Professor of Magic

Chapter 61 Lesson 60 Invitation to the Magician's Guild

Chapter 61 Lesson 60 Invitation to the Magician's Guild

"Katyusha, we've known each other for so long, but I don't know about your family. I heard that you have a younger sister. I wonder if it's true?"

"How do you know?" Katyusha blurted out, and just after she finished speaking, her face changed, and turned into a smile in an instant. "Why, don't you mean that you look down on me and change your mind about my sister?"

Lin Yuan knew it in his heart, and knew that it was inappropriate to say more at this time.Judging by Katyusha's appearance, it was already very difficult to remind him just now. If you ask more questions, the relationship between the two may not be able to continue.

"Tch, I've never seen your sister before, what's your plan?" Lin Yuan gave Katyusha a white look. "Besides, how beautiful is your sister..."

This sentence immediately made Katyusha raise her eyebrows.

"Okay, after a long time, do you think I'm not pretty enough? Mother is right, men don't have a good thing."

After all, regardless of the fact that he was still in Lin Yuan's dormitory, he raised his hand and threw a few water arrows over.

Lin Yuan quickly opened the water shield to avoid it, thinking while hiding.Compared to Melissa, who was suspected to be Katyusha's younger sister, and Mia, the teacher at Harman College that she met yesterday, Katyusha was indeed far inferior.But that Melissa didn't talk about her, but Mia's personality was far from Katyusha's.When she is curious, she looks like a child, when she is impulsive, she looks like a street boy, and she usually speaks so straightforwardly. No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a normal girl.

If he was really asked to choose between Mia and Katyusha, I'm afraid most of them would still choose Katyusha.

This flirting didn't last long, and was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Huh? Early in the morning, the young couple were fighting and fighting. I really envy an old man like me."

"Old Hawk! When did you come back?"

Standing at the door was actually Hawk who had disappeared for almost a month.

Lin Yuan hadn't seen him for more than a month since "The Theory and Basics of Hybrid Magic" was finalized, and he thought he went somewhere to conduct magic experiments secretly, but unexpectedly he came back now.

After all, he was the first person he saw after coming to this world. Lin Yuan was really happy to see him now.

"Not long after I came back, I explained some things, and I'm leaving soon. I wanted to stop by to see you and tell you something, but I didn't expect... Hehe, won't I bother you?"

"Damn, I'm disrespectful." Lin Yuan cursed in a low voice, asked Hawke to come in and sit down, and asked, "What do you want to tell me? What else is there to make you leave in such a hurry?"

Hawk's eyes lingered on Katyusha for a moment, and then he said: "When Garrett came to make amends last time, he told me something, which aroused my interest. After telling Sargeras, he did the same. The two of us So we went to take a look together. I just didn’t expect that this matter might not be clear for a while, and he and I estimated that it would take about 3 months to get some clues.” After a pause, continue Said: "That kid Sargeras is alone, with no worries, of course it's easy to say. I'm different. I'm also the dean of Feynor College. If I leave for 3 months at a time, I have to come back and let me know."

"That is to say, you just come back and stay for a while before leaving?" Lin Yuan said in amazement. "3 months? Doesn't that mean you can't even catch up with the college's final assessment?"

"Cut, do you still need me for the final exam? You are a poor teacher as other teachers in the college." Hawke pouted. "The reason why it was set at 3 months is because the Continental Academy of Magic Competition will be held in 3 months. I promised to be the judge of this competition last year, so I have to go."

"Are you a judge?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up. "I heard that the rewards for winning the competition are very good. At that time, you have to blow the whistle no matter what, so that those rewards will be won by the students of our academy."

Although Hawke didn't understand what the black whistle meant, he understood Lin Yuan's expression. He rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think other magicians are blind? I want to... blow this black whistle, just I'm afraid that other people won't do it. But having said that, in this year's Feynor Academy Competition, your students performed very well in the first grade group. I think if there are no accidents, they should also have a good performance in the Mainland Magic Academy Competition. good achievement."

With the personal evaluation of the great magister, Lin Yuan felt a lot more relieved.

"And what are you going to tell me? What is it?"

"It's actually a trivial matter." Hawk touched the space ring on his left hand, and a letter popped out of his hand, which he handed to Lin Yuan. "This was sent to you by the Magician's Guild. It was originally sent to Capaqi's desk, but he heard that I was coming to you, so he asked me to bring it to you by the way."

"What will the Magicians Guild send me a letter for?" Lin Yuan took it in confusion.

"It should be asking you to assess the level of the magician. Hey, these boys know that you are my student, so they don't dare to put on airs." Hawke said.

Although it is only a small letter, it is very delicately done.

The envelope was sky blue with a gold border around it.There is a wand-like logo printed in the upper right corner, which is dark red.Around the logo is a circle of faint flame patterns, which means that the current president of the Magician's Guild is a fire element magician.

In the middle of the envelope, there are a few large characters that read... Lin Yuan found that he couldn't read a single word.

"This is in Scandia, which means to let you receive letters. These boys always like to use these things to show that they are knowledgeable, but they are actually naive." Hawke saw Lin Yuan's confusion, and explained with disdain road.

Dare to say that the people of the Magician's Union are naive, probably only a great magister with such a high status as Hawke.

Lin Yuan smiled and opened the envelope.

Fortunately, the content of the letter was written in the lingua franca of mainland China, and Lin Yuan could understand it.

The meaning is basically the same as Hawke's guess, because Lin Yuan has not rated the level until now, so the Magician's Union hopes that he will go there when he is free, so as to complete the rating.

In the past, when Lin Yuan was not well-known, it didn't matter if he was rated or not.But since the release of the hardcover edition of "The Theory and Basics of Hybrid Magic", almost everyone on the continent who cares about magic knows the name Lin Yuan, and also knows that this name is listed alongside the two great magisters.Such a person has not yet been rated, and it is inevitable that people will say that the Magician's Union is negligent. This invitation is just to stop everyone's mouth.

Of course, the latter paragraph is Lin Yuan's guess.

In addition to this accident, the Magician's Union has another request, or request.I hope that Lin Yuan can stay at the headquarters of the Magicians Guild for a few more days, because the union is also very interested in his mixed magic, and hopes to have some discussions on this.

As for what to do, the letter didn't say clearly, it seems that you have to go to the Magician's Union to find out.

"This group of boys is like this. They like to mess with everything." After Lin Yuan handed the letter to Hawke, Hawke made such a comment. "But you don't have to worry about it. It's good to let you judge the grade, at least it will be more convenient in the future. As for the other can do it if you want to, or refuse if you don't want to."

Old man Hawke took it for granted.He naturally has the strength to say such things, but Lin Yuan can't do it, at least not now.

But with the support of the old man Hawke, Lin Yuan can be tougher.

It's the pleasure of a fox pretending to be a tiger.Lin Yuan sighed and turned to Katyusha, who had been silent all the time, and asked, "Katyusha, when you went to assess the grades, what did you mainly ask you to do?"

Katyusha was looking at the old man Hawke thoughtfully, when she heard Lin Yuan's question, she was taken aback for a moment before answering: "It's very simple, usually you will test your magic power first, and then let you use all the magic power. The highest level of magic you have mastered, determine whether you can use this level of magic, if you can, then you can be rated as a magician of this level."

Lin Yuan nodded, it seems that this assessment will not take him much time.Although Finnish City, where the headquarters of the Magician's Union is located, is more than 1000 miles away, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth.But overall, it's acceptable.

Just thinking about whether to wait for the winter vacation to find a time to go, the old man Hawke has already stood up.

"I have to go. That boy Sargeras must be waiting impatiently. Lin, this assessment is not important, and you don't need to take it too seriously. Just go when you want to go. But your students can't delay, I In the past few months, you continue to teach well, and strive to get a good result in the first-year group in the Continental Academy of Magic Competition next year."

Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing. Although the old man Hawke is quite old, and he is still a great magister, his competitive heart has not changed.

"Don't worry, they are my students, of course I will make them outstanding."

"That's good. I'm leaving. I'll see you at the Continental Academy of Magic Competition in three months." Hawke nodded, and disappeared in a flash.

Lin Yuan lost his mind for a while, stuffed the letter in his pocket, and turned to look at Katyusha.Suddenly raised his hands, several small fireballs, water arrows, wind blades and clods flew over, and shouted in his mouth: "I told you to attack me just now, and watch me counter-attack!"

Katyusha quickly propped up the water shield to block it, and did not show weakness, throwing several water polo back in a row.

So in the early morning of this Sunday, there was another bunch of weird crackling sounds in Lin Yuan's dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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