Professor of Magic

Chapter 59 Lesson 58 The Great Educator Finol

Chapter 59 Lesson 58 The Great Educator Finol

The students next to them never thought that the two teachers were fine just now, but now they seem to be about to start their hands after saying a few words.He rushed up quickly, dragging one of them away.

When Mia's words hit Lin Yuan's face, he had already recovered his composure, but it was difficult to retreat for a while.Now that the students are fighting, he will step down.

Mia over there seemed to be aware of her impulsiveness. She didn't say much when she was pulled away by the students, but just stared at Lin Yuan viciously from a distance.

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at her, then at the nervous students behind her, suddenly smiled and said, "Hey, why are you always looking at me, I'm not as pretty as you."

Everyone was stunned, this Teacher Lin, his face changed so quickly.

Mia was also taken aback, her face flushed slightly.Under such circumstances, he naturally couldn't get angry with Lin Yuan, but he felt unconvinced when she asked her to speak softly. After thinking about it, he stomped his feet, greeted her students, and turned around and left like this.

The students in Class [-], Grade [-] stared at Lin Yuan dumbfounded, not knowing what expression to use.

Mia, who was still aggressive just now, was told by Lin Yuan to run away just like that.


The boys in Class [-], Grade [-] couldn't help giving Lin Yuan a thumbs up in their hearts. They could handle a martial arts saint so easily, but someone else might not be able to do it.

Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to what the students thought. The words that popped up just now were completely subconsciously spoken by him without thinking at all. After he finished speaking, even he was stunned.It is said that he is always a loyal, kind and honest person, how could he suddenly say such high-level words?It's really strange...

"'s getting late, we should go back to the academy." Being stared at by the students with such weird eyes, Lin Yuan also blushed slightly, coughed lightly, and waved his hands.


The small disturbance caused by meeting Mia did not affect the students' interest in skating, although the students followed Lin Yuan back to the academy because it was getting late that day.But early the next morning, Lin Yuan saw that they already had a pair of skates.

It turned out that they had already taken the shoe samples made by Lin Yuan to Wendno City to find someone to do them that night. After a whole night of preparation, the students in Class [-], Grade [-] could skate together the next day.A guy like Vince even prepared a pair as a spare, but was unanimously despised by other students.

Lin Yuan was not as free as they were, because before the students came to him, Katyusha had already brought a notebook for him to revise.

What was recorded in this notebook was actually what Lin Yuan had said to her.Lin Yuan himself forgot when and what he said some words, but Katyusha remembered them clearly in this notebook.

"Could it be that you are going to write a biography for me when you see me for the first time?" Lin Yuan couldn't help asking as he looked at the densely written notes.In any case, Katyusha's behavior is too strange.

"It's a personal hobby." Katyusha replied with a smile. "As long as I hear something that makes sense, I will record it, so that when I think of it later, I can look it up and understand a lot of things."

"I think you don't want to be a teacher anymore, it's better to be a role model for students."

"Do you need to say this? I am a good student with a comprehensive score in the history of Pamir College." Katyusha smiled and nodded her notebook. "It's better not to say such nonsense, and quickly take a look, is there anything wrong with my record?"

Lin Yuan looked through the notebook carefully, and found that Katyusha had almost recorded everything according to his original words in order to avoid errors.He even faithfully wrote down what he said that was slightly wrong, which shows that she really listened very carefully at that time.

This made Lin Yuan a little excited. The so-called teacher just hopes that someone can follow his teachings and develop. Since Katyusha is so serious about this matter, he should naturally help her.

Thinking of this, he began to point out some of the mistakes to Katyusha, and explained his thoughts to him in detail.

Of course, many of his ideas were too weird for Katyusha, a person on the Farinos continent, but after explaining, Katyusha still understood his meaning to some extent.Although it won't be clear for a while, since Lin Yuan can make the students in the third class of the first grade different, there is naturally his reason, and it won't be too late to understand it gradually.

"Actually, what I said is well known in my hometown, so it's not really a secret." Seeing Katyusha listening to his explanation so seriously, Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh.After all, there is still a big gap between the educational awareness on the Farinos continent and that accumulated over the years in the original world.

The reason why Feynor Academy became the number one magic academy in the mainland, I am afraid that a lot of credit lies in the special case of the great magister as the dean.In addition, in addition to this, the greatest credit should be credited to the founder of the academy, Fenor, the great magister, who has disappeared for many years.

If he hadn't created this academy by himself, and set some regulations that seemed strange at the time, but now seem extremely correct, Feynor Academy might not have the scale and status it has today.

In Lin Yuan's view, Fenol is not only a powerful magister, but also a great educator.

Before him, although all magic academies in the mainland also recruited students from the whole continent, the scope of enrollment was much narrower.

Before this, most magic professors were still at the stage of a mentor leading several students.

Because most magicians believe that the knowledge of magic is too profound, even if there is a teacher teaching it at any time, it is difficult for students to fully understand it.Therefore, every time a student is taught, a lot of time and energy of the magician will be consumed.If a tutor teaches too many students, he can't take care of it at all.

Therefore, when the School of Magic enrolls students, due to the teacher's restrictions, there is no way to recruit too many students.With this restriction, naturally only the most talented part of the students can be selected, and the remaining students who are not outstanding can only say sorry...

And the number of human beings on the Farinos continent exceeds at least one billion. In addition, there are elves, dwarves, gnomes... and other races, among which there are countless people with magical talents.And the number of students that the Academy of Magic can accommodate each time is probably less than one ten-thousandth of them.

This is a huge waste!
When Finor founded the Feynor Academy of Magic, he expounded the above points in the school's founding declaration, and said this sentence very indignantly.

Yes, this is a huge waste.

The number of magicians on the mainland of Farinos is far less than that of fighters. Although the main reason is that there are fewer people with magical talents, there is another reason that there are fewer people who can be taught magic.If these people with good magical talents can get guidance, then the number of magicians will definitely increase greatly.

After Finol founded Finol College, the first measure was to change the admissions system.

Because of Feynor's reputation, there were a lot of students who wanted to come to Feynor College at that time. At first, most of the students had no hope of applying, but Feynor unexpectedly accepted all these students.

The first batch of students of Fenol College has reached an astonishing 8000 students!

This number even exceeds the sum of the current students of all other magic academies in the mainland.

Fenol's actions not only shocked everyone, but also prepared those who hated him to see a joke.

More than 8000 students, according to past practice, at least 1000 teachers are needed.Although Finore had recruited many familiar friends to help him open the Magic Academy, and the Kus Empire also provided strong support, but when Finore Academy was in the city, the total number of teachers in the academy was only more than 100.

Judging from the history of magic teaching in the mainland, even if all these teachers were exhausted, it would be impossible for so many students to become qualified magicians.

Once again, however, Fenor surprised them.

Immediately after enrolling students, he made changes to the college's teaching methods.This new method does not seem unusual now, and it is also very familiar to Lin Yuan.That is the independent credit system currently used by Feynor Academy, or in other words, all magic academies in the mainland.

In the past, students learned magic and learned it step by step under the guidance of their instructors.However, Fenor changed this approach. He divided the teachers of Fenol Academy according to each elemental department, and then divided each elemental department into four levels that teach different levels of magic.

In this way, every student of Fenol School of Magic, when they want to learn magic, can choose the corresponding magic instructor according to their own magic level and progress, and listen to their lectures.Even if you have questions, you can find the corresponding teacher to answer them.

And because Fenol advocates open teaching and encourages students to communicate more with each other, there are many questions that don't have to be asked by the teacher. Often, students can check them out and communicate with other students to solve them.

In this way, although a teacher needs to teach many students, he does not need to spend too much time on the students except for the daily fixed courses.

As long as students can accumulate enough credits through courses, they can go to a higher-level tutor to study.As long as your talent is high enough, your understanding of magic is thorough enough, and you work hard enough, then your strength will improve faster.The whole study is more efficient.

(End of this chapter)

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