Professor of Magic

Chapter 57 Lesson 56 Wild Boar

Chapter 57 Lesson 56 Wild Boar
After eating with the students, the sporadic snowflakes had long since disappeared, and there should have been only the reflection of the white snow scene in the sky.

But at the place Ka Suotuo pointed at at this moment, in the gap between the ground and the sky, countless white snow powders flew up out of thin air.

This strange phenomenon and the vibration from the ground told Lin Yuan that there should be something extremely heavy running towards him at high speed in the distance, and there are quite a few of them, otherwise such a terrifying situation would not have occurred.

The students who were still skating on the ice also felt the vibration, and retreated to the ground one after another, gathering together to concentrate on preparations.

A moment later, accompanied by snow powder flying all over the sky, a large group of black things appeared on the other side of the reservoir with astonishing momentum.

"Is it Haifengtu?" Vince's voice was trembling and uncertain.

Haifengtu is a level 4 monster. If such a large group is all Haifengtu, then everyone here will be in danger.

"No, it's just an ordinary boar." In contrast, Fasno's voice was much calmer. "It's just that the number is too much, Mr. Lin, let's get out of here quickly, or we may get into trouble soon."

Lin Yuan nodded. There were too many of these wild boars. At first glance, he could only see a dense patch of wild boars, dyeing the originally snow-white ground into black soil.Although ordinary wild boars don't have strong attack power, they will still have some problems if they hit them head-on.

"Someone!" Just as he was about to lead the students out of the reservoir, dozens of figures suddenly rushed up from the side of the wild boars.They were all under the reservoir just now, but they were ignored by everyone.I don't know the reason now, but I ran to the top of the reservoir and was discovered by the students.

"Fasino, you and Lilita fly over immediately and let the group of people come to the ice." Lin Yuan quickly ordered Fasno, and then waved to other students. "The others follow me."

Lin Yuan took the rest of the students and slowly moved to a position near the middle of the reservoir, then flew up to the sky to take a general look, and called a few fire magic students to stop about 20 meters away from the shore.

"Leid, you go from the left, Zhuo Na, you go from the right, and cut the ice surface for me with a boundary of 20 meters along the coast." Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and threw a fireball at the ice surface, and found that although the ice was thick, But it was nothing in front of the highly concentrated fire elemental magic, so he nodded. "It's enough for the two of them to go, and the rest of them will follow me. When I speak, we will start bombarding the ice from where we are standing now, understand?"

Although they didn't understand what Lin Yuan was going to do, the students still agreed.

On the other side, Fasno and Lilita had already flown over to meet the group of people.After exchanging a few words, the group of people, led by Fasno and Lilita, rushed towards the location of Lin Yuan and his group on the ice.

As they got closer, Lin Yuan realized that the leader of this group was actually a young woman, probably not as big as Lin Yuan from her appearance.Of course, compared to the boys and girls behind her who are obviously not over 20 years old, she is still an adult.

"Are you all magicians here?" Before Lin Yuan could ask, the woman asked first.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment. The distance between the two of them was still close to 100 meters, but the woman's voice was as clear and crisp as it sounded in his ears.

Lin Yuan suddenly realized when he saw the pale golden aura emanating from the woman.It turns out that this seemingly young woman is actually a martial artist!
Like magicians, fighters on the mainland of Farinos also have strict classifications.Ordinary fighters are divided into levels 1 to 9, just like ordinary magicians are divided into levels 1 to 9.Like Magister, the advanced level assessment for magicians, fighters also have a higher-level title, that is, Martial Saint.

The magister's judgment is that he can master all the elemental magic that suits him, and has a certain understanding of space magic.In comparison, Wu Sheng's judgment is simpler.As long as the color of fighting energy in a fighter's body can turn golden, it proves that he has the strength of a martial saint.As for the higher-level Martial Gods, corresponding to the great magister, the color of fighting spirit has returned to its original nature, becoming transparent and invisible to the naked eye.

"I'm a teacher at Fenol School of Magic, and these are my students." Lin Yuan didn't have the fighting spirit of a woman, and he didn't have the time to use the magic of loudspeaker. He waited for her to bring the group of people behind her closer before answering. . "Go to the back soon, the students and I are about to break the ice."

The woman glanced at Lin Yuan, greeted dozens of boys and girls behind, and took the lead to run to the place where the students of Class [-], Grade [-] were.

Lin Yuan nodded approvingly for her unrestrained performance.

But when he turned his head and saw that the large group of wild boars had turned to the ice, Lin Yuan's relaxed mood disappeared without a trace.


Following Lin Yuan's order, several fire magicians released a wall of fire at the same time, connecting together on the ice, forming an ultra-long wall of fire nearly [-] meters long.

Although the ice surface was hard, it couldn't withstand the burning of the wall of fire. After a while, countless small "clicks" were heard, and the ice surface split neatly from the line where the wall of fire was.

Around here, Reid and Zhuo Na had already cut off a long piece of ice, which was connected with the ice that Lin Yuan and these students had cut off, causing a large-scale ice crack immediately.

Seeing that the ice cracked as expected, Lin Yuan flew up, raised his hands a few times, and several ice and fire balls flew from his hands to the cracked ice that was still a whole piece.With a few loud bangs, the originally flat ice surface immediately turned into countless small ice cubes.

The wild boars that had rushed to the ice had nowhere to hide, and as the ice cracked, they fell into the water with a hiss.The wild boars who were rushing at the back couldn't stop their feet in time, and they pushed and fell in a lot.

"Burst the ice with maximum firepower, don't let those wild boars come over." Lin Yuan instructed the students to continue roasting those ice cubes with fire, while constantly smashing the large ice cubes still floating in the middle with ice and fire balls.

But he still couldn't take care of it alone. Some more sensitive wild boars jumped a few times on the ice on the water surface, and actually rushed over this man-made obstacle.


Seeing from the sky that several wild boars had broken through the blockade and rushed to the side of some students who were still concentrating on burning ice, Lin Yuan shouted, and was about to throw out the wind blade to help.It's just that at such a long distance, he was not [-]% sure that he could kill those wild boars without hurting the students.

When he was in a hurry, a sword light suddenly struck from behind, and the wild boars didn't even snort, they turned into lumps of meat under the sharp sword light.

Lin Yuan took a closer look, but it was the woman who ran to the back just now.The students from Class [-], Grade [-] and the other group of boys and girls also rushed over after them.

These boys and girls are all holding long swords, exuding different fighting spirits, and they seem to be a group of fighters.

With the close protection of these fighters, the students in Class [-], Grade [-] cast magic even more unscrupulously.

At this time, the ice surface cut by Lin Yuan and the students has already turned into a light green water surface under the continuous barbecue of several fire-type magic students. A few traces of heat came out.

With this 20-meter-wide barrier of water, the wild boars could no longer rush over. As a result, they huddled on the opposite bank and became a living target for the students of the third grade of the first grade.

Fortunately, these wild boars were not so stupid. After rushing from other directions several times to no avail, they howled and retreated at the same speed as when they came.

Seeing the herd of wild boars disappear on the horizon, Lin Yuan fell down.

"You said just now that you are a teacher at Feynor College and they are your students?" the woman asked him as soon as he landed.

Only now did Lin Yuan have the leisure to look at her carefully.

Even in such a cold weather, the woman was only wearing a leather armor and knee shorts, revealing half of her snow-white arm and half of her calf.If it weren't for the long sword on her waist, Lin Yuan would almost have thought that she was also a fire magician.

She is very tall, even in front of Lin Yuan who is 1 meters tall, she doesn't feel short at all, and the close-fitting clothes further accentuate her tall figure.The whole person seems to exude a strong vitality, which makes this figure full of temptation.

Overall, it should be counted as a rare beauty.

Lin Yuan glanced at her slightly heroic face and nodded: "That's right, my name is Lin Yuan, and I'm the teacher in charge of Class [-], Grade [-] at Fenol School of Magic. They are students in my class." After looking behind the woman, those young boys and girls must be students as well.

Sure enough, the woman stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Teacher Lin, I'm Mia Till, the teacher in charge of Class [-], Grade [-], Harman Fighter Academy. These are my students."

The almost identical self-introductions of the two made Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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