Professor of Magic

Chapter 65 Chapter 64

Chapter 65 Chapter 64
"Mr. Lin, I heard...the dean of Reynolds College once wanted to invite you to work at Reynolds College. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Katyusha.

When the dean of Renault College came to him, Katyusha was the only one beside him, so Katyusha must have told Sera about this.

Sure enough, Katyusha smiled and nodded at him.

Now Lin Yuan was even more sure that the relationship between Katyusha and this Sera was extraordinary, and suddenly felt a little depressed, but still nodded and replied: "That's right, Lord Serra suddenly asked about this..."

Serra smiled, and continued: "It is said that the conditions offered by Reynolds College are very generous, far exceeding your current treatment at Feynor College. I am curious, Mr. Lin, why didn't you agree?"

Is this a test?Lin Yuan spread his hands and replied, "If I tell you it's because I'm lazy, would you believe me?"

"Oh?" There was no surprise on Sera's face, but he said with great interest, "I'd like to listen to Teacher Lin to explain carefully, why is it because of laziness?"

"It's very simple. I'm a lazy person. Now that I'm staying in Feynor Academy well, I don't bother to change places."

"But you can get better treatment and status if you go to Renault Academy..."

"Is there any difference?" Lin Yuan interrupted Serra. "I admit that what the president of Renault Academy promised will give me better treatment and status in the Renault Empire, but to me, there is no difference at all. Money? I am enough, status? You think my current status is very low ?”

Serra smiled and didn't answer.

Although Lin Yuan is now just an ordinary teacher in Feynor College.But everyone knew that he had an extraordinary relationship with Dean Hawke-Firnas. In Feynor College, even the vice dean wanted to sell his face.Coupled with the excellent grades of the third class of the first grade he was in charge of, his status in Feynor College and even the entire Kus Empire also rose accordingly.

The "Hybrid Magic Theory and Fundamentals" released after that made Lin Yuan's reputation in high-level circles soared. Just because his name can be placed side by side with the two great magisters, it is enough to make anyone Don't dare to underestimate him.

With such conditions, he is indeed qualified to look down on Renault Academy.

"What's more, I have a group of lively, lovely and smart students in Feynor College. I have been with them for half a year. How could I just leave as soon as I said it?" Lin Yuan winked at Red and Xiu Ni. .

Xiu Ni couldn't help laughing, and even Red, who had always been sullen, showed a smile.

"Mr. Lin, are you coming to the Maginot Empire?" Xiu Ni suddenly leaned over and put her arms around Lin Yuan's arm.

"Oh?" Lin Yuan first saw a glimmer of hope in Reid's eyes, then saw Katyusha staring at him closely, understood, and said to Sera: "Master Serra, please invite me tonight, You want to invite me to the Maginot Empire?"

Sera shrugged with a smile: "I did mean that, but after listening to Mr. Lin's words just now, I dismissed the idea."

"Why?" It was not Lin Yuan who asked this question, but Xiu Ni. "Mr. Lin, my father will go to work in the Kuz Empire in one year, and I will go with him. I won't be able to see you, Mr. Lin, at that time. I will definitely not like other teachers, Mr. Lin , can you go with me too?"

Xiu Ni's coquettish tone made Lin Yuan's body crisp, and at this moment he could clearly feel two lumps of softness on his arms, which made him a little uneasy.

"Cough—" Lin Yuan coughed lightly, calmed down, and let himself leave Xiu Ni a little. "Red, are you the same as Xiu Ni?"

Red just nodded vigorously.

"Katyusha, you don't need to talk about it, I know..." Lin Yuan tapped his head. This Sierra is much more sensible than the dean of Reynolds College. He would think of using an emotional offensive, but why did he give up so directly? It's over.

"Mr. Lin's words just now have made me understand what kind of person you are. I don't think you will change your mind just because of a few people. Today, Katyusha, Reid and Xiu Ni The three invited them, but it was still useless after all.”

This Sierra really deserves to be a diplomat, and Lin Yuan couldn't help nodding with just a few words, but would a person like him give up his goal so easily?
"Of course, I can't invite Mr. Lin now, but it doesn't mean that I won't in the future. I am here to invite you, Mr. Lin, on behalf of the Maginot Empire. Whenever you want, you can come. I think, Teacher Katyusha and Reid will also welcome you wholeheartedly."

This surprised Lin Yuan a bit. Compared with the dean of Reynolds College, Sierra in front of him was more thunderous and rainy.They invited themselves, Katyusha and others with great enthusiasm, but in the end they just left such a sentence?

Perhaps seeing the confusion on Lin Yuan's face, Sera smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm very straightforward. I know that things are impossible, so I don't like procrastinating. This is not good for us. "

Lin Yuan smiled. Although he didn't know if what Sierra said was true or not, on the surface he did a very comfortable job, and it was hard for people to be disgusted with him. No wonder even people like Trey and him The relationship is so good.

Now that we have come to this point, the theme of today's banquet is considered to be over, and several people chatted for a while, and then bid farewell to each other.

Lin Yuan originally planned to go back to the academy with Katyusha and the others, but Xiu Ni saw that it was still early, so she dragged Katyusha to accompany him to go shopping, and Red also said that she had other things to do, but in the end, only Lin Yuan was left A person walked back alone.

Fortunately, Feynor College is not far from Wendnuo City, and taking a walk after a meal can also be used as a way to digest food, so Lin Yuan walked slowly towards the college.

As he walked, he thought about the two invitations he had received.

In comparison, the dean of Reynolds College seemed to be more decisive. He just saw the performance of the students in the third class of the first grade in the college competition, so he immediately came to him and offered such a generous offer.Although I was rejected by myself, I didn't show any bad behavior like getting angry. Instead, I gave him a flint stone that helped me a lot.

As the dean of Renault Academy, one of the four major magic academies, he is willing to be so virtuous and corporal. It is no wonder that Renault Academy has such a high reputation in a country that is not considered powerful on the continent of the Renault Empire.

Sierra, on the other hand, was much more cautious.It wasn't until the hardcover edition of "The Theory and Fundamentals of Hybrid Magic" came out, and many upper-level people learned that Lin Yuan was also involved in the compilation through various channels, and therefore noticed Lin Yuan, they didn't take any action.

But compared to Renault Academy, Sierra's action this time is more practical.First, Trey, an intermediate magister, was used to treat the guests, and then Katyusha and the other three were invited to use emotional offensives. Obviously, he had done some research on him.

In the end, although Lin Yuan didn't agree, Sera was able to express her thoughts cleanly without forcing.So it left a good impression in Lin Yuan's heart...

wrong!Lin Yuan's heart suddenly moved. The expression on Serra's face did not change at all before and after expressing his abandonment of inviting Lin Yuan now.Although as a diplomat of the empire, it is a basic skill to control one's expression, but it shouldn't make any difference.

Did he just want to express his wishes at the beginning?If it's just for this, it would be too extravagant to spend so much effort.


Lin Yuan stopped suddenly, and a magic shield emitting purple light appeared in front of him.

"Ding Ding-"

There were a few crisp sounds, but it was the sound of a few nail-like things falling to the ground.

Lin Yuan looked around, and found that he was walking while thinking about things, and unknowingly, he had already arrived outside Wendnuo City.

Originally, there was a specially built road from Wendnor City to Feynor College, and there were people coming and going even at night.But because Lin Yuan was walking back, he took a shortcut near the river.There are far fewer people on this road, and there are woods beside it, so it is naturally much cleaner.

Of course, it's even more convenient. Someone is ambushing.

"Who?" Lin Yuan shouted in a deep voice.

The two nail-like things that flew out just now were fast and fast. If he hadn't suddenly felt the fluctuation of the air element, and the modified magic power was more convenient to use, then the magic shield would not have been supported in such a timely manner.Maybe by now he was nailed to those two things.

The woods remained still, for a northerly wind blew softly, whining among the bare branches.

"Come out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Yuan knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, because he had to guard against sneak attacks from unknown sources, so he kept the magic shield in an all-round 360-degree state.This state can't last long with his magic power.

With a thought, Lin Yuan stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the ground around his body suddenly lifted out of thin air, and then a gust of wind swept over, and the originally connected earth wall turned into dense soil particles of different sizes.

Lin Yuan moved his right hand again, and the soil particles suspended in the air flew out in all directions immediately.

"Dong dong..."

The muffled sound of particles hitting the tree trunk was as dense as the beating of war drums.

Lin Yuan clearly heard a few muffled groans, and his heart trembled.

There are at least 5 people ambushing him!
As soon as the thought came to an end, a dark red light flashed out of nowhere in the woods, heading straight towards Lin Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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