Professor of Magic

Chapter 67 Lesson 66 High Jump

Chapter 67 Lesson 66 High Jump
"Today is the first physical education class of our third class in the first grade, and it is also the first physical education class of Fenol College, and even the first physical education class in the entire Farinos continent. Dear students, do you feel that Are you proud?" Lin Yuan asked loudly as he looked at the neatly lined students in the field with a smile on his face.

The students answered blankly.

Seeing Old Duck leaning against the wall of the warehouse and looking at the situation here, Lin Yuan frowned, and shouted: "Hey, didn't you have lunch? Why are you so depressed? Let me tell you, you are fortunate to participate in such a You should be excited about important and great things. Maybe you will be the most important names in the sports history of the mainland.”

The students continued to be at a loss.

After a while, Vince raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Lin, you have been talking for a long time, but you haven't told us what physical education is?"

"Ah?" Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.

Only then did he remember, because the stadium was finally completed quickly under his urging and heavy rewards, so he immediately brought the students here and announced that he would have a physical education class.But in the past few days, I have been busy tossing the stadium, but I have never explained it clearly to the students.

Lin Yuan could only smile awkwardly, rubbed his nose and said, "Actually, the physical education class is also simple, just to let you have time to exercise together. Do you remember what I told you in the mercenary union? Want to become a big devil Teacher, the most important thing is to live a long time. And if you want to live a long time, you must have a good body. Otherwise, you will die of illness at a young age, even if you are more talented than Fenor, it is impossible to become a great magister."

"Ms. Lin, after hearing what you said, I feel that physical education class is terrible." Xiu Ni muttered in a low voice.

"Haha..." The other students couldn't help laughing.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile, but quickly kept his face straight.

"What's so scary. I'm just telling you that it's a good thing to take physical education classes to make your body healthier. And... physical education classes are very fun, and you'll know after a few sessions."

This Lin Yuan is very confident. In the previous school, students were asked which course was the most popular, and the physical education class was guaranteed to be far ahead.When Lin Yuan himself was a student, he also ran very fast as soon as he arrived in physical education class, for fear that if he went late, he would lose a few minutes.

The students were still dubious about Lin Yuan. After all, they had the impression that they came to the Magic Academy to learn magic, and this physical education class did not seem to have anything to do with magic anyway.

"Then... Teacher Lin, what should we do?"

Lin Yuan smiled and spit out two words: "Run around."


The voices of the students were both disappointed and dissatisfied. They were looking forward with joy to what new and interesting things Teacher Lin would bring them this time, but they didn’t expect to start running.

Since Lin Yuanlai was in charge of their third class in the first grade, their regular course every morning was to run around the college first.

After persisting for such a long time, everyone's health has improved a lot, and running laps every morning is no longer torture, and can be completed easily.But such a boring thing as running is really not fun. If it weren't for Lin Yuan, it would be very prestigious to them, and many people might have stopped running long ago.

"Ah, what, they all started running. Seeing the circle drawn by the white line, they all ran two laps according to this and then came back."

The students had no choice but to dawdle and start running around the playground.

Lin Yuan began to think about how to take this physical education class.These days I always think about taking physical education classes, I want to take physical education classes, but I haven't even thought about how to take physical education classes. Fortunately, I have the experience of the original world as a base, and now I have a little bit of confidence.

After thinking for a while, after the students came back after two laps, Lin Yuan basically decided what to do.

"Actually, running is just a warm-up." After running two laps around the 400-meter standard field, even the students with the weakest physical strength can only pant slightly. It can be seen that their physical fitness has improved after a period of morning running. few. "You must remember that before any exercise, you must warm up first, so that your body will not cause problems in the next exercise."

"Now that you've finished warming up, let's start class."

Lin Yuan explained to Old Dake beside him, and asked him to take out a thick mat from the warehouse and put it in the middle of the playground, then took three poles, put two in front of the mat, and tied two sticks to the poles. A small iron piece is used as a bracket, and another pole is placed on top of it.

That's right, it's a humble jump setup.

After finishing all this, Lin Yuan moved to lie down on the mat and bounced it twice to make sure that the elasticity of the mat was suitable. Then he stood up under the strange eyes of the students, pointed to the pole and said: "With this horizontal bar as the boundary, You have to find a way to jump over it." After a pause, he added: "You can't use magic, and you can't knock down this crossbar at the same time, otherwise it will be considered a failure."

The students looked at the pole and pondered.

This horizontal bar is not tall, but it is not short. It is about the position of Qi Linyuan's navel, a little over 1 meter above the ground.If they have the physical education experience of the students in the original world, it will not be a problem to skip it.But when they first came into contact with it, they didn't know how to jump at all. After all, it was difficult for them not to hit the crossbar while jumping over.

"Let me try." After waiting for a while, Vince came out.

He ran up a few steps, and suddenly jumped up in front of the crossbar, with his legs retracted, wanting to cross directly.

But he didn't choose a good jumping position, and when his body reached the top of the bar, he was already past the highest point, and the tiptoes hanging below brought him to the bar.


Together with the crossbar, Vince fell heavily on the mat.

After getting up amidst the good-natured laughter of his classmates, Vince scratched his head and said, "If only my feet could be shorter."

"Okay, let me cut it off." Lin Yuan made fun of it, but he didn't intend to tell them the trick.

From his first day as a teacher in the original world, Lin Yuan has always paid great attention to cultivating students' independent thinking ability.

For students, it is far better to tell them knowledge directly than to let them learn to think.Teaching knowledge may allow them to achieve results for a while, but it will not benefit their future development.

In the teaching system in the original world, it was precisely because most people were not aware of this problem, or even if they were aware of it, they did not correct it. As a result, a bunch of useless people with high scores and low abilities were taught in the end.

In this world, he only needs to think about the third class of the first grade, and naturally he will not allow these students to become like that.

Although Vince failed the first jump, it got off to a head start.Immediately afterwards, many students came up and tried it, and the methods they came up with can be said to be strange.

Some wanted to jump straight over like Vince, some wanted to fly sideways, and some wanted to go through it like a swordfish...

In a short period of time, Lin Yuan saw dozens of jumping methods, which even reminded him of the development history of high jump. Could it be that there were so many strange postures during the development of high jump?

Although the posture was strange, many students did jump over it, after all, the height is not high.

Lin Yuan waited for them to jump over, then walked over and raised the crossbar a bit.

"Mr. Lin, you are a rascal, why can you still adjust it up?"

Lin Yuan chuckled: "High jump, high jump, isn't it just jumping higher than anyone else?" After speaking, he stepped aside and continued to watch the students perform.

After raising the height again, some students were stumped again.

For example, the frog pose adopted by Vince seems outdated in the face of higher altitudes.It was already very difficult to jump over, but now as soon as the height was increased, the feet would fall down repeatedly like weighing weights and pull down the crossbar.

After several consecutive tests and still failed, Vince had to step back and think hard.

Other students also began to experiment. After experimenting in this way, several methods were finally found to be better, and the students all adopted these methods uniformly.

But as the crossbar is raised a little bit, some methods are not easy to use.Fortunately, at this time, some students will come up with new methods, and after experiments, they will slowly discard the chaff and save the chaff.

Lin Yuan watched them continue to discuss, experiment, discuss again, experiment again... couldn't help laughing.

This is what he wants.

On the mainland of Farinos, most of the people who conduct magic research and innovation are those magicians who have reached a very high level, because low-level magicians are too busy learning magic and have no time to study.

Although this ensures the "stable output" of magicians, it makes young magicians in the magic apprenticeship stage lose the spirit of research and exploration, and makes it impossible for magic research to develop further.

This also indirectly caused Hawke and Sargeras to be so surprised and happy when they saw Lin Yuan's mixed magic.

What Lin Yuan has to do is to constantly arouse these students' desire for exploration, and re-cultivate their research spirit that is about to be wiped out.

He had also talked about these ideas with Katyusha before, and he had subtly influenced them in his usual lectures to the students in Class [-], Grade [-].And just now when he was thinking about how to teach physical education, he had an idea, and combined the combination of physical education and this educational idea, he did a small experiment.

So far, the experiment appears to be working well.

After all, these students are young people. Facing the ever-rising obstacle of the crossbar, it is easy to arouse their competiveness, which makes them work hard to study the method of conquering the crossbar.

More importantly, let them learn to use collective wisdom to improve efficiency.

Undoubtedly, these students are smart.

(End of this chapter)

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