agreed loudly, and the denser magic than before crossed the distance between the people on both sides, and most of them flew towards Carter.

(End of this chapter)

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