Professor of Magic

Chapter 50 Lesson 49 Blackmail

Chapter 50 Lesson 49 Blackmail
"Tuk tuk tuk tuk..."

Early the next morning, Lin Yuan was awakened by knocking on the door like raindrops.

"Mr. Lin, get up soon, the sun is going to dry your ass."

The voice sounded very familiar, and Lin Yuan got up in a daze to open the door, only to find 3 girls he was very familiar with standing outside.

Natasha, Shoney and Zorna.

"Why do you..." Lin Yuan just wanted to open his mouth to ask, but found that the eyes of the three of them were very strange.

Looking down, it turned out that he was still wearing underwear when he was sleeping.Lin Yuan yelled quickly, slammed the door shut, picked up a piece of clothing and put it on desperately.

When the door was opened again, the three girls had already staggered from laughter.

"Ms. Lin, so you were really sleeping just now, we didn't bother you, did we?" Xiu Ni narrowed her eyes and smiled.

No wonder it didn't bother me!The little girls must have done it on purpose.Lin Yuan let them in bitterly, and then rushed into the bathroom with a towel.

NND, now there is no image at all.

Lin Yuan looked at his disheveled hair and disheveled clothes in the mirror, and couldn't help thinking sadly.What kind of majesty will there be in the future when students see themselves like this?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shouting to the outside: "Listen, you three, no one is allowed to tell what you saw just now, or I will kill the teacher to silence you."

"Hahaha..." The three girls who were still watching Lin Yuan's dormitory burst into laughter again.

Lin Yuan cleaned himself up depressedly, and went back to the living room to sit down.

"Tell me, what did you come to me early in the morning for?" After speaking, Lin Yuan couldn't help but yawned. He didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock yesterday, but now it was less than 8 o'clock when he was woken up by the students. Of course. "Isn't today the weekend? Why don't you get a good night's sleep and come here?"

Among the three, Natasha has a quiet personality, while Zorna is a dull gourd most of the time. Naturally, Xiu Ni, who has always been lively, answered this question.

"Ms. Lin, we are planning to go shopping in Wendnuo City together today, and we want to come to find you to accompany us."

Lin Yuan was stunned: "You three little girls are shopping together, why are you dragging me there?"

"That's right." Xiu Ni patted Natasha, and Natasha took out something that looked like a rotten branch from her cuff.Lin Yuan recognized it at a glance, this thing was obviously given to him by Hawke, and then he forwarded it to Natasha's Hydes exclamation. "Originally none of us had a magic wand, but when we saw that Natasha suddenly had a magic wand, we wanted to buy it too. But we haven't bought these things before, so we asked you, teacher, to discuss it. Teacher, follow along The dean has been around for so long, so he should be very knowledgeable."

Lin Yuan glanced at Natasha and felt relieved when she saw her shaking her head quietly to him.When I handed over the wand to Natasha, I told her not to let her reveal the origin of the wand. Now it seems that she faithfully carried out Lin Yuan's order.

Looking back at Xiu Ni who looked expectant, Lin Yuan spread out his hands: "What if I tell you that Master Dean never uses a magic wand?"

"How is it possible? He is a great magister." Xiu Ni said in amazement.But seeing Lin Yuan looking at him with a smile on his face, he immediately reacted. "Teacher, do you mean that the dean doesn't need a wand at all?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "The role of the magic wand is mostly to help the magician concentrate the magic power faster, and then use magic in a more comprehensive way. But there is a limit to the time for the magician to concentrate the magic power, even with the help of the magic wand, it is impossible Break through this limit. For the great magisters, they have already approached this limit infinitely during their long-term magic practice, so most of the wands are useless to them."

Xiu Ni nodded thoughtfully: "Teacher, then the magic practice you usually ask us to do is to get us as close to this limit as possible?"

"That's right." Lin Yuan said seriously: "Magic wands, after all, belong to external forces, and are not helpful to your own magic practice. If you rely too much on them, it is more likely to limit your level, and it will play a role in your own magic. reaction."

Xiu Ni and Zhuo Na glanced at each other: "Teacher, according to what you said, we should not buy wands anymore?"

"That's not true." Lin Yuan stood up and motioned for several people to prepare to open the way. "Although it is not good for the normal practice of magic, when there is a real battle, external force is very important. As the saying goes, people rely on clothing, magicians rely on weapons, and magicians who have no money to arm themselves, encounter real battles That's a dish."

No matter what, he has been here for several months, and Lin Yuan has a general understanding of the situation in Wendnuo City.After taking the three little girls to the magic item store in the North District of Windno, let them buy by themselves.

"Choose whatever you want, as long as it doesn't exceed 100 gold coins, I'll reimburse you, teacher." As soon as he entered the magic item shop, Lin Yuan waved his hand in a big way.

After the 100 hardcover books were sent out, Lin Yuan had an extra 1 gold coins in his purse, plus the more than 4000 gold coins received when the manuscript was auctioned off last time, Lin Yuan now has more than 1 gold coins in his hands. Gold coins, in this world, can be regarded as a huge sum of money.

He spent all day at Fenol College, so he naturally had nothing to spend money on, so he had long thought about spending the money on the students.Anyway, he has no relatives in another world, and the relationship between these students and him is already very close, and it is only natural for Lin Yuan to spend money on them.

Hearing that Lin Yuan was going to be reimbursed, Xiu Ni cheered and dragged Natasha and Zhuo Na into the store. She suddenly looked down on the ordinary goods outside.

Lin Yuan could only touch his nose, regretting letting Vince know that he was rich.The guy broke the news to the class almost immediately, and then got himself ripped off for a meal.

Looking at Xiu Ni's appearance now, Lin Yuan even suspected that they had already planned to kill him.

"Anyway, I'm rich now." Lin Yuan shrugged and walked around the store nonchalantly.

This magic item shop is the largest shop selling magic items in Windnor City, and it sells a wide range of products.From magic wands to magic scrolls, from ordinary fine gold to rare monster crystal cores, even the very hard-to-obtain Level 7 monster crystal cores have to be sold. Of course, what is the price... Even Lin Yuan, who has become a rich man now Seeing that, I still couldn't help twitching.

Originally, Lin Yuan didn't plan to buy anything. Common magic materials are available in Fenol Academy. Even if the academy doesn't have them, old man Hawke must have them in his laboratory.And what is not in the old man Hawke's laboratory, I am afraid that there will not be here.So Lin Yuan just wandered around with the idea of ​​killing time.

But after walking around for a long time, there were always shop assistants coming up to greet them warmly. Lin Yuan couldn't bear their enthusiasm, so he had to buy some random things to cope.

After going around like this for a while, Lin Yuan suddenly found a strange corner in the store.

As the largest and highest-rated magic item store in Windnor City, the classification of items here has always been very clear.Each item will be carefully divided, and then there will be detailed instructions, so there will be no confusion.

But in the corner before Lin Yuan's eyes, on a dilapidated shelf, there were countless unrecognizable things piled up in a mess.There are a few branches that look like magic wands, a few stones that look like crystal nuclei, and some things that look like dead animals, and more things that Lin Yuan can't recognize at all.

There were no customers in this corner. Although there was a clerk guarding him, he was completely different from the other clerks. Even if he saw Lin Yuan observing this corner, he didn't intend to come up to greet him at all.

Lin Yuan looked at it for a while, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward, and asked the clerk, "Excuse me, what is this place for?"

The clerk glanced at Lin Yuan, stretched out his finger and pointed upwards.

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of his finger and was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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